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This tiny document describes how I managed to establish a TCP/IP connection between two Debian GNU/Linux boxes using a null-modem cable. .
5 posts - Last post: Aug 22, 2008Best answer: I believe this has something to do with MAC address of the router, as the modem stores such information and makes a lease query .
Our customers often start with a GSM modem connection and a lower capacity software license first and they switch over to IP SMS connection and a higher .
Local Area Network question: Comcast modem default ip address? Depending on the Make & Model of your modem, you are likely best off heading to the modem .
For this example, the DSL modem has IP Note - the modem cannot have an IP address that lies within any of your LAN or DMZ subnets. .
Results 1 - 10 of 50 . Emulate hardware modems and faxes easily. A direct modem connection via the Internet.
The default IP address/password for your ADSL modem or router should be one of the following: Alcatel SpeedTouch Home/Pro – (no default password) .
5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jul 3, 2010installed Desktop Manager 5.0.1, which is supposed to have the IP Modem option. When I open DM 5.0.1, there are no options in the Main Menu .
IP Telephony has revolutionized many aspects of telecommunications and it continues to be deployed at a rapid pace. The benefits of transporting voice over .
Feb 21, 2011 . Can't obtain an IP address from your router or modem. Collapse this imageExpand this image. Can't obtain an IP address. Back to the top .
In this page you can read about GSM modem and IP SMS connectivity. You can compare the two possible connection types you can use to connect your IT system .
how to determine cable modem ip- Beginner Programming. Visit Dev Shed to discuss how to determine cable modem ip.
Before trying any other methods to change your IP address, try turning off (or unplugging the power of) your Cable/DSL modem for five minutes. .
50 posts - 33 authors - Last post: Aug 20, 2009Having the router get an IP automatically from the modem. . . Actually the modem's default IP is and the router is .
Modem IP - what is my IP? Displays your current IP address.
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Sep 22, 2003 . My machine operates behind a Base Station, which is linked to a cable modem. Is there a conventient way to get the cable modem's IP address .
The /32 Static IP services requires NAT routing on DSL Actiontec modem. Use of DHCP on the modem is highly recommended. Using NAT with DHCP, the customer PC .
Jan 8, 2009 . The modem offers a unique method to supply an IP address to the modem's . Note : Make sure that the intended modem IP address and your PC .
The IP address is the default for a few brands of home broadband routers and broadband modems. is a private IP address not .
7 posts - 3 authors - Last post: May 23, 2007Broadband: Changing the IP of a DSL modem - Read broadband discussions and get tips and advice on this topic and others on CNET Forums.
Linkabit's Ruggedized MPM-1000 Modem IP (RMPM) with its Network Centric Waveform (NCW) reduces operational cost and supports the highest number of IP users .
Apr 15, 2011 . (so it seem only one computer connected to the modem can get IP address while the other can't.). And this configuration is stored on the .
7 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Dec 24, 2007It tells you your IP address, DNS settings, gateway (ie. router / modem) etc but in this case it won't help as the guy has lost the config .
The SocketModem® IP embedded modem creates Internet-ready devices by integrating modem functionality and a complete TCP/IP protocol stack into a single, .
Dec 5, 2007 . my dad wanna know my IP wireless modem but i don't…
Nov 3, 2009 . This 101 comes courtesy of probigeorge11 and michaelwpg. Alright children, settle down, class is now in session. As of the update to version .
Given the bursty nature of IP networks, the transmission of the various facsimile and modem standards embedded inside of digital voice codecs across them .
10 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Sep 6, 2007Ah right, in that case all I can suggest is going to the modem manufacturers website to see if the ip address is quoted in one of their .
COM Port redirector software with built in modem emulator uses dynamic IP addresses to access wireless modems or IP address from modem applications.
The ThurayaIP satellite modem offers Broadband Data Service through a highly compact, ultra lightweight and advanced satellite terminal.
ThurayaIP sat modem offers Broadband Data Service through a highly compact, ultra lightweight and advanced sat terminal.
Encore has developed the V.150.1 based Modem Relay or MoIP (Modem Over IP) solution.
IP camera,modem camera,ethernet camera,network camera,remote camera,remote surveillance camera security camera.
Apr 18, 2011 . Hi, I have a box with 1 ethernet card and Huawei E160 USB modem. So, I have configured eth0 interface with IP and modem0 .
Apr 9, 2008 . Built in DHCP Server (Default Modem IP -, . The modem interface is which is a local IP. .
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Feb 17, 2009 . A Video which shows how to find your Modem / Router IP addres http://www. anameless.com/blog/default-passwords.html.
Virtual Modem PRO 2.0 was designed to create software virtual IP-modems and to map them to virtual serial ports in your.
On the NTL cable modem service, the possible in-service IP address ranges are: . The cable modem IP address is not in the same sub-net as .
Please Login to Remove! Installed DM 5.0.1 so I could use the IP Modem option. This new option is supposed to show up in the Main menu, but it isn't.
6 posts - 4 authorsOld 03-09-2005, 03:23 PM. Lord Brixton. Triple-A Player. Join Date: Mar 2003. Location: london, england. Posts: 77. what's my modem's IP? .
Jan 23, 2006 . Sean9 which IP address are you wanting to change? The internal local IP starting with 192? Or the actual IP of the modem starting with a 71. .
IP Telephony has revolutionized many aspects of telecommunications and it continues to be deployed at a rapid pace. The benefits of transporting voice over .
Ustronics offers Thuraya DSL Modem High Speed Satellite IP Modem, Thuraya DSL provides corporate customers, government agencies, NGOs, news-gathering .
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May 23, 2011 . apparently, I can't change my ip with normal means. I have a comcast modem and I 'm trying to change its ip address. using ip release didn't .
Aug 22, 2009 . Image via Wikipedia Open your internet browser and enter the IP address in the navigation bar. Aztech modem is quite cheap compare to.
How to configure your DSL modem - 2Wire 1700HW Modems DYNAMIC IP (Default). These instructions will help you configure your 2wire 1700hw modem with a .
IMPORTANT: Before you begin configuring your modem, the DHCP client in the PC should be disabled and should be configured statically with one of the five IP .