Other articles:
Jan 17, 2011 – Camden New Jersey is set to lay off one third of their fire fighting force tomorrow. Mayor Redd has exhausted all avenues available to avoid the .
Apr 27, 2011 – The New Teacher Project's proposed alternative to seniority-based layoffs has some merit, but it essentially leaves in the same place as before: .
Feb 27, 2009 – This morning, ATL, AmLaw and (Legal Week are all reporting that Latham has cut 440 employees (190 associates and 250 staff). The cuts .
Mar 20, 2011 – But the portents contained in this news that Costa Mesa, CA is going to lay off half its workers because of pension costs are dire indeed. .
TheCanned.com is a website dedicated to the 11+ million people in the US who are currently unemployed. » Unemployment Benefits » Health Insurance » Job .
Jul 6, 2010 – Rumors abound of upcoming Microsoft layoffs. Blogs. While I was away from the computer for an hour, rumors started flying around the .
Jun 5, 2010 – Some employers (especially during recessions) add insult to injury by delivering news of layoffs in hurtful, embarrassing, or completely .
Jun 21, 2011 – While we have sought many ways to reduce costs, I regret to tell you that we will not be able to avoid layoffs. Accordingly, approximately 700 .
Apr 7, 2011 – Last April the Baltimore Sun reported that Stanley-Black and Decker in Towson, Md., announced plans to lay off 4000 of its 38000 employees. .
After 4 layoffs in 9 years, I'm a little tired of being unemployed. This unemployment blog talks about my experiences with layoffs, unemployment and the job .
Jul 5, 2006 – We're in a bubble again. It's not as frothy as last time, but hallelujah, this time we know what to do, right? One good thing about the dotcom .
May 12, 2011 – Parker will unveil her proposed budget next week, and acknowledges she won't have found the $75 million without more layoffs. She said at a .
Make Lay Off Painless For You and Your Employees.
The fear of layoffs on Wall Street is distracting workers and exacerbating an already dismal pace of business. With pink slips fluttering on Wall Street and markets .
Mar 11, 2011 – Following massive layoffs in US and Indian offices of AOL, rumors are emerging that the entire staff of its fashion and beauty blog StyleList has .
Mar 10, 2009 – Rather than keep her feelings about the situation private, Ms. Levy started a blog to chronicle her life post-layoff. Her first post was about her .
Mar 24, 2009 – LayoffBlog.com . Oracle layoff discussion thread [updated daily, (Hot)] . Rumor: Cisco Systems to lay off IT contractors [updated daily, (Hot) .
Jul 21, 2011 – Welcome to the Grapplearts blog! This blog exists to share a variety of different thoughts, opinions and techniques on a regular basis. If you are .
Corporate Layoffs - updated blogs and articles. Find the latest Corporate Layoffs blogs for business professionals. Corporate layoffs are hitting record numbers .
The Wall Street Journal Law Blog Aug. 20, 2008. FULBRIGHT & JAWORSKI. Nationwide Layoff Watch: Fulbright & Jaworski Above the Law July 23, 2009 .
Jun 21, 2011 – Specifically, “statewide bumping rights” will not be honored — DAPO field employees receiving layoff notices may only “bump” junior .
Aug 15, 2011 – Layoff notices have been issued to about 40% of the Wisconsin Education Association Council workforce, a total of 42 employees that work for .
Bluehost - Top rated web hosting provider - Free 1 click installs For blogs, shopping carts, and more. Get a free domain name, real NON-outsourced 24/7 support .
Jul 13, 2011 – The No-Layoff Company -- in Ohio. . With a guaranteed no-layoff policy and average pay of almost $70000 this year, Lincoln . Blogs we read .
Sign up for Twitter to follow LayoffBlog.com (@layoffblog). Layoff Blog, Layoff News, Layoff Rumors. Daily.
Mar 1, 2011 – A quick analysis of the NYC teacher layoff database released over the weekend refutes the claims by city officials (and others) that so-called .
News in the US - Layoff Blog, Economy and Layoff News (US, wordwide):
Documenting layoffs and buyouts at U.S. newspapers. . Paper Cuts - Buyouts and layoffs in the newspaper industry · Home · Blog · Maps · 2007 layoffs · 2008 .
Bouncing Back After Layoff Blog. June 1, 2009. What is network marketing? Filed under: changing careers, Dealing With Layoff, opportunity, starting a business, .
Mar 6, 2008 – As we've seen from the comments on my PwC layoff post and other mail I've received, PwC is not the only one to be reducing staff via .
Cisco cuts 15 percent of its execs amid big layoffs. Cisco Systems shed 11500 jobs from its payroll between layoffs and a move to sell a plant to Foxconn. Blog .
Dec 11, 2008 – . produces some TCTV shows, and writes daily for the blog. . It is positioning the layoffs as part of the integration process it began six months .
Dec 9, 2008 – Timely Demise: This blog covers retailers, parts suppliers, and other terminally ill companies that sell tangible stuff. 6. Layoff Blog: Useful .
At last night's gubernatorial debate, the issue of potential layoffs of state union workers was a hot topic of conversation. (See CT News Junkie for a more detailed .
Jun 26, 2011 – If you layoff 10-20% of a department of 10000 + or – employees, on top of all of the attrition losses that have gone on over the last 3-4 years, .
Nationwide Layoff Watch: The Connecticut State Judiciary. By David Lat . .. Please check out our daily blog, www.theasiachronicles.com! There you will find all .
Jun 11, 2011 – Cisco Systems, one of the biggest sponsors of H-1B visas in the country is gearing up for one of their biggest rounds of layoffs in the company's .
Apr 7, 2011 – Last Thursday John Chambers of Cisco sent a remarkably candid memo to Cisco employees. My folks live not too far from Cisco's headquarter .
Aug 27, 2010 – Receive Blog Posts by Email. Search. JibberJobber |; Blog . This is what I get in my email every day… a Google Alert on the work “layoffs”: .
And since the time has come for me to say goodbye to this blog, I reviewed that post to get some inspiration for how to write this final post. As I noted before, .
Mar 7, 2011 – The Supreme Court has interpreted this to mean that a company should prove that without the layoff, the company would have extreme difficulty .
Mar 24, 2011 – This month, the Oakland Unified School District sent out layoff notices to 538 teachers — 22% of the teaching staff. But what does that actually .
May 13, 2011 – Dear Cisco, the cliff isn't that close if you just stop running toward it.
Jul 14, 2011 – Layoffs at big pharma tend to slow during the summer as most people are on vacation and nobody wants to fire folks when the kids are out of .
Sep 1, 2010 – Nothing puffs up a CEO paycheck like a flurry of pink slips. So says the left- leaning Institute for Policy Studies, which released a report .
Jun 22, 2011 – Even after dozens of rounds of layoffs and promises of cutbacks state employment continued to be a growth industry in Massachusetts through .
Thoughts and revelations on internal communication and beyond.
Jan 22, 2009 – And the staff reductions I've been wanting since starting this blog back in 2004 are here, though within an economic context I certainly Do Not .
May 26, 2011 – However, in California education stakeholders continually hype and exaggerate the number of layoffs and do not distinguish between pinkslips .
Jul 18, 2011 – Noobpreneur Business Blog · business . A company layoff can bring down morale, even for those not being laid off. Moreover, it forces the .