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May 12, 2011 – Hi ladies, my doctor is insisting on giving me a membrane sweep at 40 weeks. This is my 1st baby. I don't fully understand what the procedure .
You are now 39 weeks pregnant (or in your 40th week if that's how you prefer .
Its a bit uncomfy - your midwife puts her hand right inside you and sweeps the membranes at the collar of ther cervix. I got it done at 40 weeks + 4 and didn't jump .
Sweeping the membranes performed as a general policy from 38-40 weeks onwards decreased the frequency of prolonged pregnancy: o over 42 weeks: 3.4 % .
10 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Jan 14, 2010Im realli upset ad cnt stop crying. .im 40 weeks and 6 days mw came today to do a membrane sweep however when she went in she sed my .
10 posts - 7 authors - Last post: May 16, 2008NICE recommend a membrane sweep should be offered to women at 41 weeks of pregnancy and I have seen that often, including some at 40+ .
br /> <br />Should he have done a membrane sweep then? . up. i'm gonna see if they'll do a membrane sweep for me tomorrow. i'll be 40 weeks on wednesday. .
7 answers - Oct 13, 2007Top answer: They will only be able to perform the membrane sweep if your cervix is what they call 'favourable', meaning soft and so they can open it to be able to fit their finger .
"Membrane sweep", also known as membrane stripping, or "stretch and . the risk of caesarean section if performed before the 40th week of gestation, but it has .
17 posts - 14 authors - Last post: May 11I'm currently 37 weeks and 3 days, due on 11th May. . Because of my .
4 posts - 3 authorsMembrane Sweep Due In Oct 2011. . at my 38 week appt, 39 week appt, and 40 week appt (which was actually a couple days before I was really 40 weeks). .
Jul 22, 2011 – If you are still pregnant at 40 (for first-time mums) or 41 weeks, you will be offered a 'membrane sweep'. Your midwife or doctor will do an .
3 answers - May 19, 2006Top answer: wow- they should have induced you earlier. "the longer the baby is in there, the better". not at this point. I almost lost my son because he was in there too long. .
Jump to Coping strategies after 40 weeks: Membrane sweeping for induction of labour. . Im no 40+3 and have had .
10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jan 12, 2008The entire week went by and still nothing had happened. Then I had my second membrane sweep done at 40 weeks. He did it for much longer .
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Membrane Sweep at 38 weeks?? 05/29/2009 ·public·4405 visits · notify me ? Ok .
Dec 15, 2007 – Membrane sweeping involves your midwife or doctor placing a finger . aspect means that the pregnancy should be at least at term, 40 weeks. .
8 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 11, 2009Anyway, he said he offers membrane sweeps from 37 weeks onwards. Has anyone any . I had one at 40 weeks with ds. It did'nt work and went .
Jun 8, 2009 – I am kind of curious if any of you had a membrane sweep, and whether it worked or not? I had a . At the 38 week visit and at the 40 week visit. .
Jun 26, 2008 – They're suggesting a membrane sweep at 39+1, then if .
Feb 4, 2011 – 40 weeks 3 days and had membrane sweep today. .: Has any of you had membrane sweep and it brought on labor? I am 1 cm dilated (have .
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Hi I am 40 weeks pregnant and having a membrane sweep and internal on Friday. Can you tell me if its painful. Asked By: admin; Category: Tea History; Tags: .
11 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Oct 8, 2010Hi ladies.. my doctor has offered me a membrane sweep at 39weeks+4. . I had mine done at 39 weeks 5 days and went into labor at 40 weeks .
20 posts - 18 authors - Last post: Nov 6, 2010Iam seeing the midwife today to arrange a membrane sweep. .
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Read signs of labor at 40 weeks, your baby at term, natural labor induction . doctor will place a finger through the cervix and basically 'sweep' the membranes . .
It's now recommended that, if it's your first baby, you're offered a membrane sweep at your 40 weeks prenatal appointment and again at your 41 week .
Apr 11, 2006 – One at 40 weeks, which was unsuccessful since i wasn't effaced at all, so it was more of a stimulation then acutally sweeping the membranes. .
13 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Nov 18, 2010at my 38 week appointment she said if I want she'd do the membrane sweep at my next appointment (which was yesterday, the day after my .
Sep 20, 2010 – Filed under: 40 weeks, membrane sweep . louise19 found out she was pregnant a week after breaking up with her boyfriend .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Dec 17, 2010well as excited as i am , i am equally fed up and i just hurt my knee putting my sock on! gotta laugh really. off to get a membrane sweep .
Hi, I had a membrane sweep today as i'm 40 weeks + 5 days. I have spent the last few days looking at websites like this one to get an idea of what to expect and .
May 29, 2011 – I was one day away from being in my 40th week and 1 .
Aug 25, 2011 – Although I don't think it's "bad" to sweep once you hit 40 .
May 12, 2011 – Hi ladies, my doctor is insisting on giving me a membrane .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Dec 29, 2007I am 39 weeks pregnant and was at my doctors yesterday. She offered to do a membrane sweep if I wanted one but I declined because I dont know . Hi I'm 40 weeks and they offered to sweep my membranes last week at my .
May 17, 2007 – It can be taken orally as soon as 34 weeks, and can be applied . A membrane sweep increases the likelihood that labour will start within 48 .
by MJ Hill - 2008 - Cited by 2 - Related articles
Mar 20, 2007 – "of women at 40 weeks, 65% labour spontaneously within the next week. . Membrane sweeping can be performed at home or in an antenatal .
4 answers - Aug 12Definitely soon. When I lost mine for my youngest child (2 months old), I had her within the next few days. I lost a bit here and a bit there until the day .
15 posts - 14 authors - Last post: Sep 2My daughter is due this Tuesday 27/1/09 and my 40 week. . wondered how .
Read on to find out all about a membrane sweep and if it can really help to get labour . to give you a membrane sweep at your 40-week antenatal appointment. .
Apr 13, 2011 – 38 Weeks + 4 days and I had a membrane sweep today! . up to 40 weeks, they'll talk in depth about another csection at 41 weeks but this time .
35 posts - 25 authors - Last post: Feb 4, 2008I am supposed to be having a membrane sweep this afternoon, I am starting . I was going to have on at 40 weeks but my cervix was not even .
It's now recommended that, if it's your first baby, you're offered a membrane sweep at your 40 weeks antenatal appointment and again at your 41 week .
21 posts - 20 authorsHiya, im 40 weeks and 4 days i have been booked in for my membrane sweep on tuesday and at hospital on sat 18th to be induced, seems a long time for you to .
Jan 22, 2007 – I am 40 weeks and 1 day, and yesterday i had a membrane sweep since then i have been leaking a light brownish discharge, i also feel very .
More information on what to expect in week 40 of your pregnancy. Get more . You are 40 weeks pregnant. 1-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . . I declined a membrane sweep. .