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A calendar of future Mardi Gras dates in New Orleans.
New Orleans Mardi Gras Dates for visitors to prepare their trip for carnival season.
Dec 16, 2010 . Future Fat Tuesdays A complicated formula, based on the Catholic Church calendar and the date of Easter Sunday, determines the date of Mardi .
Future Mardi Gras Dates: 2-20-2007 MARDI GRAS DAY FEBRUARY 20, 2007. 2-5-2008 MARDI GRAS DAY FEBRUARY 5, 2008. 2-24-2009 MARDI GRAS DAY FEBRUARY 24, 2009 .
Mardi Gras FAQs. Mardi Gras Dates Feb. 21, 2012 | Feb. . A rural Mardi Gras celebration that dates back to the earliest days of settlement. .
The 2009 Mardi Gras parade schedule, organized by date and by Krewe.
The festival of Mardi Gras dates back 5000 years, but it didn't come to America until 1699 with the French explorer, Iberville, and the first parades .
DETERMINING FUTURE MARDI GRAS DATES. Reviewing literature and materials available regarding how the date for Mardi Gras is determined can cause considerable .
New Orleans Mardi Gras information about the history, traditions, krewes .
The calendar dates Mardi Gras is scheduled to fall on.
Oct 14, 2006 . Mardi Gras itself (also know as Fat Tuesday) is the day before Ash Wednesday, the last day to . Future Mardi Gras dates include: .
2011 Mobile Bay Mardi Gras Schedule All parades roll on Route A unless otherwise noted. Parade schedule dates and times are subject to change.
Future Mardi Gras Dates - 2013 (February 12) - 2014 (March 4) - 2015 (February 17). . Surviving Mardi Gras: suffering from too much partying? try the Zaca .
If you are coming to New Orleans, here are future Mardi Gras Dates to assist .
These dates and times are based on the Vernal Equinox figures printed in Astronomical Tables of the Sun, Moon, and Planets , by Jean Meeus, 1983, .
A rural Mardi Gras celebration that dates back to the earliest days of settlement. With its roots firmly in the medieval tradition of ceremonial begging, .
Occurring on any Tuesday from Feb. 3 through March 9, Mardi Gras is tied to Easter, which falls on the first Sunday after the full moon that follows the .
Feb 19, 2010 . Mardi Gras is always on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. This date varies according to the Christian Calendar. This year Mardi Gras day .
Our up-to-date parade schedule for the Mobile and surrounding areas.
Future Mardi Gras Dates: 2012 - February 21st 2013 - February 12th 2014 - March 4th, Live webcam provided by the City of Mobile: .
Mar 4, 2011 . The celebration of Mardi Gras changes and fluctuates each year. It is based upon the date for Easter as it changes based upon lunar cycles.
Get New Orleans Mardi Gras news, with videos, photos & schedules of Mardi Gras carnival parade. . About New Orleans Mardi Gras. Future Mardi Gras Dates .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jul 16, 2008Mardi Gras Date and weather New Orleans Festivals.
But to simplify matters for carnival historians--and for those eager to partake in the revelries to come--we present this list of dates for Mardi Gras .
FUTURE MARDI GRAS DATES 2011 - March 8th 2012 - February 21th 2013 - February 12th 2014 - March 4th 2015 - February 17th 2016 - February 9th .
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Aug 21, 2007Upcoming Mardi Gras Dates: 2011 March 8 2012 February 21 2013 February 12 2014 March 4 2015 February 17 2016 February 9 2017 February 28 .
Future Mardi Gras Dates ar elisted here. Get your latest information on time .
This parade schedule is subject to change pending the City of New Orleans .
Krewe of Houmas 11:00 a.m. Westside route. Krewe of Kajuns (follows Houmas) Westside route. Krewe of Bonne Terre 4:00 p.m. Montegut. Future Mardi Gras Dates .
Jan 12, 2010 . Universal Orlando's Mardi Gras 2010 Mardi Gras celebration runs every Saturday night from Feb. 6 through April 17, with additional dates on .
In the rural Acadiana area, many Cajuns celebrate with the Courir de Mardi Gras, a tradition that dates to medieval celebrations in France. .
A Christian holiday and popular cultural phenomenon, Mardi Gras dates back . According to historians, Mardi Gras dates back thousands of years to pagan .
Official 2011 Mardi Gras Parade Schedule UPDATED 2011 Mardi Gras Schedule .
Jan 5, 2009 . All parades roll on Route A unless otherwise noted. Parade schedule dates and times are subject to change. Saturday, January 24 1:00 p.m. .
As we knight mardi gras dates, so we cannon future mardi gras dates.It mardi gras dates therefore that the fall-flowering mardi gras dates 2005 is that .
Around the Web: Mardi Gras - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia · Mardi Gras Calendar Dates 2011 | Mardi Gras in New Orleans . .
Official 2010 Mardi Gras Parade Schedule UPDATED 2010 Mardi Gras Schedule .
Mardi Gras, also known as Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday, is the last day of .
Of course, we're only talking about "Mardi Gras Day." In 2009 Mardi Gras will fall on February 24th (see future Mardi Gras dates below). While the date of .
The date for Mardi Gras changes every single year. The key element is Ash Wednesday. In New Orleans, we kick off the celebration officially on January 6th . .
Mardi Gras, also known as Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday, is the last day of feasting before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Find the date of Mardi Gras 2011.
Mardi-gras = Fat Tusday. Gotta love Mardi-gras. but I'm going to miss the Celebration in my french class because I'm not going to be there. T_T ! .
(rolls on Route C). *parade info. as provided by the City of Mobile Traffic Dept . *subject to change without notice. Future Mardi Gras Day Dates: .
Test your Mardi Gras trivia skills. Take the Mardi Gras Quiz. Mardi Gras Dates: 2009 Feb. 24 2010 Feb. 16 2011 March 8 2012 Feb. 21 2013 Feb. 12 .
Future Mardi Gras Day Dates 2012 – Feb. 21 2013 – Feb. 12 2014 – March 4. Gulf Shores and Orange Beach Mardi Gras is tons of family fun. .
Mardi Gras Dates-- Past and Present. Posted: Jan 6, 2011 12:16 PM Updated: Jan 6 , 2011 12:38 PM. Share · Share Tweet. Rating: 0.0 (0 votes) .
Mar 7, 2011 . Mardi Gras 2011 New Orleans Parade Schedule for 2011 including Photographs, Dates, Times, Routes, Mardi Gras Krewes, and all things Mardi .
The 2011 date for Mardi Gras and the 2010 parade schedules for the New .
Top questions and answers about Mardi-Gras-Dates. Find 17 questions and answers about Mardi-Gras-Dates at Ask.com Read more.
The dates for the Carnival season in Greece for 2011, 2012, and beyond. Find .