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Jan 7, 2011 . The deepest layer of the Sun you can see is the photosphere. The word `` photosphere'' means ``light sphere''. It is called the ``surface'' .
Using a variety of imaging techniques, we have only been able to view only .
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Large amounts of interaction occur in the convective layer. It's constantly spinning the way storms spin on Earth. The outer layer of the Sun's atmosphere .
Sep 15, 2008 . Although the Sun is mostly just a ball of hydrogen and helium, it's actually broken up into distinct layers. The layers of the Sun are .
Jan 20, 2011 . The Sun, as shown by the illustration to the left, can be divided into six layers. From the center out, the layers of the Sun are as .
9 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jan 15Dynamics of the Sun's layers. General Astronomy discussion.
The innermost layer of the sun is the core. With a density of 160 g/cm^3, 10 times that of lead, the core might be expected to be solid. .
Stars question: What are the layers of the sun? In order from the core to the outer extremes. Main areas in bold 1. Core 2. Radiative zone 3.
We have already briefly covered the three outer layers of the Sun, so lets visit each layer with a bit more detail - working inward. .
Dec 19, 2010 . NASA image captured December 19, 2010 One can virtually peer through layers of the Sun to see different kinds of features using images taken .
After this phase, the outer layers of the Sun will continue to expand. As this happens, the core will contract; the helium atoms in the core will fuse .
The Sun is made up of layers of material, like a baseball or rubber band ball. . The same is true of the Sun. But, the layers in the Sun and the Earth are .
NASA's SOHO satellite and the Trace satellite program have both imaged this transition layer of the sun that sits beneath the photosphere. .
imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/science/know_l1/sun.html More information about the layers of the Sun. www.astrocappella.com/sun.html This fun song about the Sun .
Jump to: Intro, The Sun and Us, Layers of the Sun, Page 2: Sunspots, Prominences , Solar Flares, Page 3: Effects of Solar Activity, For Mature Audience Only. .
The photosphere is the lowest layer of the Sun's three main atmospheric layers. It is the layer from which the Sun's visible light emanates. .
The coolest layer of the Sun is a temperature minimum region about 500 km above the photosphere, with a temperature of about 4100 K. This part of the Sun is .
The next layer of the sun is the Radiative Zone, which is where most of the harmful gamma rays bounce around until they become less energetic forms of light .
Remember that each image is a picture of a different layer in the sun. Some layers are higher up in the Sun's atmosphere than others. .
According to NASA, there are seven layers to the sun, including the Corona, or outer layer, the Chromosphere, the Photosphere, and the Subsu. view more.
Aug 19, 2007 . Seventh segment of NASA Sci Files The Case of the Technical Knockout explaining the different layers of the sun and the sun's properties. .
About the Sun's Layers. The sun is a star at the center of our solar system. The sun includes six separate layers, all functioning as a whole in the .
Mar 21, 2007 . This artist concept shows the layers of the sun. . Artist concept of the sun's layers. This artist concept shows the layers of the sun. .
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Hottest Layer of the Suns Atmospere. The core is the hottest layer of the sun. Its temperature is nearly 15 million degrees F.The reason.
Mar 26, 1998 . Thin and faint as the chromosphere is, in one way it is the most important layer of the Sun or any other star. As light from the photosphere .
Corona is the outermost layer of the Sun's atmosphere. It is visible only during the total eclipse of the Sun, and it extends in all directions from the .
Layers of the Solar Atmosphere. The Sun is a giant ball of gas; there is no hard surface on the Sun to stand on. However, there is a surface through which .
2 Our sun is a star. Like all stars, it is a mass of very hot gases. The sun has no solid surface. There are several different layers of the sun. .
Jan 5, 2011 . Greenbelt MD (SPX) Jan 05, 2011 - One can virtually peer through layers of the Sun to see different kinds of features using images taken at .
Layers Of Sun. The sun has many different layers that describe its structure. Core Radiation zone. Convection zone. Photosphere-sunspots. Chromosphere.
May 13, 2010 . If you are looking for information on different layers of Sun, then you have landed on right page. Read and get to know inside layers of Sun .
Layers The outermost layer of the Sun's atmosphere is the corona. The corona extends outward from the sun to the edge of the solar system in the form of .
Mar 23, 2011 . The weight of the outer layers of the Sun causes the density and temperature to increase inwards, until at the centre the temperature is 15 .
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Image of the Sun's Layers Astronomers describe different "layers" of our Sun based on what can be seen when looking at different colors (wavelengths) of .
Feb 3, 2010 . Only the Sun's outer layers, collectively referred to as the solar 'atmosphere', can be observed directly. There are distinct regions to the .
I think I did well in me second picture because I knew the layers of the sun and I knew a lot of things about the sun like the explosions, the sun spots, .
The Sun, can be divided into six layers. From the center out, the layers of the Sun are as follows: the solar interior composed of the core (which occupies .
Seeing Through the Layers of the Sun NASA image captured December 19, 2010. One can virtually peer through layers of the Sun to see different kinds of .
There are 3 main layers of the Sun that we can see. They are the photosphere, the chromosphere and the corona. Together they make up the "atmosphere" of the .
Top questions and answers about Layers-of-the-Sun. Find 83 questions and .
How hot is the Sun? The Sun's temperature varies over time and throughout its eight layers, from The Old Farmer's Almanac.
2 answers - May 11, 2010Core- the Sun's core is about 0.2 Solar Radii, its pressure stands at 150-200 times the pressure density of water, and its temperature stands at a .
Mar 21, 2007 . The sun and its atmosphere consist of several zones or layers. From the inside out, the solar interior consists of the core, the radiative .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Mar 19, 2008The Sun doesn't have layers the way an onion has layers. At some level the layers are regions defined and named by scientists. .
The outer layers of the Sun exhibit differential rotation: at the equator the surface rotates once every 25.4 days; near the poles it's as much as 36 days. .
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May 2, 2010 . The Sun, as shown by the illustration to the left, can be divided into six layers. From the center out, the layers of the Sun are as .