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Aug 9, 2008 . Mac data sync with Outlook on the PC. This fact didn't .
Works with MobileMe, Outlook, Google Calendar, Exchange, and CalDAV. . . I have outlook at work set up to sync to google calendar. Then google calendar .
Aug 7, 2008 . tasks to the Microsoft Outlook Exchange server . . That way, my entire calendar (work + personal) is in outlook and google calendar, . You can sync Outlook features, including tasks, through the MobileMe platform. .
27 posts - 22 authorsPart 1: MobileMe, iCal, and iPhone: At home, I sync my iPhone calendar with .
Apr 10, 2010 . I did finally use MobileMe to sync contacts and calendar, . works only with MS Exchange and not the desktop MS Office version of Outlook? .
Feb 24, 2011 . Hi I'm using a PC with Outlook 2010, and iPhone.. Trying to sync. calendars using MobileMe. MobileMe calendar is synchronising OK with .
49 postsUnable To Sync With Exchange & Mobile Me At The Same Time . Attempt to sync Outlook contacts to Ipad. Outlook calendar does sync but not contacts. .
11 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jul 17, 2008I know that it only works with the iPhone; however, MobileMe will sync the contacts and calendar to Outlook. My company's exchange server .
Dec 31, 2008 . 2) Set up mobileme to sync your calendar (which should now be enabled). . create a shortcut to outlook and use the following command line .
Oct 30, 2007 . Solution 4: iCal to Google Calendar to Outlook to Exchange. All aboard! . . Is MobileMe the solution to all this (at a cost)? .
I now personally just use Apple's MobileMe to keep my iPod Touch in sync with MobileMe calendar and iCal. I have pretty much pushed Outlook to the side. .
Unfortunately, when I went to set up MobileMe (on a Vista box), the option to sync Outlook (now connected to an Exchange server) was grayed out. .
MobileMe Mail, Contacts, and Calendar sync with Outlook, Outlook Express, .
Jan 13, 2011 . Yesterday I migrated to the new MobileMe calendar .
Jul 30, 2008 . Back to Mobile Me – unfortunately it won't sync with an Outlook calendar that's stored in Exchange. For a while I've been running the Google .
Mar 27, 2009 . It all started when I wanted to sync the Outlook Exchange server at . the Google Calendar Sync on your PC (Which uses Outlook I assume). .
Oct 14, 2010 . With the new MobileMe Calendar, members can now sync MobileMe . in Outlook, the data will not sync between Exchange and MobileMe. .
Oct 5, 2010 . Does Outlook 2011 support calendar sync to sync services like Entourage did? . etc if Outlook can't sync my calendar with iCal and other non-Exchange . .. need to sync my iPhone and computer calendar with Mobile Me. .
Feb 16, 2009 . When syncing to the exchange server with mobile me the calendar is greyed out, I will see if the IT person will allow the active sync. .
5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Oct 14, 2010Outlook with Microsoft Exchange support has been added to the new . However, Exchange calendar data is kept separate from MobileMe data and . There are a number of utilities to sync your calendars with Google too. .
Oct 8, 2008 . All I want is multiple calendars using plain old Outlook! .
6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Aug 13, 2009I'm a big fan of Outlook. Maybe you use Exchange that the RFDS supplies? . sync'd with Outlook and Mobile Me, my contacts also doubled up. .
May 15, 2009 . Project Contacts: Now mixing Outlook/Exchange, PST file .
70 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Jul 14, 2008I made the color change in my Mobile Me account [Calendar Info]. . I sync to an iPhone 3g my business calendar via Exchange server and Outlook (shows up orange), and maintain a second personal calendar that does not .
May 13, 2009. synchronization features of MobileMe and competitors like Microsoft Exchange . .. 2- Can only get Outlook to read one of my Google Calendars, . Keeping Calendar in sync with Google Calendar is easy and then Google .
need to sync exchange calendar with users home outlook calendar via iphone · How to sync two computers using new MobileMe calendar .
