Sep 21, 11
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  • lode·star also load·star (l d stär ). n. 1. A star, especially Polaris, that is used as a point of reference. 2. A guiding principle, interest, or ambition. .
  • Lodestar explanation. Definition of Lodestar is provided by 1913 Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, .
  • What rhymes with 'lodestar'? The best rhymes for 'lodestar' are the words .
  • Definition of lodestar in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of lodestar. What does lodestar mean? Proper usage and pronunciation (in phonetic .
  • 1) Urdu Meaning of Lodestar: guiding star; a star that is used as a reference point in navigation or astronomy. Get more meanings of Lodestar.
  • lode·star also load·star (l d stär ). n. 1. A star, especially Polaris, that is used as a point of reference. 2. A guiding principle, interest, or ambition. .
  • What is the meaning of LODESTAR acronym/abbreviation and what does LODESTAR stand for? Get the Definition of LODESTAR and LODESTAR definition by All .
  • lodestar noun - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more for lodestar noun: a star, especially the Pole Star, used to help find direction: See more in .
  • lodestar Definition. . London pride » lodestar. lodestar loadstar noun. 1. A star used as a guide by sailors and astronomers, especially the Pole Star. .
  • 15+ items – Definition of lodestar. What is meaning of lodestar in all .
  • Definition of lodestar from The American Heritage Science Dictionary.
  • Lodestar. (noun, cognition) something that serves as a model or guide; (noun, object) guiding star; a star that is used as a reference point in navigation or .
  • Definition of lodestar , meaning of lodestar , Lodestar - 1 lodestar, loadstar guiding star; a star that is used as a reference point in navigation or astronomy 2 .
  • lode·star also load·star (l d stär ). n. 1. A star, especially Polaris, that is used as a point of reference. 2. A guiding principle, interest, or ambition. .
  • lodestar Definition, Definition lodestar, Lodestar - Definition for lodestar - webtoolsconnect.com Defination Search ResultsLodestar - Definition for .
  • Definition of Lodestar. . Free Download Now! Lodestar Definition from Language , Idioms & Slang Dictionaries & Glossaries. English English Dictionaries .
  • Dictionary for lodestar : lodestar Definition,lodestar Synonyms,lodestar Thesaurus,lodestar Examples,
  • LODESTAR definition : n. A star used as a navigation reference, particularly a pole star such as Polaris.
  • Lodestar method is a method adopted for calculating attorneys' fees where the court multiplies a reasonable hourly rate by a reasonable number of hours .
  • Definition of lodestar from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary English. The Longman English Dictionary provides support and resources for those .
  • Guiding star; a star that is used as a reference point in navigation or astronomy. Something that serves as a model or guide.
  • lodestar Definition, Meaning of lodestar on Farsi Dictionary, Farsi Dictionary, Farsi (Persian) - English Dictionary, Farsi (Persian) - English Translation .
  • LODESTAR Defined Using a Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Search Engine.
  • Definition of Lodestar with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage, and additional links for more information.
  • lodestar: definition, pronunciation, and examples from free Oxford Dictionaries Online.
  • Definition of lodestar from Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary .
  • Reverso offers you access to an English definition and synonym dictionary for lodestar and thousands of other words. You can complete the list of synonyms of .
  • Lodestar. n. Same as Loadstar . Sign In. Username Password. Forgot password? Register. Topics. Top 100 topics · Find your topic .
  • Definition of lodestar in the Online Dictionary. Multiple meanings, detailed information and synonyms for lodestar.
  • lode·star [ lṓd str ] (plural lode·stars) or load·star [ lṓd str ] (plural load·stars). noun. Definition: 1. the North Star: the North Star Polaris, .
  • Lodestar - Definition of Lodestar is presented by 1913 online Webster's Dictionary. Includes dictionary browser, morphological search by meaning of Lodestar .
  • A star, especially Polaris, that is used as a point of reference.
  • lodestar Definition, Meaning of lodestar on Portuguese Dictionary, Portuguese Dictionary, Dicionario Portugues, Portuguese - English Dictionary, .
  • lodestar - definition, usage, synonyms, thesaurus.
  • lodestar - Definition of lodestar. Find the meaning of lodestar. lodestar synonyms. At webdictionary.co.uk - The uk online dictionary and thesaurus.
  • lodestar also loadstar ( ) n. A star, especially Polaris, that is used as a point of reference. A guiding principle, interest, or ambition.
  • LODESTAR Definition. LODESTAR stands for or may stand for . Chat and Slang Acronyms, Abbreviations and Initialisms.
  • Copy & paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page. Did you know:Yes, the stuff that forms in your eyes when you sleep does have a name. .
  • noun. a star by which one directs one's course; esp., the North Star; a guiding principle or ideal. Origin: ME lodesterre: see lode & star. See lodestar in American .
  • lodestar: noun. °A star used as a navigation reference, particularly a pole star such as Polaris. °A guiding tenet. Your history [x] .
  • perhaps from the notion of the lodestar as a guiding light or principle] : the amount obtained by multiplying the reasonable amount of hours spent by an .
  • lodestar definition : lodestar , loadstar n 1 a star, esp. the North Star, used in navigation or astronomy as a point of reference 2 something that serves as a guide .
  • AskDefine is an online English dictionary. It features auto completion of search words, extensive set of dictionary words, lists of English synonms and rhymes.
  • Lodestar definition, definition of lodestar, Anagrams of lodestar, words that start with Lodestar, and words that can be created from lodestar.
  • Is Lodestar a Scrabble word? Is it Scrabble dictionary, and What is Lodestar definition, Anagrams of Lodestar, Scrabble score for Lodestar, images of Lodestar, .
  • Define lodestar. What is lodestar? lodestar meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.
  • Apr 18, 2010 – definition of lodestar - guiding star; a star that is used as a reference point in navigation or astronomy.
  • Lodestar Meaning and Definition. (n.) Same as Loadstar. (n.) A star that leads; a guiding star; esp., the polestar; the cynosure. .
  • Expressions, Definition. Lockheed Lodestar, The Lockheed Lodestar was a passenger transport aircraft of the Second World War era. The prototype, which first .
  • archaic : a star that leads or guides; especially : north star. 2. : one that serves as an inspiration, model, or guide. See lodestar defined for English-language .

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