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Chapter 3. LINQ to XML - LINQ to XML LINQ to XML is a new in-memory XML programming API to work against XML data. There are different ways of creating .
Oct 16, 2010 – XML is one of the most popular formats for files and data streams that need to represent complex data. The .NET Framework gives you some .
May 22, 2007 – Learn about the System.Xml.Linq namespace and how to construct and query XML data with LINQ.
Sep 28, 2011 – In this episode, Robert shows you how to use LINQ to XML to make sense of the XML data a Web site sends you. He gives examples of working .
XML has been widely adopted as a way to format data in many contexts. For example, you can find XML on the Web, in configuration files, in Microsoft Office .
Using LINQPad to test your LINQ to XML queries. Sunday, 6 February 2011 12: 55 by mha. If you're a LINQPad user you're probably used to query your DBML .
May 4, 2011 – This post shall deal with Inserting, Deleting and Modifying XML data using Linq to XML. Here is how the XML will look like: <?xml version="1.0" .
Enumerating Through XML Elements Using LINQ-to-XML. Published 28 September 10 09:25 PM | Scott Mitchell. 4Guys reader Dan D. recently emailed me with .
Slides from an an internal SBTI talk about LINQ to XML.
Oct 13, 2007 – Depending on your experience with XPath, an Xml Linq query may be easier to write AND read. Let's look at a sample Linq to Xml query. .
Jump to LINQ to XML Design Principles: LINQ to XML is designed to be a lightweight XML programming API. This is .
Dec 11, 2007 – LINQ to XML brings two notable improvements to working with large documents. The first is a reduction in the amount of memory required. LINQ .
Jun 27, 2011 – Create XML using Linq to XML. Xml stands for eXtensible Markup Language that is designed to store and transfer data. An example xml file is .
Apr 8, 2011 – To use the XPath extensions of LINQ to XML, in addition to the using directive for System.Xml.Linq, you need a using directive for System. .
An example of using LINQ to XML for consuming an RSS feed.
Mar 22, 2009 – Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged c# xml linq linq-to-xml or ask your own question. .
Aug 7, 2008 – In ASP.NET we have two main APIs for editing XML: W3C DOM and LINQ to XML . In this tutorial we look at how to update elements and .
Microsoft's LINQ technology combined with XML can revolutionize the way you program, but it's difficult to make the transition from more traditional ways of .
LINQ to XML, LINQ to Objects and LINQ to XSD, in particular, can save . Michael describes how he used three different flavours of LINQ to map XML to a .
Jun 24, 2008 – In a recent tip on Language Integrated Query (LINQ), you have described how it can be used as a query language extension to both VB.
Mar 24, 2007 – In the first post in this series we gave some background to .
Jan 11, 2011 – Seems that LINQ to XML does not get near as much attention as LINQ to SQL, but that's a shame since there is a lot going on here too. Here are .
Jan 8, 2010 – Download source This is an introduction to Linq to XML showing how to read, insert, update and delete from an XML file. First of all lets look at .
Apr 23, 2008 – This article, by Miroslav Kadera, shows how to use LINQ to display and edit records from an XML file using TreeView and ListView Web .
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Jul 14, 2008 – In .NET 3.5 a big programming model improvement was made with the LINQ - Language-Integrated Query. It can be used for objects, .
Feb 15, 2011 – Now, we'll read an XML file and select from that with Linq. To begin, we need to generate an XML file that can serve as our data source, just as .
There a numerous reasons why you would need to create an XML file. Configuration settings or using it as a data source are 2 examples. In both cases, you .
In this section of the LINQ Learning Guide, we link to resources that help programmers use LINQ to XML.
We also saw that regarding to Linq to Xml specifically, C# 3.0 and VB 9 are currently supporting a different set of features. This can still change until the final .
Jun 9, 2010 – LINQ to XML is a programming interface that lets the developers use LINQ ( Language Integrated Query) to manage XML data. It simplifies a lot .
LINQ to XML provides an in-memory XML programming interface that leverages the .NET Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) Framework. LINQ to XML uses the .
Apr 24, 2008 – This new API simplifies working with XML data without having to resort to using additional language syntax like XPath or XSLT. LINQ to XML is .
Jan 22, 2008 – Tony Patton focuses on what he thinks is one of the more exciting aspects of the LINQ technology: working with XML. LINQ to XML allows you .
This tutorial will show you how to implement AJAX, LINQ and XML altogether to create a web application that can both read and save XML data. C# version.
Jump to LINQ to XML (formerly called XLINQ): The LINQ to XML provider converts an XML document to a collection of XElement objects, which are then .
The job of the XML data provider is to create a list of CategoryModel objects by reading the XML. Luckily, this process is relatively simple with LINQ to XML. First .
Oct 19, 2011 – Linq-To-XML Node Creation for Native C++; Author: Wong Shao Voon; Section: C / C++ Language; Chapter: Languages.
Contains the classes for LINQ to XML. LINQ to XML is an in-memory XML programming interface that enables you to modify XML documents efficiently and .
Nov 21, 2009 – The LINQ To XML DOM, or “X-DOM” consists of types like XDocument, XElement, and XAttribute. All of the methods are “LINQ – friendly” in that .
LINQ to Objects; LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework; LINQ to XML; Parallel LINQ. And that's not all - you can also query: OData / WCF Data Services - including .
Mar 14, 2008 – An exploration of LINQ and XML in .NET Framework 3.5.; Author: Mark Nischalke; Section: LINQ; Chapter: Platforms, Frameworks & Libraries.
Dec 6, 2010 – XML, which is all about tree structures, and Linq, which is all about querying collections, might not seem to fit together but they work together .
Mar 5, 2009 – Describes hows how to use LINQ to filter, group, sort, transform, and project an RSS feed.
Aug 7, 2007 – LINQ to XML provides much richer (and easier) querying and data shaping support than the low-level XmlReader/XmlWriter API in .NET today. .
Oct 13, 2007 – The previous post about Linq to XML introduced how to query XML data using LINQ. LINQ allows us to not only query XML in a truly unique .
There are two LINQ to XML samples, one in C# and one in Visual Basic. These samples are located in the LINQ Samples section.
May 1, 2008 – As I said before I wanted to compare LINQ to XML, XmlDocument.Load, and XmlReader against each other. I ran each of these technologies .