May 28, 12
Other articles:
  • This name can be fed to the LoaderMax.getLoader() or LoaderMax.getContent()
  • This name can be fed to the LoaderMax.getLoader() or LoaderMax.getContent()
  • name : String - A name that is used to identify the LoaderMax instance. This
  • API Documentation, All Packages | All Classes | FramesNo . www.greensock.com/as/docs/tween/all-index-N.html - CachedLoaderMax – Smart AS3 Loading « GreenSockJun 26, 2010Feed a name or URL to the static LoaderMax.getLoader() or LoaderMax. getContent() methods . www.greensock.com/loadermax/SWFLoader - API DocumentationThis name can be fed to the LoaderMax.getLoader() or LoaderMax.getContent()
  • This name can be fed to the <code>LoaderMax.getLoader()</code> or <code>
  • This name can be fed to the <code>LoaderMax.getLoader()</code> or <code>
  • BOX2D; trace(CONFIG.BOX2D); _initDecor(); _initHurtingObjects(); _defender =
  • getLoader("img"+_b).content.alpha = 1 LoaderMax.getLoader("img"+_b).content.
  • This name can be fed to the <code>LoaderMax.getLoader()</code> or <code>
  • This name can be fed to the LoaderMax.getLoader() or LoaderMax.getContent()
  • This name can be fed to the LoaderMax.getLoader() or LoaderMax.getContent()
  • Feed a name or URL to the static <code>LoaderMax.getLoader()</code> or <
  • Previously, for example, playing a VideoLoader would need to be done like (
  • This name can be fed to the <code>LoaderMax.getLoader()</code> or <code>
  • This name can be fed to the LoaderMax.getLoader() or . www.greensock.com/as/docs/tween/com/. /SelfLoader.html - Cached - SimilarXMLLoader - API DocumentationAfter the XMLLoader's INIT event is dispatched, you can get any loader by name
  • projects / sandbox/iongion/1222258.git / blob. commit, grep . drupalcode.org/sandbox/iongion/1222258.git/. /SelfLoader.as - CachedMP3Loader - API DocumentationOnce a loader is disposed, it can no longer be found with LoaderMax.getLoader()
  • Raw History. 1, /**. 2, * VERSION: 1.7. 3, * DATE: 2010-11-13 . beta.intuxication.org/zyga69/mieszkania/file/tip/src/com/. /SelfLoader.asMainTimeLine.as - visionly - visionly - Google Project HostingNov 10, 2010 . $imagesLoader = LoaderMax.getLoader("imagesLoader") as LoaderMax;. $
  • After the XMLLoader's <code>INIT</code> event is dispatched, you can get any
  • var loaderMax:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.getLoader(cPlayerDataMgr.
  • HEIGHT; trace(columns, my_x, my_y); /* var queue1:LoaderMax=LoaderMax.
  • Jul 11, 2011 . LoaderMax Standard Code - LoaderMax standard routine script. . getLoader("
  • Oct 12, 2010 . getLoader("image1").rawContent; var image2:Bitmap = LoaderMax.getLoader("
  • loaderMax = LoaderMax.getLoader('galleryAdvanced'+ this.id); if (!this.loaderMax
  • This name can be fed to the <code>LoaderMax.getLoader()</code> or <code>
  • getClass("Rock"), radius:80, offsetX:- 100, offsetY:- 100}); var wall : Wall = new
  • This name can be fed to the LoaderMax.getLoader() or LoaderMax.getContent()
  • Aug 28, 2011 . var amigo1_1 : ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getLoader("fotosAmigosLoader").
  • Hi Jack, Great work on LoaderMax, it feels really solid. This might be too late but
  • This name can be fed to the <code>LoaderMax.getLoader()</code> or <code>
  • This name can be fed to the LoaderMax.getLoader() or LoaderMax.getContent()
  • Aug 28, 2011 . var teste = LoaderMax.getLoader("fotosAmigosLoader").getContent("friend0");
  • LoaderMax; import com.greensock.loading. . getLoader(librarySRC) as
  • getLoader("image1").rawContent; var image2:Bitmap = LoaderMax.getLoader("
  • loadermax, Best! loadermax documentation, 2. loadermax swfloader, 3.
  • Oct 7, 2010 . Ben, it sounds like you must have a stale version of LoaderMax. In early versions,
  • _imagesLoader = LoaderMax.getLoader("imagesLoader") as LoaderMax; //link
  • This name can be fed to the LoaderMax.getLoader() or LoaderMax.getContent()
  • This name can be fed to the LoaderMax.getLoader() or LoaderMax.getContent()
  • API Documentation, All Packages | All Classes | FramesNo . cias.rit.edu/~tst5485/gui/. /docs/all-index-N.html - CachedQuestions regarding LoaderMax and dynamically loading images at . private function completeHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void { AssetsRegistry.
  • API Documentation, All Packages | All Classes | FramesNo . letsevolve.us/img/flash/greensock-as3/docs/all-index-N.html - CachedLoaderMax Lazy Loading Strategy — GistJan 20, 2011 . var model:AppModel = AppModel.getInstance();. var xml:XML = LoaderMax.
  • getLoader("loader") as LoaderMax; for (var i:Number = 0; i < imgQueue.content.
  • This name can be fed to the <code>LoaderMax.getLoader()</code> or <code>
  • This name can be fed to the <code>LoaderMax.getLoader()</code> or <code>

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