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MOCKNICK PRODUCTIONS LITERARY AGENCY A full service Literary Agency Founded by David L. Mocknick, writer, producer, director and actor. .
The Literary Agent Hypothesis trope as used in popular culture, with a list of examples from all media.
The next best way is to go through the most current edition Insiders Guide to Book Editors, Publishers, and Literary Agents or a similar guide and look for .
Should you want to know the specific foreign reps which different agents have, these listings for many agents are in the Literary Marketplace, available in .
Brick House Literary Agents, founded by veteran agent Sally Wofford-Girand, is a boutique agency specializing in literary fiction and narrative non-fiction. .
Need an agent to promote your work and get you published? This free searchable directory from WritersNet can help.
Irene Goodman Literary Agency 27 W. 24 Street, Suite 700B, New York, New York 10010 email queries@irenegoodman.com. Website by JonasWeb, New York City Web .
Offers representation for authors writing both fiction and non-fiction for mainstream and inspirational markets. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Literary agent to international publishing, film, and new media fields, representing authors of fiction and award-winning, best selling narrative .
Literary Agents Find Publishers for Writers to Get Published.
Booktalk is an online booklovers' community composed of many of today's bestselling and popular romance novel authors. Personalized author home pages are .
The Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency - A Literary Agent, representingauthors and illustrators of a wide range of works, from commercial and literary fiction .
Apr 8, 2011 . Looking for an agent? To help aspiring writers, literary agents, and publishing professionals connect online, we are building a new .
May 24, 2011 . 1000LiteraryAgents.com provides guides to literary agents, lists of agencies, query writing facilities, record keeping to track submissions .
Ebeling and Associates Literary agency represents non-fiction books to major New York publishers and specialize in branding, book marketing, and business .
Agent Query offers the largest, most current searchable database of literary agents on the web—a treasure trove of reputable, established literary agents .
Get Our Entire Literary Agent Database (1000+) at WritersMarket.com . . Buy Guide to Literary Agents and a bunch of other great WD Books. .
Includes information regarding submission policies, tips on writing, conferences , articles, and lists of client projects.
May 25, 2011 . I am currently doing my degree in Singapore and I was wondering what are my chances of finding a job in a Literary Agency or Publishing .
6 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Mar 21You do know, don't you, that if you hope to have just about any trade publisher consider your book manuscript, you'll need a literary agent?
Jun 5, 2007 . In which Miss Snark vents her wrath on the hapless world of writers and crushes them to sand beneath her T.Rexual heels of stiletto snark.
Our database allows information to be collected and shared. This gives access to useful statistical information about literary agents and publishers. .
A literary agent (often synonymous with "publishing agent") is an agent who represents writers and their written works to publishers, theatrical producers .
I fear I fit into one of your literary agent categories, but at least you've heard from me, live. I wish I were more attuned to your work, but as I am not I .
Finding a literary agent can be one of the hardest steps in getting your book published. This how-to breaks the process of finding an agent into manageable .
Full service literary agency representing writers of adult trade fiction and . Gail Ross is a lawyer, publishing consultant, and literary agent. .
This is a list of literary agents' e-mail address and also agency websites if they have one.
Commercial literary fiction, adventure fiction, multi-cultural fiction, Southern writing, suspense and thrillers, literary fiction, women's fiction, .
The West Coast's leading literary agency represents such renowned clients as Amy Tan, Susan Faludi, Maxine Hong Kingston, and many others.
May 24, 2011 . Are they the only route toward publishing literary fiction? . and authors, and all the things I think about each day as a literary agent. .
www.writershouse.com/ - Cached - SimilarWelcome to Larsen-Pomada Literary AgentsWelcome to Larsen-Pomada Literary Agents Online, the website of Northern California's oldest Literary Agency. We've been helping writers launch careers .
Agent Research and Evaluation provides full information with dollar figures on literary agents for authors, separating crooks from legit agents in the US, .
Now includes subscription to GLA online (the agents section of writersmarket.com ). Now in its 20th year, Guide to Literary Agents is a writer?s best .
Results 1 - 6 of 56 . A guide to the process of finding and working with a literary agent, from finding the right agent to understanding fees.
A literary agent can help you launch a writing career--or maybe not, . Links to artices by and about literary agents, with links to agency Web sites. .
Mar 14, 2011 . There are many views on the question of whether a writer needs a literary agent to make a first sale. Some people think a new writer's .
Association of Author's Representatives - the organization of professional literary agents. Note that agents not listed with the AAR may be of dubious .
The official Web site of Zachary Shuster Harmsworth Literary and Entertainment Agency. With offices in Boston, MA and New York, NY, ZSH Literary represents .
Guide to Literary Agents is the complete resource for writers who need representation—to get their writing published or to take their publishing goals to a .
Searching for a literary agent? A complete listing of literary agents from A to Z is right at your fingertips.
Thus, The Alphread E. Beta Literary Agency would be filed under A as Alphread E. Beta Literary Agency, The because Alphread begins with an A and not because .
Agent Research & Evaluation · Agents · Association of Authors' Representatives · Bill's List of Literary Agents, Literary Agencies & Their Authors' Books .
. and literary agencies, with offices in Los Angeles, New York and London. . an agreement to acquire literary agency Broder Webb Chervin Silbermann. .
Literary agency with literary agents representing authors and illustrators in the book publishing marketplace.
May 19, 2011 . He was formerly a literary agent with Curtis Brown Ltd., but is now a publishing . .. Literary Agents (How to Find One/Work With One) .
We are a mid-size literary agency based in California celebrating over 2000 titles sold. We bring the best of both worlds to the table—the personal client .
A full-service literary agency, representing authors of intelligent, adult nonfiction. We are particularly interested in current affairs, politics, .
Our agency successfully represents to major publishers and movie producers our gifted author's works of literary fiction, nonfiction, sports, memoirs, .
May 13, 2011 . Representing many BET/Arabesque, Harlequin, Dell, Leisure, and Warner books.