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Amaze Your Education Colleagues. This fine academic tool was designed to
Nonsensical, incoherent, or meaningless talk. 2. A hybrid language or dialect; a
jargon, etc. is an architecture blog that examines culture, space, environments,
For prelinguistic children's speech (jargon stage), see babbling. Jargon is
Speech or writing having unusual or pretentious vocabulary, convoluted phrasing
Synonyms for jargon at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms,
The new Jargon API, which is called 'jargon-core', along with several other
Subscribe · Acronym of the Day · Jargon Word of the Day · Business Word of the
Glossary. Prev, Part II. The Jargon Lexicon, Next. Glossary. 0 · (TM) · /dev/null · /
Increase your knowledge of computer hacker jargon each day.
Generally speaking, jargon, in its most positive light, can be seen as professional,
Jargon buster. The web can be confusing, and we've all come across some terms
The origin of this Jargon, a conventional language similar to the Lingua Franca .
A glossary of jargon terms used in the HTML and XML industry.
Jan 7, 2011 . It's jargon, a heinous amalgamation of terms with unknown origins and delivered
JarGon is the customer service robot. He has no heart and isn't capable of love.
MBA Jargon Watch - Tongue-in-cheek guide to business jargon, corporate
Welcome to the Jargon File; I. Introduction. 1. Hacker Slang and Hacker Culture;
[This file, jargon.txt, was maintained on MIT-AI for many years, before being
Large collection of tired, old sports cliches, lingo, and jargon.
Oct 27, 2003 . This page indexes all the WWW resources associated with the Jargon File and its
Dec 15, 2011 . Business bloggers at Harvard Business Review discuss a variety of business
Travel Dictionary, an international dictionary continuously up-dated by the global
Merriam-Webster's online dictionary defines jargon as follows: 1) confused,
A. abduction - to move a limb or some other body part away from the midline of
The Ridiculous Business Jargon Dictionary. Do you wonder .
Boutique design shop located in Fairfield, Connecticut owned/run by Greg Chinn,
Latham & Watkins has published three editions of The Book of Jargon® which
home - manifesto - archive - authors - artists - artwork - links - blog · '.' by. ISSUE 0
a : confused unintelligible language b : a strange, outlandish, or barbarous
A Rwandan Nigerian Linux Server Admin who loves FOSS. Please don't
Old French jargon (“chatter of birds”). [edit] Noun. jargon (countable and
Abraham's Tree: Yes, the first father of all Hebrews from the Old Testament (
Markets have a language all their own and within that language, forex has its
Here at Jargon, we think talk is cheap. The real truth is in the tasting. We could go
To help you keep your writing and speaking free of jargon, we are pleased to
Feb 28, 2010 . Don't repeat common jargon already ingrained in the programming culture like:
A list of over 9000 computer definitions, jargon, and computing terms with
Trendy internet jargon. No longer updated; last update was June 2001.
Jargon is the language of specialized terms used by a group or profession. It's
JargonDatabase.com, your source for all the jargon available, The premier
Jul 29, 2011 . We like to think modern fiction is free from pretensions of the past. But computer
Jun 17, 2011 . Jargon - Definition of 'Jargon' from our glossary of English linguistic and
the language, especially the vocabulary, peculiar to a particular trade, profession,