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by E Giraud - 2000 - Cited by 3 - Related articles
Nov 1, 2007 – The massive newcomer beats the previous stellar-mass black hole discovered October 17 in the M33 galaxy that has 16 times the mass of our .
Jul 4, 2011 – M33 as it is also known in the Messier Catalog is a spiral galaxy with an approximate mass of 50 billion solar masses and roughly 40 billion .
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Mass estimates for the Andromeda halo (including dark matter) give a value of . The galaxy M33 could be responsible for some warp in M31's arms, .
Apr 14, 2007 – In the Local Group, this sample includes M31, M33, NGC 6822, IC 1613, . . "On Extending the Mass-Metallicity Relation of Galaxies by 2.5 .
M33 is a High Surface Brightness Galaxy low mass spiral Galaxy which is a member of the local group. Its distance is approximately 2.5 million light years .
Feb 26, 2008 – The Triangulum Galaxy is also called M33 for being the 33rd object . our Milky Way's spiral shape, M33 has only about one-tenth the mass. .
A nearby type Sc spiral galaxy that is a prominent member of the Local Group. . M33 is an averaged-sized spiral, with a mass of between 10 and 40 billion .
by A Javadi - 2011 - Related articles
Sep 20, 2009 – The LMC is the fourth largest galaxy in the local group, with the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) and Triangulum Galaxy (M33) also having more mass. .
Jan 24, 2011 – Statistics, description and images of M33 X-7, a stellar mass black hole. . X- ray source discovered in M33, the spiral Triangulum galaxy. .
M33 X-7 is a black hole binary system in the galaxy M33. The system is made up of a stellar mass black hole and a companion star. M33 X-7 is the largest .
But Andromeda and the Milky Way are very large galaxies, so M33 is probably average in size and mass for a spiral galaxy. Although I mentioned earlier that .
Jun 25, 2011 – The spiral galaxy M33 is one of the largest galaxies in our local group. . With it's larger mass, maybe M31 stripped M33 of many of it's .
Mar 19, 2007 – How to find the M33. "Technical info" about the Triangulum Galaxy. This galaxy has a mass of 25 billion solar masses and a diameter of 50000 .
Oct 17, 2007 – Chandra X-ray Center, Cambridge, Mass. 617-496-7998 mwatzke@cfa.harvard.edu. News release: 07-112. Artist's representation of M33 X-7, .
OBJECT: M33 (Extragalactic binaries). DISTANCE: 2.1 million lightyears. BLACK HOLE? Yes (stellar-mass). This galaxy is number 33 in a famous 18th century .
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M33, a mid-sized spiral galaxy in Triangulum, has only half the diameter and a tenth the mass of our Milky Way Galaxy, and the Andromeda Galaxy (M31), .
M33 X-7: The Most Massive Stellar-Mass Black Hole . The X-ray source is located in the spiral galaxy M33 at a distance of 2.6 million light years in the .
Jul 13, 2011 – Dust heating sources in galaxies: the case of M33 (HERM33ES) ». The host galaxies and black-hole:galaxy mass ratios of luminous quasars at .
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by S Marc - 2011
by D Merritt - 2001 - Cited by 99 - Related articles
by CD Wilson - 1990 - Cited by 9 - Related articles
Jun 15, 2006 – This photograph of the Triangulum galaxy (M33) was taken with the MMT . Mass., under the direction of astronomer Brian McLeod. .
Pinwheel (M33). Large, massive spiral galaxy: 2-3x as big as the Milky Way; Distance: 750 kpc; Radial Velocity: -200 km/s -- incoming! Smaller, low mass .
Feb 26, 2008 – The Triangulum Galaxy is also called M33 for being the 33rd object . our Milky Way's spiral shape, M33 has only about one-tenth the mass. .
A well-resolved HI image of a galaxy yields the total mass $M(r)$ enclosed . The HI radial velocity field of the nearby spiral galaxy M33 is shown here by .
Oct 17, 2007 – The black hole is part of a binary system in M33, a nearby galaxy about 3 million light years from Earth. By combining data from NASA's .
by AF Valeev - 2010 - Related articles
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The magnitude of the object matches M33, so it is most likely a . Thus the combined mass of all baryonic matter in the galaxy may be 1010 solar masses. .
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Aug 25, 2007 – The Triangulum Galaxy Messier 33 (M33, NGC 598) is another . The mass of the Triangulum Galaxy has been estimated between 10 and 40 .
M33 Pinwheel Galaxy, photograph and description. . The mass of M33 has been estimated at around 25 billion solar masses. It has probably been observed as .
Keywords: Galaxies: Individual: Messier Number: M33, Galaxies: Stellar Content, Infrared: Stars, . Episodic Mass Loss and Pre-SN Circumstellar Envelopes. .
Galaxy images taken with a DSLR. . M33 in Triangulum 3 x 15 minute exposures ( 45 minutes) Skywatcher 8" Newt . dwarfs with as few as ten million stars, up to giants with one trillion stars, all orbiting the galaxy's center of mass. .
by F Valsecchi - 2010 - Cited by 3 - Related articles
at least a mass gradient similar to one. Still, pure disk galaxies . .. the shallow potential well in the center of M33, such a dense .
Triangulum Galaxy M33. by Fraser Cain on June 14, 2006 . Observatory (SAO) in Cambridge, Mass., under the direction of astronomer Brian McLeod. .
The black hole is part of a binary system in M33, a nearby galaxy about 3 . Hawaii, the mass of the black hole, known as M33 X-7, was determined to be .
. M33 X-7, a binary system in the nearby galaxy M33. In this system, a blue supergiant O7 star (large blue object) and a 16 solar mass stellar black hole, .
by TV Nykytyuk - 2008 - Related articles
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The M33 Galaxy. Introduction; General Information; Observing M33 at . Its disk mass (the stars) is roughly three billion solar masses and its dark mass is .
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