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How to enable mod_security on Windows 2008 IIS · php iis7 mod-security piwik . All I could find searching was this at http://www.modsecurity.org: .
May 30, 2010 – The most outstanding example is a vulnerability in IIS + ModSecurity which allows SQL-injection based attacks on two features: .
Aug 29, 2008 – (ModSecurity, 2008) for protecting Apache and eliminating possible . . 524288 # Set Server Signature SecServerSignature "Microsoft IIS" .
54 postsJump to IIS 5 - Cant Access Page From IE7 But Can Access From Firefox: The app gives you all the iis or apache setup instructions and tells you to .
Oct 2, 2007 – (Redirected from Mod security). Jump to: navigation, search . 1 255 SecServerSignature "Microsoft-IIS/5.0" SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly .
Apr 20, 2010 – ModSecurity is an embeddable web application firewall. It provides protection from a range of attacks against web.
modsecurity featured Securing Apache Web Servers with mod security . I have recently put an Apache reverse proxy like this together on IIS – you need to .
5 posts - Last post: May 9, 2007Below is the log from modsecurity console. What you see is all the .
Mar 22, 2011 – We got the log of method not supported in mod security but there is no other malicious . How to enable mod_security on Windows 2008 IIS .
1 post - 1 author - Last post: 3 days agoThe latest version of the ModSecurity 2.6 has new directives called . attack is related to web server software (Apache, IIS, SunONE, etc. .
Nov 21, 2009 – Other web server platforms such as Microsoft IIS must be excluded. Network-based – Rather than installing ModSecurity on every web server, .
Apr 28, 2010 – ModSecurity is a web application firewall, meaning that it is . 4 Tips to Secure Apache Web Servers · Apache and IIS: The Kings of Web .
In mod_security I have added # Server masking is optional SecServerSignature .
Use ModSecurity to protect your Nagios setup from Zero-Day exploits and patch . + Microsoft-IIS/7.0 appears to be outdated (4.0 for NT 4, 5.0 for Win2k, .
2 posts - Last post: Mar 11I wondered if mod-security can be used with IIS, or failing that (or in fact .
Jan 13, 2011 – In this file, we are going to basically setup some more mod_security rules. SecServerSignature "Microsoft-IIS/6.0" SecDebugLog .
Mar 30, 2011 – . of the ModSecurity project and in supporting its wide community of . Fusion Middleware Web Tier and to the Microsoft IIS v7 platform. .
Jun 30, 2011 – ModSecurity is an open source web application firewall. Working embedded in the web server, or standalone as a network appliance, .
Jan 8, 2008 – Please update your bookmarks to http://www.blog.modsecurity .
Jun 24, 2008 – IIS's equivalent to ModSecurity on Apache. Cool stuff, first used it a LOONG time ago and no doubt solid improvements have been made. .
So, adding IIS specifics to ModSecurity may make sense in your case, it may cause some strange side effects in most other installs -- especially when not .
May 3, 2011 – Making ModSecurity able to work with web servers other than Apache. Release IIS, SunOne, Java versions of ModSecurity. .
May 31, 2011 – Mod Security is a free open source web application firewall that was . . i.e. Mod Security and cover Java based / IIS based servers etc .
Jun 8, 2008 – Here is the Mod Security 2 Default Rules and IDs. . 70004 – IIS Information Leakage 70007 – Zope Information Leakage .
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Jan 12, 2009 – While I have experimented with ModSecurity in reverse proxy mode to protect IIS and other server product hosted web services and web apps, .
Mod Security with IIS (ideas). mshinn on Fri 18 of Mar., 2005 18:42 EST, by Michael Shinn 20480 points posts: 427 5 stars Send eMail to User user online .
Oct 9, 2008 – Page 3 - Using Mod_Security to Protect Your Server . Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is an HTTP server that provides web .
Jun 17, 2011 – . which handles data from an Apache ModSecurity layer, and which ultimately serves up data from IIS cluster. Each Squid server is mapped .
Jul 23, 2008 – One of the modules you can install is mod_security. . .. dotDefender can be installed both on IIS and Apache as well. .
6 answers - May 4thx guys. it was a misunderstanding. i thought mod_security would run standalone . . IIS IP Adress Restriction - can I rely on it online? .
5 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 18How to disable mod_security from .htaccess? . ModSecurity provides protection from a range of attacks against web applications and allows .
5 posts - Last post: May 9, 2007If it is – good news, with ModSecurity you don't need to do this anymore as you . SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:User-Agent "^Microsoft-IIS/5.0. .
Jan 17, 2011 – DragonSoft - Personal WAF (IIS, Sold as a WAF) . Microsoft - URLscan (Free, IIS). . ModSecurity tools & enhancements .
4 answers - Apr 5, 2010Just curious if there was a web application firewall module . The Microsoft Web Protection Library (WPL) and Gotham Digital Science's Secure .
2 posts - Last post: Mar 8But in ModSecurity's debug log, I see: --76776975-F-- HTTP/1.1 500 . see. but odd that ModSec logs this 500 code when IIS returns a 449. .
4 posts - Last post: May 2Hi there We are using modsecurity on Apache to protect backend IIS servers .
Jan 13, 2009 – While I have experimented with ModSecurity in reverse proxy mode to protect IIS and other server product hosted web services and web apps, .
2 posts - Last post: Mar 8Re: 449 being returned from IIS, but ModSec sends 500 to client (and . But in ModSecurity's debug log, I > > see: > > This sounds like .
Oct 28, 2010 – 3 Responses to “Detecting Malice With ModSecurity”. austin Says: December 19th, 2010 at 2:42 pm. “even if you use IIS” lulz, ah, i hate IIS, .
14 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Sep 5, 2009I saw Ivan(he is no longer with Breach) talking some time ago about porting modsecurity to IIS/ISA, and according to the roadmap, .
Oct 16, 2006 – It took a complete rewrite to pull ModSecurity out of Apache and into a portable code base. So I am expecting an IIS/ISA version to be .
Sep 12, 2009 – Our first goal is to make ModSecurity pluggable into IIS (as an ISAPI filter). Can you elaborate on the new features in Core Rule Set .
2 answers - Apr 2, 2010I've heard a lot of good things about Apache ModSecurity module .
Jun 3, 2005 – Include /etc/modsecurity/blacklist.conf. I've also released the first set of IIS rules, for use in reverse proxy's to protect IIS from .
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Focus on portability, making ModSecurity able to work with web servers other than Apache. Release an IIS/ISA version of ModSecurity. Learning. .
Apr 24, 2005 – . this URL: http://www.gotroot.com/downloads/ftp/mod_security/blacklist.conf. Please visit the mod_security rules page for the IIS rules. .