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Hi, I have a problem implementing a Read() with timeout. I have a TcpClient
Gets or sets the amount of time that a read operation blocks waiting for data.
2010年8月21日 . sw.Write(msg); sw.Flush();. // 等候并读取回应信息 if (networkStream.CanRead) { //
null) { this.networkStream.WriteTimeout = this.readTimeout; this.networkStream.
When my server reaches step 3, the NetworkStream Read() method does not
WarezNET has all things you could want from an underground warez forum: fast
It sounds like you need to program around the case when you throw the IOException and ignore any received data. If you check out the method .
NetworkStream != null) return this.NetworkStream.ReadTimeout; return 0; } set { if
Feb 4, 2009. a NetworkStream object to receive data inpStream = rpClient.GetStream(); byte
Does anyone know what a -1 means as a Network stream read timeout? Console
NetworkStream.ReadTimeout Property .NET Framework 3.5. This member is
NetworkStream has properties for getting and setting the read timeout but I'm not
When you set this property, the ReadTimeout value on the underlying stream is
Oct 5, 2010 . The ReadTimeout property of that class seems to work only once. I create the
Hi, I have a problem implementing a Read() with timeout. I have a TcpClient
Hi, I have a TcpClient obtained via listener: let listener = new TcpListener(
Does anyone know what a -1 means as a Network stream read timeout? Console
GetStream()) { // set initial read timeout to nInitialTimeoutMS to allow for .
Hi, I am using the TCPClient and the NetworkStream classes to establish a TCP
Thissomewhat makes sense since my ReadTimeout property is a member of
GetCurrent() it shows me the logged on user. Tag: .NET Framework Networking
May 15, 2007 . ReadTimeout = Timeout.Infinite; int readLength = myTcpClient.GetStream().Read
networkStream.ReadTimeout = (int)_serverInstance.Server.Settings.
I have tried various numbers for NetworkStream.ReadTimeout and
I have some C# code that reads data from a local socket using the
I have some C# code that reads data from a local socket using the
Oct 29, 2010 . NetworkStream ReadTimeOut doesn't wait for the time out period. Hi, I am using
Aug 28, 2010 . net4 TcpClient fails when NetworkStream.ReadTimeout is set. Hi, I have a
Name); networkStream = session.TcpClient.GetStream(); networkStream.
You must set NetworkStream.ReadTimeout, NEVER set TcpClient.
Nov 28, 2011 . Name: NetworkStream timeout on requests that require a lot of time . class
NetworkStream networkStream = tcpClient.GetStream(); // Set a 10 millisecond
Oct 12, 2007 . Does anyone know what a -1 means as a Network stream read timeout Console.
I seem to have successfully set the NetworkStream.Readtimeout because I can
Sockets, NetworkStream class for NET 2.0. . + > + public override int
networkstream.readtimeout = 100 then it threw an exception so i used try to not
May 19, 2009 . networkStream.ReadTimeout = 1000 ' 1 second timeout (can skip this if you like
Feb 20, 2006 . The best thing to do is to now treat the NetworkStream (socket) as being in an
System.Net.Sockets · NetworkStream; ReadTimeout. System.Net.Sockets.
Ok, despite I wanted to use a UdpClient, I implemented a TcpClient - it's simply
Does anyone know what a -1 means as a Network stream read timeout? Console
Visual Basic (Usage), Copy Code. Dim instance As NetworkStream Dim value As
Mar 26, 2006 . So, the problem is, the NetworkStream is a byte stream while the CryptoStream is
Gets or sets the amount of time that a read operation blocks waiting for data.
[Missing <summary> documentation for "P:GHIElectronics.NETMF.Net.Sockets.
Oct 18, 2010 . GetBytes(messageSent + "\r\n"); Byte[] bytesReceived = new Byte[256];
ReceiveBufferSize Dim Data(Buffersize - 1) As Byte If networkStream.