Other articles:
Dec 30, 2008 . Unit testing with NUnit is deeply integrated into Mono. The Mono code itself uses
NUnit 2.5.10 is the current production release. The following types of . for the
Jun 30, 2007 . The NUnit Converter was written for developers with an existing C# or VB.NET
We will be using nUnit for our examples. For more information, see nUnit and
Mar 14, 2008 . NUnit 2.4 has a set of extension points that allow you to hook into the framework
NUnit brings xUnit-style unit-testing to all .Net languages. We no longer host our
Apr 27, 2010 . Some while ago, I've ported NUnit to Silverlight; that post has been a follow-up to
Mar 27, 2011 . Microsoft Visual C# Express is a free integrated development environment for
Developing Automated Tests Using NUnit and VB.NET.
Nov 7, 2010 . From Unify Community Wiki. Jump to: navigation, search. You may see how to
An unit testing framework that is open source written in C#.
Jan 1, 2010 . Kamran Qamar introduces unit testing with NUnit and offers some best practices,
Jun 18, 2011 . Introduction to NUnit from www.kellermansoftware.com Covers * What is NUnit? *
Oct 18, 2011 . Testing which allows you to easily ensure all your NUnit tests run in partial trust.
You can pass arbitrary command line options to nunit-console, like this: . If you
Unofficial port of the popular NUnit unit testing framework for the Microsoft
NUnit/MSTest Dual Testing. Run your tests in MSTest and in NUnit. This is a cool
NUnit is an open source unit testing framework for Microsoft .NET. It serves the
The Spring Framework provides support for integration testing when using NUnit
Apr 29, 2009 . NUnit 2.5 has so many new features (see the release notes) that I thought I'd try
NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages. Initially ported from JUnit,
[nunit-discuss] After exiting for timeout the teardown method is not executed . [
NUnit is an open-source testing framework for .NET, modeled after other similar
Mar 24, 2007 . To start with you need to download nUnit. Once you have downloaded it install it
Feb 1, 2011 . Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 does not provide an easy way to run
39 links. Kiwidude's Geek Spot: Creating NUnit Projects Dynamically · 3 saves
Stop the war between NUnit and MSTest : Make them friends Note : this is an old
I installed NUnit 2.5.9 under VS2010 and would like to make it run with . Marcus
How to integrate NUnit with Visual Studio. . UnitTests, and added the binaries
<nunit>. (Deprecated). Runs tests using the NUnit V1.0 framework. See the NUnit
Automatically Create NUnit tests from your C# or VB.
Amazon.com: Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit (Pragmatic Programmers)
Running NCover on your NUnit tests is as easy as running it with any other
RowTest Extension for NUnit RowTest Extension is an NUnit Addin that allows
Nov 19, 2010 . Add support for NUnit to TFS 2008's Team Build so that your NUnit test results
Latest release. TestDriven.NET-3.2.2770 Beta 2 is available here. Supports.
Mar 15, 2011 . This plugin makes it possible to import NUnit reports from each build into Hudson
NUnit 2.5 has so many new features (see the release notes) that I thought I'd try
Jun 9, 2010 . For example, you could use any version of xUnit, MbUnit or NUnit and your
Feb 25, 2011 . This is an introduction to NUnit and TDD; Author: Dipti Mehta; Updated: 25 Feb
title: Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit (2nd edition), by: Andy Hunt and
NUnit is written in C# but can run tests written in any language that generates
Dec 1, 2004 . There's a lot of info out there on how to cobble together NUnit Unit Testing of ASP
NUnit.Should - Adds BDD .Should() assertion syntax to NUnit.
Selenium Two Tutorial using C#/NUnit and InternetExplorerDriver.
PNUnit or Parallel NUnit is a set of extensions for running and developing
May 6, 2011 . This plugin makes it possible to import NUnit reports from each build into Jenkins
Your NUnit tests can open a window and interact with the controls. Your tests will