Sep 4, 2008 . Now when the MobileMe sync process runs it sees this extra . . I've got this to work by publishing my Outlook Exchange calendar to Office .
Jan 22, 2009 . For those that have an iPhone and want to sync a calendar and contacts, and the simple note in Outlook, MobileMe is a good choice. .
Jul 15, 2010 . MobileMe Calendar Beta Now Works with Microsoft Outlook . I have sync set up with Exchange. I only see Windows Contacts (calendar), .
Jan 9, 2009 . I am trying to sync my work calendar (outlook calendar) with my mobileme ical calendar. Because my company uses an exchange server, .
Jul 6, 2010 . Now, on your Mac go to System Preferences > Mobile Me > Sync >. . Before you try to synchronize your Outlook calendar or contacts you may want to do the . . Webcam – I can sync them with using exchange to sync… .
Oct 21, 2010 . For customers not using Exchange accounts, we wanted to give some . We do understand that Calendar sync is important and are working on it now. . . It's absolutely crucial for Outlook 2011 to sync with Mobile Me. .
Oct 27, 2008 . MobileMe, Microsoft Outlook, Exchange, iTunes and yes, sync Hell . . In my case i want to sync work calendar via exchange activesync, .
Nov 2, 2010 . MobileMe: Sync contacts and my calendar between MBP & iPhone . sync my Exchange calendar with my Wife's personal calendar in Outlook 2007. .
Make sure you do not have iPhone Calendar sync with Outlook (or another Exchange or MobileMe calendar). iPhone Calendar can only sync with one calendar .
Click the Sync tab. Select the “Sync with MobileMe” checkbox, and then .
Feb 3, 2011 . This update will solve for customers looking not running Exchange to sync their Outlook calendar across devices such as iPhone or Mobile Me. .
Sep 29, 2010 . Select the accounts you would like to sync, (i.e. Address Book or MobileMe). Note that Outlook 2011 does not support MobileMe calendar or .
Jump to What if I try to sync to my Windows Live or Google Calendar with . : At this time, Outlook for Mac . Yes, offers both POP & IMAP, Yes, you can .
Jul 22, 2008 . Tagged: Apple, exchange, iphone, mobileme, outlook, sync. . to sync over the air with my calendar, which is all I really want to sync. .
all of a sudden my outlook calendar will not sync with mobileme. . Subscribe to Exchange Messaging Outlook weekly newsletter. June 10, 2010 .
Jan 16, 2011 . MobileMe will allow you to sync your calendar and contacts from MS Exchange into a datacloud . Outlook for Mac support Exchange natively. .
20 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Jul 27, 2008Since my Outlook calendar wasn't syncing to MobileMe, I just chose to . not supposed to sync with Exchange folders via Outlook/iTunes, .
Jan 6, 2011 . Note that Outlook 2011 does not support MobileMe calendar or tasks sync at . . It would be great if I could somehow sync my Work Exchange .
Feb 26, 2009 . Calendar and contact information can only be synced in one of (perhaps) three ways: . Using ActiveSync to an Exchange Outlook Web Access (OWA) server . And how does MobileMe's contact sync work? Time will tell! .
Sync data using MobileMe or Google · First Look: MobileMe Calendar beta .
Outlook for Mac 2011 requires Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 or later. . Outlook 2011 supports MobileMe's contacts; you can also sync your MobileMe e- mail account with . Outlook 2011 does not support MobileMe calendar or tasks. .
25 posts - 18 authors - Last post: Aug 4, 2008So you're trying to do it straight to MobileMe without Active Sync? That's what I'm trying to do as well. I JUST want the exchange calendar, .
Apr 15, 2009 . All of a sudden this January iCal stopped syncing with my iPhone/MobileMe calendar–my address book, bookmarks, etc all sync. .
9 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Nov 16, 2010Outlook 2011 doesn't sync with Caldev or Google Cal. . Have iPhone sync with both Exchange and MobileMe, and I believe with iPhone I can turn on and . explains decision to delay calendar sync in Outlook 2011 for Mac” .