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I would only do this for strong indications -- not just because mom was tired of being pregnant or a few days past due. Stripping the membranes this way is an .
I went to my doctors appt today (37w5d) and my doctor asked me if I wanted to have my membranes stripped. I had no clue what that was. She then explained .
17 posts - 14 authors - Last post: Jan 14, 2005I had an appt. today and my doc stripped my membranes but nothing has .
Feb 17, 2006 – The purpose of this study is to determine if routine membrane sweeping in uncomplicated term pregnancies increases the rate of pre-labor .
4 answers - Dec 25, 2006What is your opinions on getting your membrane's s… . In certain situations, stripping the membranes can stimulate the onset of labor. This is a simple procedure . I had it done twice with my previous pregnancy. I was almost .
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4 answersI had a midwife when I was pregnant with my son, who's now 6 months. And she was all for the no drugs route so she stripped my membranes 3 times starting .
May 17, 2007 – Parenting Skills · Pregnancy & Birth · Getting pregnant · Pregnancy . Membrane sweeping is done by your midwife or doctor. While internally .
Questions are all related to becoming pregnant, pregnancy, birth and babies. Go to the Questions and answers index. Membrane stripping?! Added: 1026 days .
May 27, 2011 – However, there is no strong evidence at this time that .
Jan 31, 2011 – So my dr stripped my membranes this morning, I know .
Nov 1, 2004 – Using membrane stripping as part of routine prenatal care led to an overall decrease in pregnancies lasting beyond 41 and 42 weeks, but this .
May 29, 2011 – How fast after getting your membrane stripped can you go into labor. . I am now pregnant with my third child and hope to do this again at 39 .
Nov 13, 2005 – Stripping your membrane is a method of attempting to prevent a woman's pregnancy from lasting over 42 weeks. Post-date pregnancies (over .
by HDSM Work - 2009
5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jul 24, 2010We are officially overdue. My OB wants to do the least intervention possible, but not let him go longer than a week overdue, .
8 posts - 5 authorsmembrane stripping!!! MommaSC August 30 Permalink. How bad does it hurt??? survivormommie3 August 30 Permalink. i didnt feel it at all .
Your questions on having membrane sweep during pregnancy answered with advice on what membrane sweeping is and why your midwife may suggest it.
What happens if you need to be induced because your baby is overdue.
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Stripping the Membranes - Childbirth Resources at StorkNet's Childbirth Cubby. . StorkNet's Week By Week Guide to Pregnancy. Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 .
Sign Up for our NEW Pregnancy & Baby Bulletin! . what does membrane .
by FO Dare - 2002 - Cited by 5 - Related articles
However, membrane sweeping can be a useful way of bringing on labour before other methods of . A guide to effective care in pregnancy and childbirth. .
When you have passed your due date and you are still pregnant, your doctor may want to strip your membranes. This won't necessarily put you into labor, but .
Stripping or sweeping the membranes is a technique used to try to stimulate labor.
You're in the home stretch! For weeks 28 through 40-plus, we are talking birthing plans, doulas, labor, and what to expect after your baby arrives.
Sweeping (or stripping) the membranes (sometimes referred to as a 'strip and . an attempt to prevent the pregnancy going overdue, induce labour, or ripen the .
Apr 11, 2006 – Mothering › Forums › Pregnancy and Birth › I'm Pregnant › Pro's and Con's of stripping membranes??? and. did it start up labor for you? .
Sweeping the membranes performed as a general policy from 38-40 weeks onwards decreased the frequency of prolonged pregnancy: o over 42 weeks: 3.4 % .
Apr 26, 2006 – Usually, we do not like to strip membranes until you are 40-41 weeks pregnant and there is a definite indication to induce delivery rather than to .
Mar 9, 2011 – How To Strip The Membranes When Pregnant. Stripping the membranes is a simple procedure performed in late pregnancy to help induce .
14 answers - Jan 7, 2008ive heard that a membrane sweep could start labour im 39 weeks and . I know those who have tried but would you really know what you were .
I highly recommend getting membranes stripped if your doctor believes you and the baby will be healthy. I do not enjoy being pregnant. I love my little boy and I .
by James Brann
Sweeping of the membranes before or on your due date can help decrease the chance of your pregnancy going beyond 42 weeks and the need for an induction .
See more in the 'Is it safe to get my membranes stripped?' article in the Pregnancy_birth section at Pregnancy & Baby!
17 posts - 15 authors - Last post: Jan 18, 2005With my first pregnancy, my doctor stripped my membranes, because I had been 1 cm for a month. Well it hurt a little. A few hours later I had the .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Dec 20, 2004Have you had this done to help you begin labor? Did it work for you?
Are you wondering what stripping membranes means? If you're pregnant and are experiencing problems going into labor, your doctor may offer stripping your .
12 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Jul 13This is more a "please reassure me" post than advice, really. My next prenatal appointment is coming up on July 25th. I'll be 37 weeks then.
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Sep 21, 2010How much did you bleed? It's definitely not like a period, but I wouldn't call it spotting either.
Sweeping of the membranes, performed as a general policy in women at term, was associated with reduced duration of pregnancy and reduced frequency of .
Feb 12, 2009 – Check out more at http://Pregnancy. . ripening cervix · rupture membrane · rupture membranes · stripping membranes · uterus · water breaking .
17 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Aug 12, 2006Membrane Stripping . I have an appointment tomorrow, and they told me last week that they'll try to 'help things along' when I come back.
Postterm pregnancy, i.e. if the pregnancy has gone past the 42 week mark. . " Membrane sweep", also known as membrane stripping, or "stretch and sweep" in .
Obviously they will not induce me (thank goodness, my one saving grace) but they can strip my membranes. I have an appointment this week and I'm wondering .
Jan 28, 2009 – Anyone had success with membrane stripping? Pregnancy.
Does stripping or sweeping the membranes reduce the need for induction?
Jan 6, 2010 – Your health care provider may "strip" your membranes if he or she feels that continuing the pregnancy is dangerous for your health or your .