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Dec 8, 2006 . Put in any name and it will find you a brand new nerdy name, with title and all!
Bonus points for computer-nerdy/geeky/punny/cult-tv/music/band names - if it
(Heh, you already said his name was Harold. XD I like the name Harold for a nerd
Some people love girl nerds and others loathe them. Regardless of your .
So I know we're not all nerds in the general sense, but I need a really nerdy team
Nov 8, 2010 . Nerdy Names. It's been a long time since I've had a puppy in my house. The
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Dog Names image . Find the perfect name for your pet .
What to Name Your Baby Nerd. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P .
All, Titles, TV Episodes, Names, Companies, Keywords, Characters, Videos,
ok so my family recently got some new pets (a new kitten and two turtles), and
Mar 2, 2010 . *In case you're not name-nerdy enough to know this, Michael Shackelford was
What to Name Your Baby Nerd. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P .
A few friends are running a marathon and we're having a hard time thinking of a
Jan 19, 2011 . Plus random nerds would correct it all the time. :). reply. 10. January 19, 2011 12:
Nerd Names Corporation. Features, reviews, ratings. FindTheBest Domain Name
Jackson isn't nerdy sounding to me, and I don't like it. Simon is nms either, but I
Nerd Name Generator. by Zach Beane. Full Name: Male Female.
I need a nerdy name for my chili recipe. It's going to be fairly hot (4/5 on a very
Top questions and answers about Nerdy Names. Find 154 questions and
Girls: Alpha, I can't imagine growing up with this one. Would you name her .
Jul 5, 2008 . give me some really nerdy guy names like Winston a…
So I know we're not all nerds in the general sense, but I need a really .
Names for Grandparents. Name Nerds main. With Baby Boomers becoming .
nerdy (names to concept). mar 29 2011 ∞ jul 6 2011 + .
Coming up with nerdy puppy names is rather exciting. image. Also screw the fact
Mar 12, 2009 . Went bowling tonight for first time in over a decade. My scores were 82, 41, 46,
Trillian might be the most space-like of all the Nerd Baby Names. If you're
May 18, 2007 . kraig, oscar, gordan, eric, Undecided, None of the above.
They often study and get straight A's. Common baby nerd names are Donald,
Her real name is never mentioned in the series, is revealed in most scripts as .
Oct 21, 2011 . Tags:: I am a proud crazy cat lady, kittens, loss, nerdy names, new beginnings,
Find the best name for your bulldog. Nerdy and delicate names like Irving,
14 hours ago . But nerdy names notwithstanding, the font used in the new Ice Cream Sandwich
Aug 8, 2010 . the eagerly anticipated sequel to top 40 posh English names.
What shall you name your baby nerd? Tired of ordinary, run-of-the-mill names?
Nerdy boy baby names. A list of famous boy nerds and their .
Mar 11, 2011 . How many of you have given a pet a nerdy name connected somehow to an
Q: These Latin names are pretty nerdy. Why don't you use common names?
Sep 5, 2009 . nerdy names: me and dh like the sound of nerdy type names, i love rupert, dexter,
May 23, 2011 . Derby names exist in the negative space of intellectual property law. Unless, of
I know I'm not the only one here who has named their pet something totally weird.
Jun 13, 2011 . Okay so I got my rock'n'roll names, now I wanna see what .
The information do not include any personal data like your name, address, email
LOL. I love nerdy names. . LOL. I love nerdy names, 4_Legs_Good, Nov-12-08 11:
Apr 13, 2011 . Roommate and I won them at a carnival, and decided to do it right. Pictures of
Nerd names, Geek names, Nerdy pet names. . If you are a computer fanatic,
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I told her, “My kids are going to have cool nerdy names.” She was not pleased to