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Just when you thought your Multiplex FunJet was one of the fastest planes in its class, we went ahead and upped the ante with our ultra-fast, ultra-durable .
Oct 21, 2011 – Planes Helicopters Toys Sales wrote a note titled $> For Sales Multiplex Funjet " RR" Includes Brushless Motor, ESC & Servos. Read the full text .
$108.98 - In stock
Feb 26, 2011 – After crashed the Funjet few weeks ago due to electronic problem. found one at Hobby People on sale for $59 bucks. Took it home and used .
Mar 22, 2011 – As seen in the Model Airplane News May 2011 issue there's an opportunity to win a Multiplex Funjet. They basically want you to watch the .
Feb 9, 2011 – MPUA214245 Multiplex FunJET Ultra Kit 31" . This is the electric powered, radio controlled FunJet Ultra Kit from Multiplex. For Intermediate to .
Dec 6, 2009 – 8 Responses to “Affordable (1600watt) 5 cell setup for .
Having gone through 3 funjets in the last year or so, i finally realized why they call it a FUNjet. The secret in having fun with this jet is to keep your plane under .
Multiplex Funjet Maiden flight - YouTube Apr 12, 2009 - 4 min - Uploaded by barbrook08
The Multiplex Funjet RR with Brushless Motor ESC and Servos can accelerate to screaming fast speeds, yet still handle gently for landings. It is made of the .
MULTIPLEX FUNJET KIT- Fun JetNeed Speed? Multiplex introduces the easy way to fly fast with the FunJET. Blazing across the sky has never been more fun!
Sep 9, 2009 – Multiplex FunJet. Hey Just want to let everyone know that we will be doing occasional reviews of Kit planes that We feel fit in with our style and .
Multiplex introduces the easy way to fly fast with the FunJET. Blazing across the sky has never been more fun! Gone are the days of the hard to launch, hard to .
Dual-motored Multiplex TwinJET, a model now discontinued by the company .
Multiplex Funjet JustGoFly 500T Graupner 7x4 - YouTube Jan 9, 2007 - 30 sec - Uploaded by xorbe
Here are instructions, including videos and high definition closeup pictures, for installing Ruby in the Multiplex Funjet and Ultra. For installation in other aircraft, .
Multiplex FunJet Ultra Kit. Be the first to review this product · Sign up for price alert · Share/Bookmark. Availability: In stock. Regular Price: $109.99. Special Price: .
File:Multiplex funjet beauty shot.jpg. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. File; File history; File links; Metadata. File:Multiplex .
MultiPlex FunJet - Build - Fly - Review - YouTube Sep 9, 2009 - 10 min - Uploaded by rcFoamFighters
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 30Hi, I recently purchased a Multiplex Funjet kit without any power supply for buget purposes. I also purchased the Grayson Hobbies Microjet V3 .
10 items – Multiplex FunJET Ultra Kit 31 M214245 NIB. Get fast shipping and excellent service when you buy from eBay Top-rated sellers, Buy It Now. $109.99 .
$159.34 - In stock
5+ items – The Multiplex FunJet has been discontinued by Multiplex in .
Home > RC Plane Multiplex Funjet Foam Kit White. US Dollar. Euro Pound Sterling US Dollar. English. English. Translate. Categories. All Products · Airsoft Guns .
From those mediums, and my own personal process, I built countless versions of the Multiplex FunJet. Together, myself and others have built these unique .
Feb 10, 2011 – The new FunJET from Multiplex USA is the latest in their continuing line of smallish jet type models designed for all-out fun. The FunJET .
Name: FunJet. Manufacturer: Multiplex Type of product: Model Kit Airplane type: High speed jet. For: Intermediate to advanced pilots. Flying weight: 620 g .
FunJet by Multiplex - They definitely gave this electric pusher prop jet a good name, because it is loads of fun! This thing is very easy to hand launch, super fast , .
New Multiplex FunJet. NEED SPEED? Multiplex introduces the easy way to fly fast with the FunJET. Blazing across the sky has never been more fun! Gone are .
Multiplex Funjet on 5s 145-155 mph - YouTube Mar 25, 2010 - 3 min - Uploaded by rolexcomex
Flight Pack for Multiplex FunJet. PRINT THIS PAGE EMAIL A FRIEND SHARE THIS PAGE ADD TO WISHLIST. Flight Pack for Multiplex FunJet. Product#: .
Get Flying with a Multiplex FunJet Ultra Power Pack from Multiplex.
Blazing across the sky has never been more fun! Gone are the days of the hard to launch, hard to land, fragile jets.
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Feb 18Forsale Aluminum Motor Mount for Multiplex FunJet and FunJet Ultra Motors and Speed Controllers for sale & WTB.
Multiplex introduces the easy way to fly fast with the FunJET. Blazing across the sky has never been more fun! Gone are the days of the hard to launch, hard to .
Sep 1, 2010 – As with all Multiplex aircraft models, the FunJET is molded of the company's proprietary Elapor foam. Unlike models made of fine-beaded EPS .
Multiplex funjet with 700 watts het 2w20 - YouTube Jul 14, 2008 - 5 min - Uploaded by simor73
R/C Planet carries a complete line of radio control cars and truck kits, R/C parts, accessories, & performance hop-ups including the Multiplex FunJET Kit 31.29" .
This is a Radio Controlled, Electric Powered, Elapor Particle Foam Construction, Multiplex FunJet Kit. This model features a rear mounted motor design. .
Just when you thought your Multiplex FunJet was one of the fastest planes in its class, we went ahead and upped the ante with our ultra-fast, ultra-durable .
Jun 14, 2011 – In this article we show you a selection of power setups and Thunder Power RC Lipo batteries you can use with the Multiplex Funjet RC pusher .
12 product – Mini Super Cub Mount · Motor Sticks · Mount for Multiplex · Multiplex FunJet Mount · Screws · Spacers & Stand-Offs · Stick Mounts · Super Cub Mount .
Anything and Everything for electric flight, your electric superstore, Helicopter store.
Apr 8, 2008 – I bought Grayson Hobbies Funjet Combo a few weeks ago. I had been looking for a combo pack for this jet, and discovered that the receiver .
Multiplex FunJet mit Vektorsteuerung - Erstflug - YouTube Jan 1, 2009 - 2 min - Uploaded by tragflaechen
Home > Planes > Multiplex > Funjet Ultra. Battery Packs for Multiplex Funjet Ultra. Multiplex. Funjet Ultra. Thunder Power 3250mAh 3-Cell/4S 11.1V Pro Power .
Multiplex introduces the easy way to fly fast with the FunJET. Blazing across the sky has never been more fun! Gone are the days of the hard to launch, hard to .
Having gone through 3 funjets in the last year or so, i finally realized why .
14 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Apr 25, 2007Multiplex USA introduces the FunJet, an exciting new park flyer jet-style pusher plane that is easy to launch, easy to land and flies GREAT! .
MPUA2145, FREE shipping when ordering this item. click for more information Multiplex FunJet Ultra Kit 31" Product Category: R/C Airplane Kits - Ducted Fans .