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My Lord and your Lord is Allah, the Lord of the worlds. O Allah for us let this month be a period of peace, faith, safety and total submission to Thy will; make us .
The Moon Sighting and the Lunar Calendar Bruce C. WILLIAMS. The Islamic calendar is based on lunar months, which begin when a new crescent is sighted in .
Jul 25, 2011 – The issue of moon sighting has never been as divisive as it has become today. In the past, Muslim scholars agreed on a certain method to .
He (RA) wrote, “I had clearly stated my reasons for claiming that your criteria for moon sighting are against the obvious; however I have not received a reply. .
Moon Sighting Information. Projected 2008 calendar for Connecticut, U.S.A. area: PDF file. (All dates subject to actual moon sighting.) Moon of Dhul-Hijjah 1428 .
Aug 24, 2010 – My brother Irfan Rydhan makes a compelling case in defense of moonsighting for Ramadan, and I think it is important to assert here that I do .
As Ramadan approaches each year, Muslims debate the most correct process for determining the beginning of the month. Is moon-sighting the correct way to .
2 days ago – But unfortunately the Central Moonsighting Committee (Hizb ul Ulama, Jamiat Ulama) have to date refused to accept this fact. The scanned .
Aug 10, 2010 – Moonsighting Ushers In Ramadan 2010: Hilal Moon Sightings.
Dec 29, 2010 – Global Moonsighting, a Modern Bidah (innovation) in the religion of Islam that divides the Muslim community three times a year. It is an enemy .
The issue of moon sighting has become moon fighting no less serious than the issue of chads and dimples on Florida ballots. In this case, both sides of the .
Aug 21, 2007 – Moon Births Part 1 by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Cesarean Moon Births Part 2 by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Short Lecture on Moonsighting again by our .
Aug 10, 2010 – Link to all Ramadan 2010 posts Earlier articles with added material in 2007 and 2008 and also a lecture by Sh. AbdulNasir Jangda Out of all .
Some of the fuqaha' were of the view that moon sighting is mustahabb. It says in Majma' al-Anhaar (1/283): It is a communal obligation for the people to seek the .
Others follow the moon-sighting of particular countries, and others believe in . that two trustworthy Muslim witnesses are sufficient to establish moon sighting. .
An Insight into Moon-sighting Wednesday, 22 August 2007 Written by Haitham Al -Haddad The issue of moon sighting has never been as divisive as it has.
The issue of moon sighting has become moon fighting. In this case, both sides of the divide are divided over the question that what is really the 'new' moon. .
Aug 2, 2011 – Ramadan will begin Monday after confirmed sightings of the crescent moon in Toronto and other Canadian.
Back in the 80′s if i remember correctly, moonsighting reports and the dates for the beginning of Ramadhan & the Eids were unanimously agreed upon by all .
JAMAICA, New York (January 31, 2009) – Instead of making any moon sighting decisions the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) has decided to guide its .
Moon Sighting - Moonsighting.net, a community based website that keeps every muslim informed about the sighting of the moon at the beginning of each month .
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RAMADHÂN, Eid UL Fitr and Moon Sighting . Moonsighting Anncouncement [ U.S. Residents] and other Ramadhan Info - http://www.isna.net/ Announcement of .
The Main objective of moonsighting.net is to serve all the Muslims irrespective of their sects, schools of Fiqh- Jurisprudence etc. Hence, all the Hilal committees, .
11th Shaba'n 1432 - 13th July 2011 - The Hilal Committee of Toronto has come to know that it's name was used to advertise a seminar on moon sighting to be .
Moonsighting Committee Worldwide (MCW) calculates where on earth moonsighting is possible, using criteria developed by Khalid Shaukat.
The first of them moonsighting, and then the altercations, and the incessant squabbling that resound in the masajid and the communities throughout the .
. by DrZulfiqarAliShah on Jun 14, 2011. Moon Sighting Problems . Moon Sighting Problems Part 3/3by DrZulfiqarAliShah89 views · Thumbnail 11:31. Add to .
Islamic moon is your year round resources for moonsighting updates.
Although we use technical information and/or records to help us know where and when to look, we only consider a new moon sighting seen by the unaided eye .
Aug 24, 2010 – My brother Irfan Rydhan makes a compelling case in defense of moonsighting for Ramadan, and I think it is important to assert here that I do .
Please go out to look for the new crescent moon and submit your moonsighting report here. The crescent (hilal) would be visible shortly after sunset, slightly to .
Written by Webmaster. Saturday, 30 July 2011 11:27. Please try to sight the Hilal of Ramadan on Sunday, July 31st & Monday, August 1st and report both .
As confirmed of moon sighting from Australia, Indonesia & South Africa, 3rd July 2011 is the first day of Shabaan 1432. Source: http://www.moonsighting.com/ .
5+ items – Islamic Laws concerning moon sighting and the issue of .
A new moon sighting portal has been launched. . In a few days, the community will witness a launch of a new moon sighting initiative which will potentially bring .
A study of science of moon-sighting can clarify many misconceptions and wrong perceptions. The MCC UPDATE, November 1997.
Aug 2, 2011 – THIS is with reference to the letter 'Moonsighting the scientific way' (July 24). I fully agree with Mr Farooqi that Muslims should make use of .
Eid · Calendar · Ways to Give · Resources · News · Moonsighting · Masjid Ul Haqq | San Mateo, CA · Home · News Moonsighting. Moonsighting .
have discussed evidences pertaining to the above matter in more details inshaAllah. Moonsighting Issuses & Our solutions · Attaining the month of Ramadhan .
Jul 30, 2011 – One Response to Moon Sighting Aug 1 2011. According to astromical calculations it has been announced 1st August 2011 is first day of .
promoting the sunnah of moon sighting for over 30 years.
Moonsighting for the month of Ramadan 1432 has been sighted - Click here for details · HomeMoon AnnouncementsMonthly Moon SituationIslam and .
Jul 29, 2011 – Deputy chairman of the astronomical society in Saudi Arabia Sharaf Al-Sufyani said the society would organize a moon-sighting function under .
Nov 3, 2005 – All of the Moon Sighting News and Resources You Need. Home · Introduction · Calendars · Slideshow · Eid al-Adha Moonsighting FAQ Hilal .
New Moon Day - Biblically, the 'new moon' was the first visible crescent seen in the Western sky after sunset, making 'New Moon day' the following day.
Each of the articles below are in support of local moonsighting and the arguments contained therein are very strong if not irrefutable. If you seriously are looking .
Following public requests to obtain responses to various questions on ' Moonsighting' directly from Najaf, the Hilal Committee of IEB submitted 22 questions in .
*Notes for students of Fiqh and Falak: Technically, “Matla'” when found by itself in fiqh discussions concerning moonsighting refers to “matla' mahall al-ru'ya”, .
A website (also by a ISNA moonsighting coordinator) at www.hilal-sighting.com . Quite useful if you for example want to know whether to fast tommorrow? .