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One common punt by the inexperienced web-designer is that his web-host doesn't offer CGI facilities, so he is forced to use a mailto:. .
Dec 6, 2008 . This is a guest post by Ben Barden of Top Ten Blog Tips, where every post contains a list of .
If your service provider does not provide a CGI-bin for scripts, you can always use mailto in the ACTION field to submit forms to your E-mail address. .
{mailto} automates the creation of a mailto: anchor links and optionally encodes them. Encoding emails makes it more difficult for web spiders to lift email .
Oct 13, 2006 . It's not that hard to change the system default mail program to one . Thanks a lot for your advice! It worked perfectly for mt Gmail. .
Rumkin.com >> Web-Based Tools >> Mailto Encoder. Search: . Generic JavaScript that will decode your address and forward you to the proper mailto: link. .
Informaiton about adding subject when using the HTML mailto command.
Nov 25, 2004 . Upon a mailto: redirect, IE 5.5+ and Mozilla 5.0+ browsers may change the browser window to a blank page as it opens the e-mail software .
Third party software developed to enhance Google's new Gmail email service.
This page will cover how easy it is to allow people to email their friends from your website using mailto and includes tips and tricks for html forms, .
However there are many occasions you would still want to use convenient mailto: links. That's where our encoder comes in. Just type in your e-mail (and .
Netscape was the first browser to extend the mailto: URL to allow control over message headers in this manner (in Netscape 2.0 and above.) .
Feb 12, 2007 . New to IE7 is more reliable and standards-compliant support for international mailto URIs. This post will describe how users, .
HTML mailto attribute: Learn how to configure the HTML mailto to receive emails from visitors on your web site and other details regarding the popular HTML .
Oct 5, 2010 . Mailto URIs are used to specify email message compose data in a portable format. Mail clients parse and decode this data to generate default .
Mailto Syntax Tutorial - How to Create an Email Link - How to use Mailto Protocol, Mailto tag, and Mailto link tutorial - AddressMunger.com.
Sep 24, 2008 . I can't shut off Gmail as my mailto link. I've canceled my Gmail account, other Google accounts and verified the defaults for Windows, .
Feb 11, 2010 . Opens a client's e-mail system and begins a new email message.
The syntax of 'mailto' URLs from RFC 1738 is extended to allow creation of more RFC 822 messages by allowing the URL to express additional header and body .
Prevent e-mail link harvesting by spammer's robots. Nothing is displayed in the file where this script is used, other than an empty span element. The mailto .
Encoding mailto URLs correctly with %20 and %A0 and what not is a bit .
Oct 8, 2009 . MailTo Updater sets your default email handler in Windows to use gmail or GAFD instead of a standalone application.
<a href="mailto:webmonkey@wired.com>Send an e-mail to Webmonkey</a> and tell us how much you love cats. When the reader clicks on that link, their default .
You don't have to use a back-end script to set up an HTML form. See how you can use a simple bit of HTML to accomplish the task.
Jan 20, 2005 . I will leave G-Mailto up for historical purposes :) and because some people only want what G-Mailto does and not the mail notification .
The mailto URI scheme, as registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), defines the scheme for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) email .
The Mailto tag is used as a way to include an email address on a web page which can be clicked on thus opening the visitors default email client with the .
Encode your email addresses to hide it from spammers. Just write the address and paste the small code we provide.
Oct 27, 2008 . mailto link with multiple recipients: . mailto with 3 lines of message body: . Here's the mailto RFC for more reading on mailto. .
Sep 20, 2010 . Creating a JavaScript MailTo function is as fairly straightforward, just as it is with its HTML counterpart. Read on to find out how to .
The mailto URL scheme is used to designate the Internet mailing address of an individual or service. In its simplest form, a mailto URL contains an Internet .
Jan 17, 2008 . Click on a mailto: link on any web page and open up a compose form in Gmail. If you use Google Apps for Your Domain, from the user script .
To force the browser to read it as an e-mail link, you use "mailto:" rather than . After the "mailto:", you will use your e-mail address rather than a Web .
Jan 27, 2009 . The mailto protocol lets you create hyperlinks that will directly launch the default email software and compose a new email message.
Most webmasters have email inboxes loaded with messages ñ some spam, some useful . Sometimes, itís hard to tell the difference just by looking at the subject .
Jun 15, 2010 . <form action="mailto:somebody@example.com" method="post" . for the moment, that the user's browser knows what to do with a mailto link, .
MailTo: Link Generator . Use this easy code generator form to quickly create mailto links for your page. You can make mailto links that include To, Cc, .
Check your email from anywhere in the world. mail2web.com offers email hosting services for all your email needs. Check your email for free.
Free Tech Support on Can I have a mailto link specify a subject and body? from Dave Taylor.
Jun 25, 2008 . HTML Email Hyperlink href mailto feature provides the functionality to send the email through the client's Microsoft Outlook Express.
The MailTo command can do more than enter a single e-mail address in the "Send To" field while activating your e-mail program. It can also: .
Mailto. Reading should be social! Post a message on your social networks to let others know what you're reading. Select the sites below and start sharing. .
www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_mailto - SimilarMailto: Learn How to Build Email Links On Your Web SiteLearn how to use the mailto command to write email links on your Web pages.
But the mailto link can be made to work much harder than that. You can have it add a subject line, send copies to multiple recipients or even write the .
In today's earlier list of five extensions you won't need in Firefox 3, we said you won't need any special toolbars, third-party apps, Greasemonkey scripts, .
Sep 17, 2009 . Would you like to access Gmail automatically every time that you click on a mailto link in Google Chrome? Now you can with a little bit of .
Ah, the mailto tag. The easiest way to let people contact you or your company from your website. Easily readable and clickable. and harvestable. .
MailTo Protector is a tool for webmasters, used to create encoded mailto links . Second, and more importantly, MailTo Protector encodes the mailto link .
Sep 20, 2008 . Explains how to set MAILTO variable under cron daemon to send email to specific user.