Other articles:
. 1 a11 1 moreshar: root @ 1.18 log @"Modified by whostmgr - killacct " @ text
cPanel Killacct Script Customer Account DNS Information Deletion Vulnerability.www.juniper.net/security/auto/vulnerabilities/vuln10468.html - Cachedbuddhiststudiestu.org.np - c99shellJul 15, 2011 . Viewing file: killacct (492 B) -rwxr-xr-x . cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is
terminating accounts in SSH. Is this correct? # yes yes | /scripts/killacct username.
Jan 25, 2009 . Added the role killadm to the killacct account using useradd 5. Assigned kill
Sign up for Twitter to follow Govaard K. (@killaccount). AccountKiller collects
Jun 7, 2010 . The find command will search the /var/cpanel/suspended/ directory for files which
What is the switch in /scritps/killacct that keeps the DNS of an account like the
Cpanel killacct script- kill by domain? Hosting Security and Technology.www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=494117 - Cached - SimilarHow to make /scripts/killacct non-interactive [Wiki]Aug 20, 2010 . How to make /scripts/killacct non-interactive. If you want /scripts/killacct to no
This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited my
. 1.23 log @"Modified by whostmgr - killacct " @ text @d60 1 a60 1 . d59 1 @
. next 1.1; 1.1 date 2012.; author root; state Exp; branches; next ;
{ return $this->cpanelaccterr; } return $result; } // End function killacct() function
. killacct " @ text @root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin
Jan 30, 2012 . I am trying to use /scripts/killacct to automatically remove accounts, but it will not
Hello, I'm Have 1 Question abut if i need to run another script in my bash script by
killaccount Govaard K. AccountKiller collects direct links and deletion instructions
Jun 5, 2004 . SecurityFocus is designed to facilitate discussion on computer security related
killacct - Terminates an account on the server. suspend - Suspends an account
May 10, 2003 . Hi, I have the following text from cpanel.net on how to interface with their WHM,
Webmaster Forums for Design, CSS, XHTML, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, Affiliate
Feb 2, 2010 . That makes it really easy to restore the current state of the account if it is
ISS X-Force Database: cpanel-killacct-delete-account(16325): cPanel killacct
Apr 13, 2011 . You can terminate accounts in WHM > Terminate an Account or using the
. next 1.1; 1.1 date 2009.; author root; state Exp; branches; next ;
I user /script/killacct but fail. . /scripts/killacct should completely purge the user
Jun 10, 2011. my $killacct = -x '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/killacct.pl' ? '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/killacct.
Hi. I don't know if I am in the good forum. I am trying to use /scripts/killacct to
Jun 7, 2004 . TITLE: cPanel killacct Script Arbitrary DNS Information Deletion Vulnerability
killacct(, webbednl, HASH, ) Warning!.. unix user does not exist!
Jun 4, 2004 . Description: cPanel could allow a remote authenticated administrator to delete
. asiktrav: root c11: root qurban: root a12b34c5: root jmg: root travelan: root
Mar 28, 2012 . root@server [~]# /scripts/killacct --force realesll. Warning: user --force does not
CPanel contains a flaw that may allow a malicious user to delete arbitrary
I user /script/killacct but fail. So, i need manualy to delete user, hositng account
Nov 25, 2011 . killaccount I would delete personal accounts with my handle, and donate/transfer/
3 days ago . for i in /var/cpanel/suspended/vzc*; do /scripts/killacct $i no < /home/nessa//yes ;
. branches; next 1.497; 1.497 date 2011.; author root; state Exp;
SecurityFocus is designed to facilitate discussion on computer security related
Jun 4, 2004 . A vulnerability was reported in cPanel. A remote authenticated administrator can
. cpanel" @ text @d145 1 a145 1 tandema:x:659:656::/home/tandema:/usr/local/
. root swing: cosmi715 mcpixada: cosmi715 toquemag: cosmi715 vaila:
Secunia ID. SA11784. Release Date. 07 Jun 2004. Criticality. Moderately Critical.
. next 1.1; 1.1 date 2010.; author root; state Exp; branches; next ;
Jan 29, 2003 . The script name will be killacct and it will need to remove line number 5. How can
cPanel 'killacct' May Let Remote Authenticated Administrators Delete Accounts
problem with 'yes' on cpanel killacct script- Linux Help. Visit Dev Shed to discuss
(Security Tracker: cPanel 'killacct' May Let Remote Authenticated Administrators
killacct( localhost, reghost, HASH, ) Warning!.. unix user does not exist! killacct(