Jan 8, 12
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  • Hi, I have a problem implementing a Read() with timeout. I have a TcpClient
  • Gets or sets the amount of time that a read operation blocks waiting for data.
  • 2010年8月21日 . sw.Write(msg); sw.Flush();. // 等候并读取回应信息 if (networkStream.CanRead) { //
  • null) { this.networkStream.WriteTimeout = this.readTimeout; this.networkStream.
  • When my server reaches step 3, the NetworkStream Read() method does not
  • WarezNET has all things you could want from an underground warez forum: fast
  • It sounds like you need to program around the case when you throw the IOException and ignore any received data. If you check out the method .
  • NetworkStream != null) return this.NetworkStream.ReadTimeout; return 0; } set { if
  • Feb 4, 2009. a NetworkStream object to receive data inpStream = rpClient.GetStream(); byte
  • Does anyone know what a -1 means as a Network stream read timeout? Console
  • NetworkStream.ReadTimeout Property .NET Framework 3.5. This member is
  • NetworkStream has properties for getting and setting the read timeout but I'm not
  • When you set this property, the ReadTimeout value on the underlying stream is
  • Oct 5, 2010 . The ReadTimeout property of that class seems to work only once. I create the
  • Hi, I have a problem implementing a Read() with timeout. I have a TcpClient
  • Hi, I have a TcpClient obtained via listener: let listener = new TcpListener(
  • Does anyone know what a -1 means as a Network stream read timeout? Console
  • GetStream()) { // set initial read timeout to nInitialTimeoutMS to allow for .
  • Hi, I am using the TCPClient and the NetworkStream classes to establish a TCP
  • NETWORKSTREAM READTIMEOUT - Page 7. Networkstream.
  • Thissomewhat makes sense since my ReadTimeout property is a member of
  • GetCurrent() it shows me the logged on user. Tag: .NET Framework Networking
  • May 15, 2007 . ReadTimeout = Timeout.Infinite; int readLength = myTcpClient.GetStream().Read
  • networkStream.ReadTimeout = (int)_serverInstance.Server.Settings.
  • I have tried various numbers for NetworkStream.ReadTimeout and
  • I have some C# code that reads data from a local socket using the
  • I have some C# code that reads data from a local socket using the
  • Oct 29, 2010 . NetworkStream ReadTimeOut doesn't wait for the time out period. Hi, I am using
  • Aug 28, 2010 . net4 TcpClient fails when NetworkStream.ReadTimeout is set. Hi, I have a
  • Name); networkStream = session.TcpClient.GetStream(); networkStream.
  • You must set NetworkStream.ReadTimeout, NEVER set TcpClient.
  • Nov 28, 2011 . Name: NetworkStream timeout on requests that require a lot of time . class
  • NetworkStream networkStream = tcpClient.GetStream(); // Set a 10 millisecond
  • Oct 12, 2007 . Does anyone know what a -1 means as a Network stream read timeout Console.
  • I seem to have successfully set the NetworkStream.Readtimeout because I can
  • Sockets, NetworkStream class for NET 2.0. . + > + public override int
  • networkstream.readtimeout = 100 then it threw an exception so i used try to not
  • May 19, 2009 . networkStream.ReadTimeout = 1000 ' 1 second timeout (can skip this if you like
  • NETWORKSTREAM READTIMEOUT - Page 4. Networkstream.
  • NETWORKSTREAM READTIMEOUT - Page 3. Networkstream.
  • Feb 20, 2006 . The best thing to do is to now treat the NetworkStream (socket) as being in an
  • System.Net.Sockets · NetworkStream; ReadTimeout. System.Net.Sockets.
  • Ok, despite I wanted to use a UdpClient, I implemented a TcpClient - it's simply
  • Does anyone know what a -1 means as a Network stream read timeout? Console
  • Visual Basic (Usage), Copy Code. Dim instance As NetworkStream Dim value As
  • Mar 26, 2006 . So, the problem is, the NetworkStream is a byte stream while the CryptoStream is
  • Gets or sets the amount of time that a read operation blocks waiting for data.
  • [Missing <summary> documentation for "P:GHIElectronics.NETMF.Net.Sockets.
  • Oct 18, 2010 . GetBytes(messageSent + "\r\n"); Byte[] bytesReceived = new Byte[256];
  • ReceiveBufferSize Dim Data(Buffersize - 1) As Byte If networkStream.

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