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Some methods of induction are less invasive and carry fewer risks than others. . He or she moves the finger back and forth to separate the thin membrane .
The advantages to having a membrane sweep are: . risk that your waters could be accidentally broken, which in turn increases the risk of infection to your baby. .
Nov 1, 2004 – The intent of the procedure, also known as membrane sweeping, is to . specifically evaluated the risks associated with membrane stripping .
10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Nov 2, 2010I don't see why membrane sweeping would hold additional risks for homebirth v. hospital birth - my sweeping was done on the exam table at .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jun 9He didn't inform me that he was going to sweep my membranes- he . So the risk of spreading HSV to the baby through a membrane sweep is .
Mar 7, 2011 – That reason alone (even though it's a very small risk) is why I would have declined a membrane sweep if my OB had brought it up. I have even .
3 answers - May 1, 2007Why even have the membrane sweep? Do you know the risks involved? They far outweigh the potential 'benefits' Don't try to rush your body. .
Jump to Are membrane sweeps safe for women who carry GBS?: However, there remains a theoretical risk that a membrane sweep might occasionally .
What disadvantages or risk might there be with sweeping membranes? I can think of four - see what you can think of, then click here. Effectiveness: Membrane .
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Jul 22, 2011 – About half of women who have a membrane sweep go into labour within 48 hours. It won't increase your risk of infection but it may feel .
A membrane (cervical) sweep is a vaginal examination during which your midwife . The good news is it doesn't increase the risk of infection to you or your baby, .
by M Hamdan - 2009 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
May 25, 2011 – I know my doc does not want to medically induce labor due to uterine rupture risk, but is a membrane sweep in the same category? .
You may be offered two or three membrane sweeps before moving onto other methods of induction. Risks It can be uncomfortable if your cervix is difficult to .
10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Sep 19, 2010So, with the sweep there must also be an infection risk. I don't know if this is a risk as I really haven't researched membrane sweeps, but being .
midwivesonline.com is the UK's leading unique midwifery led web site for midwives, health care professionals and expectant and new parents.
15 posts - 9 authors - Last post: May 27, 2007a few weeks after that birth i read a study that indicated that membrane sweeping can significantly increase your risk of water breaking .
Feb 24, 2010 – It does not increase the risk of infection to either you or your baby. A membrane sweep can be uncomfortable as the cervix is often difficult to .
It does not increase the risk of infection to either you or your baby. A membrane sweep can be uncomfortable as the neck of the womb is often difficult to reach .
There are health risks to the woman in continuing the pregnancy (e.g. she has . " Membrane sweep", also known as membrane stripping, or "stretch and sweep" .
5 answersAlso, I am worried about having a membrane sweep and the possibility of .
Your questions on having membrane sweep during pregnancy answered with advice on what membrane sweeping is and why your . What are the risks? .
So I am considering a membrane sweep tomorrow @ the midwife. I am concerned because I . Is there a bigger risk because I am GBS +? (I have chosen to use .
Apr 11, 2006 – I know there is a risk of accidentally rupturing the .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Dec 29, 2007She offered to do a membrane sweep if I wanted one but I declined because I dont know anything about the procedure! I've read very little on it, .
Jan 27, 2009 – Do you think a membrane sweep is not worth the pain/risk? Does it really make a difference? Does it make sense to do it at 38 weeks just to .
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Boulvain M, Stan CM, Irion O. Membrane sweeping for induction of labour. . Risk of caesarean section was similar between groups (relative risk (RR) 0.90, 95% .
May 26, 2010 – Based on the theoretical increased risk of bacterial seeding after membrane sweeping, as well as concern for fast labors and inadequate .
It does not increase the risk of infection to either you or your baby. A .
18 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Oct 7, 2007The next time I see my midwife she will offer me a membrane sweep. . . that I wouldn't have sweeps in the future as their risks don't outweigh .
Yesterday the OB mentioned the possibility of a membrane sweep closer to my . Membrane sweep also runs the risk of breaking the waters, which then runs the .
Jul 22, 2008 – New research shows that stripping or sweeping membranes does not induce labor or reduce the mother's . Are there any RIsks in Stripping the Membranes? . .. Here's hoping this membrane sweep triggers something today. .
5 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Nov 22, 2007Anything from yeast infection to GBS woudl considerably raise the risk of a membrane sweep since there could still be an abundance of harmful .
Jump to Sweeping the Membranes: Here is some info on membrane sweeping from the . There is a risk that your waters could be accidentally broken, .
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Dec 16, 2009 – Thread: Membrane Sweep . Re: Membrane Sweep . . intervention, ask yourself what the benefits are, what are the risks, and what will happen .
Membrane sweeping reduced the frequency of using other methods to induce labour (formal induction of labour). The overall risk reduction in the available trials .
Whether or not women underwent membrane sweeping, overall rates of . It almost certainly increases the risk of chorioamnionitis and premature rupture of .
Patient education; Obtaining informed consent; Risk assessment; Induction of labour. Membrane sweeping; Vaginal prostaglandin E2 (PGE2); Misoprostol or .
by HDSM Work - 2009
6 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Apr 26, 2006I have heard some doctors do a membrane sweeping without . Unfortunately, all internals increase your risk of infection, especially if you are .
And that in itself poses a risk to you and your baby, something that is often conveniently left out by your carer. . .. It is said to be effective, often within 48 hours of the sweep. . If your labour is not progressing after the membrane rupture, you are .
by MJ Hill - 2008 - Cited by 2 - Related articles
This method doesn't increase the risk of infection to mother and her baby,. If after membrane sweep there is still no sign of action then Syntocinon is given. .
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