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Maille Artisans International League (MAIL) - Home base for maille-related articles and tutorials (most found under the "Weaves" heading in the Library). .
The Maille Artisans International League (M.A.I.L.) www.mailleartisans.org. Probably the best all-purpose site available, with lots of patterns, how-to's, .
M.A.I.L. (Maille Artisans International League) is an international community of artisans and volunteers dedicated to the advancement of the . .
Chain Mail Sites Ranked by Popularity. 1. Maille Artisans International League. Maille Artisans International League. An international group of artisans .
M.A.I.L. - Maille Artisans International League. An Online Resource and Community for the Art of Maille. Getting Started .
Mar 25, 2011 – Upcoming Events _. Maille Artisans International League has 0 upcoming events in the next 2 weeks. View all events. Comments _ .
M.A.I.L. (Maille Artisans International League) is an international community of artisans and volunteers dedicated to the advancement of the chainmaille .
Maille Artisans International League, Dedicated to the art and industry of chainmail. Offers instructions, weaves, patterns, a gallery, rated links and chat .
Acronym Finder: MAIL stands for Maille Artisans International League.
Maille Artisans International League. An international group of artisans .
Internet Directory|ZhuaDongXi [Web Pages] - Maille Artisans International League: Dedicated to the art and industry of chainmail.
An international group of artisans dedicated to the advancement of maille art. Our aim is to create new techniques, weaves, and patterns, expanding the .
Mar 14, 2011 – Created by Craftsmen and women from the forums Maille Artisans International League , aka M.A.I.L. and other mailling groups. Purpose? .
M.A.I.L. - Maille Artisans International League | Facebook.
M.A.I.L. (Maille Artisans International League) is a great resource for those interested in the beautiful art of chain maille. www.photobucket.com .
Most maille artisans on the net use various metals to fashion their products, but maille has been made out of everything from pvc pipe cut into discs, .
Apr 5, 2010 – This is a great article about the effect of aspect ratio (or AR) on chainmaille: Aspect Ratio on Maille Artisans. .
M.A.I.L. - Maille Artisans International League - Gallery . m.a.i.l. - maille artisans international leag. By: _Flo_ .
Jul 12, 2011 – M.A.I.L. - Maille Artisans International League - Home Page. http://www. mailleartisans.org/. -. Sites like Mailleartisans .
Is Maille Artisan or Chainmaille Artisan the proper term for someone who makes chainmaille?
M.A.I.L. (Maille Artisans International League) is an international .
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Oct 17, 2009Corvus Chainmaille has been making chainmaille jewellry for over 20 years and is the Weaves Admin for Maille Artisans International along .
Dedicated to the art and industry of chainmail. Offers instructions, weaves, patterns, a gallery, rated links and chat groups.
M.A.I.L. (Maille Artisans International League) is an international .
Websites: M.A.I.L. (Maille Artisans International League) – Images for hundreds of chain mail weaves, and the largest tutorial collection on the Internet. .
There are also many patterns developed by chain maille artists that can be found at the Maille Artisans site which is listed below. .
M.A.I.L. (Maille Artisans International League) is an international community of artisans and volunteers dedicated to the advancement of the chainmaille .
I am a self-taught chainmaille artist and an affiliate with Maille Artisans International League, a forum for all things maille. .
It is a chain maille weave. Half Persian 4-1. Here's a link to an online tute published by Maille Artisans Intern'l League. .
Xmarks site page for mailleartisans www.mailleartisans.org with topics, reviews, ratings and comments. Maille Artisans International League.
Feb 15, 2011 – It's growing in popularity because the innovations and creativity of chain maille artisans like Rebeca have won over the people who thought .
Mailleartisans org SmartViper Statistics Mashups. An article, submit an article, related sites. Advanced keyword suggestions. Last updated on July 15 2011.
It is all run on a volunteer basis and fellow chain maille artisans "donate" tutorials to the site. Most seem to have either photographs or at least .
Aug 31, 2010 – I do not however, sell a tutorial, instead, I point to the Maille Artisans site, as I firmly believe that there are plenty of free .
Jul 13, 2011 – The Maille Artisans International League (M.A.I.L.) and any affiliates thereof will not be held responsible for any injuries or mishaps in .
www.mailleartisans.org site information and similar sites.
M.A.I.L. (Maille Artisans International League) is an international community of artisans and volunteers dedicated to the advancement of the chainmaille .
May 26, 2011 – Maille Artisans International League has an online catalogue of well over a thousand known weaves. One would think that there are just so .
The Maille Artisans International League offers helpful diagrams on its website. Wear protective gloves and a smock if you are weaving this chain for the .
Jun 23, 2011 – Dedicated to the art and industry of chainmail. Offers instructions, weaves, patterns, a gallery, rated links and chat groups.
M.A.I.L. (Maille Artisans International League) is an international .
Maille artisan, idea man, doktor and director. | Facebook.
The Maille Artisans International League (M.A.I.L.) and any affiliates thereof will not be held responsible for any injuries or mishaps in the use or misuse .
8 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 18, 2006Maille Artisans.org. http://www.mailleartisans.org/gallery/index.cgi. Some of you may of already seen this site, but just in case someone .
Feb 18, 2011 – I saw someone on the Maille Artisans forum suggest using knitting needles as mandrels, so we went out and bought those, and another guy we .
Acronym, Definition. MAIL, Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock ( Afghanistan). MAIL, Maille Artisans International League .
M.A.I.L -- Maille Artisans Internation League, a great resource for all things maille. The Ring Lord -- The most versatile chainmaille supplier out there, .
Mar 24, 2010 – M.A.I.L. - Maille Artisans International League - Making a 'Ring Jig' (W.I.R.E.) - Submitted by anon. M.A.I.L. - Maille Artisans .
Feb 19, 2009 – M.A.I.L. (Maille Artisans International League) is an international group of artisans dedicated to the advancement of maille art. .
M.A.I.L. (Maille Artisans International League) is an international community of artisans and volunteers dedicated to the advancement of the chainmaille .