Oct 6, 14
Other articles:
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  • www.apologeticspress.org/article/811‎CachedThe American Standard and King James Versions render 'almâ as “virgin.” If the
  • nearemmaus.wordpress.com/. /is-the-virgin-birth-based-on-a-mistranslation/‎CachedDec 20, 2012 . Francesca Stavrakopoulou was interviewed on BBC Radio 5 live about a variety
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  • infidels.org/library/modern/richard_carrier/virginprophecy.html‎CachedSimilarCarrier summarizes the debate over whether Isaiah in 7:14 meant 'virgin' in .
  • www.conservapedia.com/Debate:Why_do_fundamentalists_take_ mistranslations_seriously%3F‎CachedAug 6, 2014 . Fundamentalists have taken this mistranslation to "virgin" seriously, and it has
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  • prezi.com/h. q/is-the-virgin-birth-based-on-a-mistranslation/‎CachedJan 22, 2014 . Proof 2 - Matthew has an “oblique” tone in it's reporting of the virginal conception
  • https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid. ‎CachedSimilarTo say it is a "mistranslation" implies that it misunderstands or misuses Isaiah 7.
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  • www.reddit.com/r/atheism/. /virgin_mary_was_not_a_virgin/‎CachedSimilarOct 31, 2012 . It is not a translation error. I do not know Hebrew--I only know Latin-- but I
  • www.2think.org/hii/virgin.shtml‎CachedSimilarSeveral years ago I read that the word 'virgin', in the New Testament, was
  • outreachjudaism.org/septuagint-virgin-birth/‎CachedWhy did you say Christians mistranslate the Scripture by saying “almah” doesn't
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  • www.sunsetchurchofchrist.org/2014/02/. /virgin-birth-mistranslation/‎CachedFeb 11, 2014 . Is the Virgin Birth a mistranslation or does it simply mean Mary was a young
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  • www.fark.com/. /The-whole-virgin-mary-thing-was-just-a-mistranslation‎CachedWhy does the mistranslation 'virgin' only occur in ONE of the four gospels? 2. Do
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  • forums.catholic.com/showthread.php?t=329861‎CachedSimilarhttp://www.atheistfoundation.org.au/virgin.htm. So I stumbled across this a few
  • www.theguardian.com/books/2002/jan/12/books.guardianreview5‎CachedSimilarJan 11, 2002 . I emphasise this fact since many pudic and embarrassed Muslims claim there
  • www.agapebiblestudy.com/. / In%20Defense%20of%20the%20Old%20Testament%20Prophecy%. ‎CachedSimilarThe Greek Septuagint translation in use during Jesus' lifetime translates the
  • www.escapistmagazine.com/. /528.240382-The-translation-of-Mary-as-a- Virgin-actually-means-something-else‎CachedSimilarIt kinda depends of what translation you use. .. if you use the Textus Receptus
  • www.jesusneverexisted.com/mary.htm‎CachedSimilarThe Romans' own virgin goddess, Vesta, was served by women who . upon the
  • www.nbcnews.com/id/. /ns/. /bible-edits-leave-some-feeling-cross/‎CachedSimilarApr 21, 2011 . Members of the Committee on Bible Translation, a nonprofit . born to a "young
  • spectator.org/articles/40359/case-against-case-against-virgin-birth‎CachedSimilarDec 22, 2009 . The Virgin Birth, they will say, is symbolically but not historically or scientifically .
  • remnantofgiants.wordpress.com/. /francesca-stavrakopoulous-virgin-birth- and-matthews-mistranslation/‎CachedSimilarDec 21, 2012 . Yet, reading the Greek translation of the Hebrew term 'almah (which is parthenos,
  • www.gotquestions.org/virgin-or-young-woman.html‎CachedSimilarQuoting Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23 reads, "The virgin will be with child and will .
  • atheistfoundation.org.au/. /the-mistranslation-of-virgin-extract-of-the-selfish- gene/‎CachedSimilar“Several distressed correspondents have queried the mistranslation of 'young
  • www.badnewsaboutchristianity.com/de0_mary.htm‎CachedSimilarChristian Deceptions: Case Study: How Mary Stays A Virgin . .. It claims that the
  • www.justislam.co.uk/product.php?products_id=216‎CachedSimilarThere is no promise of 72 virgins for martyrs, terrorists or suicide bombers . The
  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Almah‎CachedSimilarMost Christians identify the almah of this prophecy with the Virgin Mary. . The
  • www.patheos.com/blogs/. /why-i-deny-the-virgin-birth-of-jesus/‎CachedSimilarJun 20, 2008 . Some scholars say “virgin” was a mistranslation in the Septuagint (the Greek
  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgin_birth_of_Jesus‎CachedSimilarThe virgin birth of Jesus is the belief that Jesus was conceived in the womb of his
  • www.harrington-sites.com/terms.htm‎CachedSimilar"Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call
  • forums.catholic.com/showthread.php?t=834927‎CachedSimilarThis is, as might be expected, the headline for the BBC: 'Hebrew Expert: “Virgin
  • www.rejectionofpascalswager.net/virgin.html‎CachedSimilarThe virgin birth is a myth with no historical foundation and was an infusion of
  • christianity.stackexchange.com/. /why-isnt-the-virgin-birth-of-jesus- mentioned-in-all-of-the-gospels‎CachedSimilarFeb 12, 2012 . I know for a fact that the virgin birth is mentioned in the gospels of . this is simply
  • www.examiner.com/article/virgin-birth-or-a-mistranslation‎CachedSimilarAug 27, 2012 . When Matthew 1:22 states: "Behold the virgin shall be with child" it uses the
  • www.feministe.us/blog/archives/. /translation-and-the-virgin-birth/‎CachedSimilarAug 6, 2008 . The doctrine of the virgin birth—that Mary conceived and bore Jesus without ever
  • www.holybooks.info/matthew.html‎CachedSimilar(1) A Septuagint mistranslation of the word "virgin" instead of "young woman"
  • goddidntsaythat.com/. /q-and-a-is-the-virgin-birth-a-mistranslation/‎CachedSimilarNov 3, 2013 . The mistranslation as “virgin” dates back to the Greek version of the Bible known
  • www.translationjournal.net/journal/18review.htm‎CachedJul 24, 2014 . And yet their birth is due to a relatively simple mistake in translation. The Old
  • drmsh.com/2012/12/20/virgin-birth-based-mistranslation/‎CachedDec 20, 2012 . Not saying ANE Jews expected a virgin born Messiah, just that it . the
  • adamschwartz.hubpages.com/. /Was-The-Immaculate-Conception-Simply-a- Mistranslation‎CachedSimilarAug 12, 2013 . A central tenet of Christianity is the Virginal Conception of Christ. But did this
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  • www.awitness.org/essays/virgin.html‎CachedSimilarThere is no suggestion of a virgin birth in Mark's gospel, and the first we hear of it
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