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Moyamoya syndrome is a disease in which certain arteries in the brain are constricted. Blood flow is blocked by the constriction, and also by blood clots .
by K Houkin - 1996 - Cited by 110 - Related articles
Jul 2, 2011 – Moyamoya disease is a progressive disease of the distal internal carotid arteries and their major branches that is characterized by occlusion of .
Moyamoya disease is a rare, progressive cerebrovascular disorder caused by . The name “moyamoya” means “puff of smoke” in Japanese and describes the .
by RM Scott - 2009 - Cited by 116 - Related articles
by S Kuroda - 2008 - Cited by 105 - Related articles
Moyamoya disease is a rare disorder of the blood vessels the supply the brain which leads to progressive occlusion of the arteries. It can lead to stroke and .
by FT Nichols III - Related articles
Moyamoya disease is a progressive disorder in which the arteries at the base of the brain become blocked.
Symptoms such as loss of sensation, poor motor coordination, speech deficits, balance problems or impaired cognitive function, may lead physicians to a .
Moyamoya disease is a rare condition in which the walls of the carotid arteries thicken and the arteries narrow, restricting or blocking the blood flow to.
Moyamoya is a disease in which certain arteries in the brain are constricted and blood flow in the brain is blocked by the constriction.
(Pial synangiosis surgery) is like burying a tomato in the garden and having roots grow from the tomato branch into the ground. Blood vessels grow where .
Sep 27, 2011 – Moyamoya. Moyamoya is a rare disorder that causes major blood vessels leading to a child's brain to narrow. If untreated, the vessels become .
Moyamoya disease is characterized by the closure of one or usually both internal carotid arteries in the intracranial region, resulting in the formation of a fine .
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Sep 5Moyamoya Disease Forums. Discussions, Q&A and friends dealing with Moyamoya Disease.
May 11, 2011 – Important It is possible that the main title of the report Moyamoya Syndrome is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to .
Oct 18, 2011 – Moyamoya disease information page compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).
May 31, 2011 – Moyamoya Disease - Recognised in Japan in the 1960s, this is a progressive occlusive cerebral arteritis affecting the distal internal carotid .
What is Moyamoya Disease? Moyamoya disease is a rare, progressive cerebrovascular disorder characterized by the narrowing or occlusion of major blood .
by SD Chang - Cited by 3 - Related articles
May 21, 2005 – Moyamoya Disease: Medical information on moyamoya disase is provided by a Japanese neurosurgeon.
Moya-moya is a rare disorder of uncertain cause that leads to irreversible blockage of the main blood vessels to the brain as they enter into the skull. The name .
Apr 4, 2011 – I have been told that my niece has got moya-moya. I would like to find out as much about this syndrome as possible as even the doctors do not .
Mar 23, 2011 – Moyamoya disease (MMD) is a progressive occlusive disease of the cerebral vasculature with particular involvement of the circle of Willis and .
It means "puff of smoke" and it could lead to strokes in children. See how the team at Children's Hospital Boston is taking the lead on treating this very rare .
The neurosurgeons at the Cedars-Sinai Neurovascular Center used advanced diagnostic and surgical techniques to treat moyamoya.
a cerebrovascular disorder in which the main cerebral arteries at the base of the brain are replaced by a fine network of vessels. It is caused by progressive .
Sep 27, 2011 – Moyamoya disease is a rare, progressive cerebrovascular disorder caused . The name “moyamoya” means “puff of smoke” in Japanese and .
Sep 19, 2011 – A US Department of Health and Human Service project .
by G Jagdish P - 2011
Jul 2, 2011 – Pictures of my MoyaMoya Disease STA-MCA surgery for MoyaMoya sufferers and their families.
Jul 13, 2009 – Where to Go to Chat with Others. Parenting Children with Moyamoya This group is for parents of children with this rare disease to come .
Moyamoya disease is a cerebrovascular disease where the main arteries feeding the brain are occluded on both sides. This results initially in transient episodes .
Jul 2, 2011 – Moyamoya is an extremely rare disorder in most parts of the world except in Japan. The pathogenesis of Moyamoya disease is unknown. .
Apr 5, 2011 – Moyamoya disease is a unique chronic progressive cerebrovascular disease characterized by bilateral stenosis or occlusion of the arteries .
Thanks to our hero, Tom P. we now have Moyamoya T shirts. We had them at the show but didn't do a good job of selling them. If you want one, let us know. .
by CC Mok - 2011
Justin Doo was diagnosed with moyamoya in March of 2007 when he was just 7 years old. Moyamoya is a very rare condition in which the arteries leading to the .
Moyamoya disease (note the correct spelling is moyamoya, not moya moya) is a condition where there is progressive blockage or occlusion of the ends of the .
The only treatment for Moyamoya disease that's proven to be effective in the long -term is surgery. Children's has pioneered a procedure that directly applies a .
Mar 20, 2009 – Dr. Fredric Meyer, a Mayo Clinic neurosurgeon discusses Moyamoya disease and what to look for when seeking care for moyamoya disease.
May 2, 2008 – Moya moya disease is a vasculo-occlusive disease involving the circle of Willis, typically the terminal ICA. The term moya moya disease should .
I think of you so often and remember all the fun times we had. Your smile and laughter always made me realize what life should be all about at times when I may .
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May 22, 2009 – Moyamoya info, Moyamoya disease is a disorder caused by blocked arteries at the base of the brain. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment .
The Stanford Moyamoya Center offers a highly experienced group of professionals who see several new moyamoya patients each week. Since 1991, the .
Moyamoya Disease Learn about treatment of Moyamoya disease at Mayo Clinic.
Sep 1, 2006 – a CHORUS notecard document about moyamoya disease.
Contact a Family is a UK charity for families with disabled children. We offer information on specific conditions and rare disorders.