Mar 22, 11
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  • One common punt by the inexperienced web-designer is that his web-host doesn't offer CGI facilities, so he is forced to use a mailto:. .
  • Dec 6, 2008 . This is a guest post by Ben Barden of Top Ten Blog Tips, where every post contains a list of .
  • If your service provider does not provide a CGI-bin for scripts, you can always use mailto in the ACTION field to submit forms to your E-mail address. .
  • {mailto} automates the creation of a mailto: anchor links and optionally encodes them. Encoding emails makes it more difficult for web spiders to lift email .
  • Oct 13, 2006 . It's not that hard to change the system default mail program to one . Thanks a lot for your advice! It worked perfectly for mt Gmail. .
  • Location Mailto Icon
  • >> Web-Based Tools >> Mailto Encoder. Search: . Generic JavaScript that will decode your address and forward you to the proper mailto: link. .
  • Informaiton about adding subject when using the HTML mailto command.
  • Nov 25, 2004 . Upon a mailto: redirect, IE 5.5+ and Mozilla 5.0+ browsers may change the browser window to a blank page as it opens the e-mail software .
  • mailto: email addresses.
  • Third party software developed to enhance Google's new Gmail email service.
  • This page will cover how easy it is to allow people to email their friends from your website using mailto and includes tips and tricks for html forms, .
  • However there are many occasions you would still want to use convenient mailto: links. That's where our encoder comes in. Just type in your e-mail (and .
  • Netscape was the first browser to extend the mailto: URL to allow control over message headers in this manner (in Netscape 2.0 and above.) .
  • Feb 12, 2007 . New to IE7 is more reliable and standards-compliant support for international mailto URIs. This post will describe how users, .
  • HTML mailto attribute: Learn how to configure the HTML mailto to receive emails from visitors on your web site and other details regarding the popular HTML .
  • Oct 5, 2010 . Mailto URIs are used to specify email message compose data in a portable format. Mail clients parse and decode this data to generate default .
  • Mailto Syntax Tutorial - How to Create an Email Link - How to use Mailto Protocol, Mailto tag, and Mailto link tutorial -
  • Gmail for mailto Links
  • Sep 24, 2008 . I can't shut off Gmail as my mailto link. I've canceled my Gmail account, other Google accounts and verified the defaults for Windows, .
  • Feb 11, 2010 . Opens a client's e-mail system and begins a new email message.
  • The syntax of 'mailto' URLs from RFC 1738 is extended to allow creation of more RFC 822 messages by allowing the URL to express additional header and body .
  • Mailto link
  • Prevent e-mail link harvesting by spammer's robots. Nothing is displayed in the file where this script is used, other than an empty span element. The mailto .
  • Encoding mailto URLs correctly with %20 and %A0 and what not is a bit .
  • Contact Us. PRESIDENT
  • MailTo Xtra dialog window
  • Oct 8, 2009 . MailTo Updater sets your default email handler in Windows to use gmail or GAFD instead of a standalone application.
  • <a href=">Send an e-mail to Webmonkey</a> and tell us how much you love cats. When the reader clicks on that link, their default .
  • You don't have to use a back-end script to set up an HTML form. See how you can use a simple bit of HTML to accomplish the task.
  • mailto: protocol by using
  • Jan 20, 2005 . I will leave G-Mailto up for historical purposes :) and because some people only want what G-Mailto does and not the mail notification .
  • The mailto URI scheme, as registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), defines the scheme for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) email .
  • The Mailto tag is used as a way to include an email address on a web page which can be clicked on thus opening the visitors default email client with the .
  • Encode your email addresses to hide it from spammers. Just write the address and paste the small code we provide.
  • A more complex HTML mailto
  • Advantages of HTML mailto
  • Oct 27, 2008 . mailto link with multiple recipients: . mailto with 3 lines of message body: . Here's the mailto RFC for more reading on mailto. .
  • Sep 20, 2010 . Creating a JavaScript MailTo function is as fairly straightforward, just as it is with its HTML counterpart. Read on to find out how to .
  • The mailto URL scheme is used to designate the Internet mailing address of an individual or service. In its simplest form, a mailto URL contains an Internet .
  • Jan 17, 2008 . Click on a mailto: link on any web page and open up a compose form in Gmail. If you use Google Apps for Your Domain, from the user script .
  • To force the browser to read it as an e-mail link, you use "mailto:" rather than . After the "mailto:", you will use your e-mail address rather than a Web .
  • Jan 27, 2009 . The mailto protocol lets you create hyperlinks that will directly launch the default email software and compose a new email message.
  • Most webmasters have email inboxes loaded with messages ñ some spam, some useful . Sometimes, itís hard to tell the difference just by looking at the subject .
  • Jun 15, 2010 . <form action="" method="post" . for the moment, that the user's browser knows what to do with a mailto link, .
  • MailTo: Link Generator . Use this easy code generator form to quickly create mailto links for your page. You can make mailto links that include To, Cc, .
  • Check your email from anywhere in the world. offers email hosting services for all your email needs. Check your email for free.
  • Free Tech Support on Can I have a mailto link specify a subject and body? from Dave Taylor.
  • mailto.jpg
  • Jun 25, 2008 . HTML Email Hyperlink href mailto feature provides the functionality to send the email through the client's Microsoft Outlook Express.
  • The MailTo command can do more than enter a single e-mail address in the "Send To" field while activating your e-mail program. It can also: .
  • Mailto. Reading should be social! Post a message on your social networks to let others know what you're reading. Select the sites below and start sharing. .
  • - SimilarMailto: Learn How to Build Email Links On Your Web SiteLearn how to use the mailto command to write email links on your Web pages.
  • But the mailto link can be made to work much harder than that. You can have it add a subject line, send copies to multiple recipients or even write the .
  • In today's earlier list of five extensions you won't need in Firefox 3, we said you won't need any special toolbars, third-party apps, Greasemonkey scripts, .
  • Sep 17, 2009 . Would you like to access Gmail automatically every time that you click on a mailto link in Google Chrome? Now you can with a little bit of .
  • Ah, the mailto tag. The easiest way to let people contact you or your company from your website. Easily readable and clickable. and harvestable. .
  • MailTo Protector is a tool for webmasters, used to create encoded mailto links . Second, and more importantly, MailTo Protector encodes the mailto link .
  • Sep 20, 2008 . Explains how to set MAILTO variable under cron daemon to send email to specific user.

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