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The Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang suggests it may be . or it may be from the dialectical Italian "mammoccio" meaning stupid rascal. .
The World Slang Dictionary: Italian Slang Dictionary. Please . American English slang French slang German slang Hindi slang Japanese slang Korean slang .
Annotated links to slang Italian language dictionary content on .
Polish English Dictionary Online Translation, Language, Grammar. . Onet: Polish-English dictionary & German, Russain, French, Italian, Spanish, Hebrew .
May 9, 2010 – List of links to various online dictionaries. . