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METARs and TAFs on your mobile phone (iPhone) for your local airport.
TAF and METAR Reports, current and forecast weather, Eurocontrol Pilot
find it is easy to understand METARS (Aviation Routine Weather Reports) . Note
Archive of current and historical METAR and TAF reports for airports worldwide.
METAR (Meteorological Aerodrome Report). Examples: .
List of METAR/TAF Abbreviations. $. maintenance check indicator; -. light
METAR reports are available on-line, thanks to the National Weather Service.
Project libraries used to decode airport METAR weather information into
Interactively view surface data (METARs). Note: be patient while the Java tool
NOTE: You may also enter part of a station code. For example, if you wanted to
Type in an International METAR report (US-specific format is not supported) in
Jan 30, 2011 . Code Name The indicator group e.g. METAR, SPECI, or TREND as appropriate.
Jun 24, 2011 . Aviation Weather Center Homepage provides comprehensive .
Jun 24, 2011 . Aviation Weather Center Homepage provides comprehensive user-friendly
Nov 19, 2004 . Current and recent METAR reports from around the world are available from the
Apr 8, 2006 . Interpreting METARs and TAFs. By Aaron Flodin Important Terms. METAR -
METAR KABC 121755Z AUTO 21016G24KT 180V240 1SM R11/P6000FT -RA
Aug 20, 2008 . METAR is the international standard code format for hourly surface weather
Retrieve text format METARs: See stations.txt for a list of stations. Enter 4-letter
METAR and TAF: Weather observations and forecasts of more than 4000 airports
Jan 1, 2010 . Designed primarily as an aid for Air Safety Investigators, this page offers an
Message type: TAF-routine or TAF AMD-amended forecast, METAR-hourly, . In
Jan 3, 2011 . supybot metar wrapper — Read more . METAR supybot plugin # # written
Aviation INTERCEPT™ software produces METAR/SPECI reports.
metar 1.4.0. Metar - a package to parse METAR coded weather reports. Metar is
Currently, metar supports decoding date/time, wind, visibility, cloud layers,
Aug 9, 2011 . METAR TAF aviation weather from NOAA in a user friendly dashboard. View up-
METAR is a format for reporting weather information. A METAR weather report is
Department of Atmospheric Science · Weather · Wyoming | Cities | Surface |
METAR Translator. Disclaimer: This is an experimental weather translator written
METAR: An international code (Aviation Routine Weather Report) used for
To view the following PDF files, Adobe Acrobat Reader is .
Category: Pilot Weather, CWSU National TAF METAR Map Displays of current
Jan 4, 2011 . METAR weather reports are typically generated every hour and are generally
Aug 10, 2011 . METAR Information for PHNG (NGF) in MCBH KANEOHE BAY HAWAII, HI,
Note: When METAR data is missing from the body of the report (e.g. dew point), it
The European Aviation Weather Center - Aviation weather lookup for Europe.
METAR/TAF SEARCH ENGINE Enter a 4-letter ICAO code . METAR and TAF
METARs are issued worldwide to report aviation weather. They are the
The following is an example of a METAR, a surface observation, from O' Hare
NOTICE: The following METAR/TAF code formats are undergoing final . The
NOTICE: METARs have data with and without 'REMARKS'; and temporarily, . 1:
Listing, METARs, and GIF Meteogram will obtain 24 hours of data for the selected
METAR KABC 121755Z AUTO 21016G24KT 180V240 1SM R11/P6000FT -RA
home page and description for metaf2xml: parse and decode METAR, TAF,