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Intervarsity is a Christian Fellowship that seeks to actively engage Bucknellians
International, Christian, Cornell University.www.cornellicf.org/ - Cached - SimilarIVCFWeekly meetings, Bible studies, contacts, calendar.www.loyola.edu/lcf/ - Cached - SimilarIVCF - Augustana CollegeSponsors small group Bible studies throughout the week. Event calendar and a
FAQ, introduction to sponsored meetings and activities, annotated calendar, and
Nov 23, 2011 . Find a fellowship for Christian graduate or professional students. Check out the
Group meetings, prayer, event schedules, and photo gallery.www.umich.edu/~ivcf/ - Cached - SimilarIVCF - Duke UniversityUrbana 09! Thank you for visiting our website! We've recently moved because of
Large group meetings, Bible studies, volunteer tutoring, and faculty group.www.stanford.edu/group/ivgrad/ - Cached - SimilarIVCF StaffIVCF Staff are servants who lay down thier lives for a season, sometimes a
Sep 7, 2011 . Weekly Breakaway meeting, large group fun night, prayer meetings and event
Jan 28, 2012 . The Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) must get rid of the “basis of faith” that
Friday night impact meetings, summer options, men's and women's ministries,
Join us! Be a part of InterVarsity's ministry to students and faculty on over 550 . donate.intervarsity.org/Welcome to Intervarsity Christian Fellowship at UC BerkeleyFour chapters on campus. Staff biographies, meetings, schedules, campus maps.intervarsity.berkeley.edu/ - Cached - SimilarIVCFUndergraduate and Graduate chapters. Serves Columbia University and Barnard
This Thursday, Sept. 15th, come on out to the Rotunda (beside OOC and the
Fellowship, small group Bible studies, library, news.www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/ivcf/ - Cached - SimilarIVCFSchedules for fellowship, Bible study, and prayer. Announcements, photos, and
Who are we? InterVarsity is a community of students devoted to living out a
Large group meetings and Bible studies, student and faculty introductions.www.clubs.psu.edu/bd/ivcf/ - Cached - SimilarIVCF - RohanThe home page for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at San Diego State
Fellowship nights, departmental prayer groups, small group studies, and
Jan 30. Conferences. There are three conferences every year: Fall, Winter, and.
Nov 3, 2011 . We are glad you are curious about IVCF and would love to help you know more
Oct 4, 2010 . Introduces activities for Christian students on the main campus including prayer
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is a ministry that serves students and faculty at
Jan 22, 2012 . Small group Bible studies, large group meetings, retreats, and membership
Who are we? In response to God's love, grace and truth: The purpose of
Upcoming events, small group activities, photo archive, and community
An evangelical and interdenominational campus ministry incorporated in 1941,
Multiethnic chapter, group meetings with maps and times, and event photos.www.csuchico.edu/ivcf/ - Cached - SimilarGCF - UCLA Student GroupsFeb 28, 2012 . We are affiliated with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF), an
Bible discussion groups, prayer and worship meetings, staff introductions, and
This Week. Large Group Friday 7:30 Huma 119 · Small Groups Click for details.
This is the site for the InterVarsity Graduate Christian Fellowship at Northwestern
Events, readings, photos and links.www.colby.edu/ccf/ - SimilarIVCF - Princeton University, Graduate Christian FellowshipAnnouncements, small groups, and photo gallery. Essays: Learning about Life
Feb 18, 2011 . Chapters serving Chapel Hill and Granville. Information about programs, leaders,
Weekly Bible studies, large group meetings, prayer and ultimate frisbee.www.tulane.edu/~ivcf/ - Cached - SimilarIVCF - University of Delaware - Sites.udel.edu Blogs - University of . Bible study, prayer, and a group for international and graduate students as well
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship @ George Mason University presents. Plugged
Large group meetings, Bible study, leadership team, and missions opportunities.
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Illinois- Making Jesus known by growing loving
Basileia: IVCF Retreat. Basileia is Greek for “kingdom”—the kingdom of God! We'
Learn more about IV at Stanford! InterVarsity at Stanford is a multi-ethnic, multi-
Information on large group and daily prayer meetings, Bible study groups, and
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. IVCF may
A multi-denominational, multi-ethnic chapter offering Bible studies groups both
Events and information about InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at the University of
Large group meetings, Bible study, prayer meetings, and an in-depth study of