Sep 12, 11
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  • Membrane sweep at 41 weeks what is it? . 39 week check up. Mummy . The midwife booked me back in at week 41, lets hope we don't have to wait that long. .
  • 21 posts - 20 authorsFed up with being pregnant!. hi everyone! i'm 40 weeks today still no baby .
  • Jun 8, 2009 – 354219_tn?1259985442. by Jonelle143, Jun 12, 2009 03:03PM. The membrane sweep worked for me within hours. I was 39 weeks and a few .
  • What is a membrane sweep am 39weeks and 1 time do u reflect i could enjoy one? Answers: It's where the clear the mucus plug from your cervix. Membrane .
  • Jun 26, 2008 – I'm currently 38 weeks pregnant, and my midwife has suggested a membrane sweep next week, at 39 + 1. The reason for this is that my baby .
  • by MJ Hill - 2008 - Cited by 2 - Related articles
  • Membrane Sweep | Baby Names World. . Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 9:20 pm Post subject: Membrane Sweep, Reply with . I was 39 weeks for the 3rd sweep. .
  • 10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jan 12, 2008I had it done the first time at 39 weeks. It hurt so much , felt like . Then I had my second membrane sweep done at 40 weeks. He did it for much .
  • 4 answers - Aug 27, 2007Top answer: Like you said. it's different for everyone. I am also having one done at 39 weeks and I am also due Xmas day! Membrane sweeps help to speed up the labor .
  • I`ll be 39 weeks on Saturday and have a doctor appt tomorrow afternoon. Will she allow me to have a membrane sweep at this point in my pregnancy ? .
  • 11 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Oct 8, 2010Hi ladies.. my doctor has offered me a membrane sweep at 39weeks+4.. Has anyone had one please and did it work? Thank you Heart xx .
  • 3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 22Hi just got back from the consultant, currently at 37+6. He has written in .
  • 35 posts - 25 authors - Last post: Feb 4, 2008I am supposed to be having a membrane sweep this afternoon, I am starting .
  • May 17, 2007 – This is also known as a membrane sweep, and is usually offered at 41 weeks. Membrane sweeping is done by your midwife or doctor. .
  • 20 posts - 14 authors - Last post: Feb 5Thursday: 38w 6d: membrane sweep. Friday: 39 weeks on the dot: membrane .
  • Jump to Coping strategies after 40 weeks‎: Membrane sweeping for induction of labour. . my little girl came at 39+2 .
  • 10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Mar 19, 2008Just wondering how many of you had a membrane sweep to help induce . I had mine done at 37 weeks and I didn't deliver until 39 weeks. .
  • Aug 25, 2011 – Well it didn't work for me at 38,39 weeks with my first child (c/s) and . With my second VBAC, I had a membrane sweep done at 39w0d and .
  • Aug 8, 2007 – With my dd they did a membrane sweep and my water broke 3 .
  • The midwives in Montrose MLU are offering "sweeps" from 37/38 weeks. . . Sweeping of the membranes at 39 weeks in nulliparous women: a randomised .
  • Jul 21, 2009 – I am 39 weeks next Monday and am hoping to ask my doctor to strip my . I don't know if the membrane sweep helped things along or not. .
  • Hi, I went for a routine check-up on wednesday at 39+2 weeks and the doctor performed a Membrane Sweep without explaining or even having my consent. .
  • 10 posts - 7 authors - Last post: May 16, 2008What is the earliest that you have seen a membrane sweep carried out? . to offer membrane sweeping at 39 weeks if accepted by the woman. .
  • However, membrane sweeping can be a useful way of bringing on labour before other methods of induction are offered. . I am 39 weeks and 5 days pregnant. .
  • Membrane Sweep at 38 weeks?? 05/29/2009 ·public·4405 visits · notify me ? Ok .
  • I've been throwing up this whole pregnancy and now at 39 weeks the physical .
  • It's now recommended that, if it's your first baby, you're offered a membrane sweep at your 40 weeks prenatal appointment and again at your 41 week .
  • 39 weeks pregnant: here's what you need to know about how your baby's .
  • Apr 13, 2011 – 38 Weeks + 4 days and I had a membrane sweep today! .
  • Jul 22, 2008 – New research shows that stripping or sweeping membranes does not . I'm 39 weeks today and I had my membranes stripped and I can say it .
  • Jan 28, 2009 – Pregnancy - membrane sweep. . I had a sweep at 39 weeks, and went into labour 4 days later so not sure if it was down to the sweep or not, .
  • 17 posts - 14 authors - Last post: May 11Because of my ongoing discomfort, my midwife has agreed to do a membrane sweep on my next visit in 2 weeks time 4 days before my due .
  • "Membrane sweep", also known as membrane stripping, or "stretch and sweep" in . Inducing labor before 39 weeks increases the risk of complications and .
  • Jan 28, 2011 – membrane sweep at 39 weeks. Avatar cr2011. By: cr2011. Member since Jan 23, 2011 . Posted: May 29, 2011. How effective are membrane sweeps? .
  • Mar 15, 2011 – The doc said hopefully I will go into labor nautrally in the next two weeks. If not they said they will do a "membrane sweep@ at 39 weeks 3 days .
  • Jul 2, 2010 – Here's week 39! . is on next Thursday and my dr will do another membrane sweep. . i cant believe youre already 39 weeks! how exciting! =) .
  • 15 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Apr 1, 2010She said she will also perform a membrane sweep to try and bring on .
  • 10 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Oct 2, 2006Re: Membrane Sweep. I had a stretch and sweep at 39 weeks for a variety of reasons. It was to be honest almost more painful than a full .
  • May 29, 2011 – i am 39 weeks on sat the 15th and had my membrane stripped .
  • 12 posts - 11 authorsIm almost 39 weeks and my cervix was way ready. . when your doc uses a finger to separate the bag of waters from the cervix, thus "sweeping the membranes. .
  • 3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Dec 29, 2007I am 39 weeks pregnant and was at my doctors yesterday. She offered to do a membrane sweep if I wanted one but I declined because I dont .
  • 8 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 11, 2009Anyway, he said he offers membrane sweeps from 37 weeks onwards. Has anyone . I had a sweep at 39+5 and went into labour a week later. .
  • 20 posts - 18 authors - Last post: Nov 6, 2010Iam seeing the midwife today to arrange a membrane sweep. . I had a sweep on friday as having alot of pelvic pain tho am only 39 weeks. had .
  • I am booked to have a membrane sweep on tuesday i will be exactly 39 weeks .
  • 7 answersTop answer: They will only be able to perform the membrane sweep if your cervix is what they call 'favourable', meaning soft and so they can open it to be able to fit their finger .
  • 25 posts - 18 authors - Last post: Aug 19, 2010Because according to what I"ve read (so far) a membrane sweep is done to . With my first, my OB swept my membranes at 39 weeks and it still .
  • No experience, I'm afraid, but dd was 10lb 11oz at 40 weeks - consultant was .
  • I'm 39 weeks аnԁ 4 days. A few public i hаνе talked tο hаνе suggested I qυеѕtіοn fοr a membrane sweep today @ mу appt. јυѕt wondering іf thеу аrе effective .
  • 17 posts - 5 authors - Last post: May 4, 2006I asked the doctor to sweep my membranes (as I last posted) and she said next week. Well, I just came back from my 39 week apt. Some how .
  • 10 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Apr 21, 2008OBJECTIVE: To determine whether weekly sweeping of the membranes from 39 weeks of gestation results in a reduction in the number of .

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