Nov 6, 17
Other articles:
  • You can monitor your running NTP servers using the the NTP query tool, ntpq.
  • https://groups.google.com/d/topic/comp.protocols. /V2EgUYCSiaACachedSimilarApr 6, 2011 . Hi: I am running ntp on a fedora 12 machine. The time sync error/offset values
  • https://unix.stackexchange.com/. /script-to-check-ntp-status-and-system-time -syncCachedFeb 17, 2016 . I use ntpq for that. Here's some snippets and pseudo code. First, calculate the
  • https://www.freesoftwareservers.com/. /ntpq-p-output-explained-5406783. htmlCachedOct 12, 2016 . http://nlug.ml1.co.uk/2012/01/ntpq-p-output/831. There is more information in that
  • https://serverfault.com/. /how-can-i-compare-an-ntp-servers-time-to-my- servers-timeCachedSimilarJan 10, 2011 . ntpq -p ntp.ubuntu.com. From man ntpq : . -p Print a list of the peers known to the
  • inb4.se/post/2015-05-18-Understanding-ntpq-p/CachedSimilarMay 18, 2015 . The standard NTP query program (ntpq) is a utility program to get the current
  • https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/. /ntpq.htmCachedThe ntpq command queries the NTP servers running on the hosts specified which
  • https://access.redhat.com/solutions/256813CachedSimilarDec 7, 2015 . The ntpd service is running, but executing ntpq -p fails as follows: Raw. [root@
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  • Using the ntpq Command The following ntpq session uses two commands —
  • ftp://ftp.is.co.za/mirror/NetBSD/NetBSD-current/. /ntpq/ntpq.htmlCachedThe ntpq utility program is used to monitor NTP daemon ntpd operations and
  • https://www.linuxquestions.org/. /ntp-client-is-not-syncing-with-ntp-server- time-4175528722/CachedHi NTP client is not syncing with ntp server time. ntpq output ntpq -pn vncin3 ntp1.
  • https://supportcenter.checkpoint.com/supportcenter/portal?. CachedSimilarMay 5, 2011 . After configuring NTP Servers in CLISH or Voyager, the ntpq utility can be used to
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  • https://kb.vmware.com/kb/1005092CachedSimilarThe ntpq utility is not available on ESXi 3.x/4.x. To query an ESXi host's NTP
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  • https://community.hpe.com/t5/System. NTPQ-output/td. /3616538CachedSep 1, 2005 . Interpreting NTPQ output. Dear experts! I recently has a thread which permitted
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  • https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=ntpq&sektion=8. CachedNTPQ(8) FreeBSD System Manager's Manual NTPQ(8) NAME ntpq -- standard
  • The commands that can be used with ntpq are documented in the NTP . with the
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  • tech.kulish.com/2007/10/30/ntp-ntpq-output-explained/CachedSimilarNTP: ntpq output explained. October 30, 2007 Null 3 Comments. Host1:~# ntpq -
  • www.fifi.org/doc/ntp-doc/html/debug.htmCachedSimilarThe best way to verify correct operation is using the ntpq and ntpdc utility
  • https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K10240CachedSimilarMay 3, 2016 . If the local ntpd process can communicate, or attempts to communicate with a
  • To help verify that NTP is working, you can use the ntpq command utility. This
  • https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/325111CachedSimilarFeb 4, 2009 . Binary package hint: ntp Running ntpq with the -n (numeric) flag causes ntpq to
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  • https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/release-1.3/plugins/. /ntpq
  • https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=181370CachedSimilarIf you have the service enabled to start at boot using systemd and you try to check
  • https://rags.wordpress.com/2011/10/17/how-to-debug-ntp-issues/CachedSimilarOct 17, 2011 . Depending on the configuration, this process can take 5 to 10 minutes. To check
  • https://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/html/ntpq.htmlCachedSimilarJan 31, 2014 . The ntpq utility program is used to monitor NTP daemon ntpd operations and
  • doc.ntp.org/4.1.0/ntpq.htmCachedSimilarntpq uses NTP mode 6 packets to communicate with the NTP server, and hence
  • https://www.unix.com/unix-for. and. /105095-output-ntpq-p.htmlCachedI put the command below ntpq -p. I need your help to understand the output. I
  • https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=66&t. CachedSimilarDec 4, 2014 . Hi folks, I have two Raspberry pi's, both running Raspbian whch is updated
  • Description Use the ntpq command to query the current state of Network Time
  • https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19253-01/816-5166/ntpq. /index.htmlCachedJul 12, 2004 . ntpq queries NTP servers which implement the recommended NTP mode 6
  • https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-1039226-start-0.htmlCachedlocalhost: timed out, nothing received ***Request timed out # /usr/bin/ntpq -c rv
  • https://support.ca.com/us/knowledge-base-articles.tec573076.htmlCachedJan 23, 2013 . ntpq -pn timed out, nothing received ntpq -crv
  • https://access.redhat.com/solutions/234463CachedSimilarJul 31, 2013 . The ntpq -p command fails with an error, as follows: Raw. [root@localhost]# ntpq
  • https://manpages.debian.org/experimental/ntp/ntpq.1.en.htmlCachedJun 1, 2017 . The ntpq utility program is used to query NTP servers which implement the
  • www.frascati.enea.it/documentation/tru6450/MAN/. /0266____.HTMCached-i Forces ntpq to operate in interactive mode. Prompts are written to the standard
  • https://www.centos.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=29076CachedSimilarbut, when i type the command: #ntpq -p instead of show the list NTP server. its

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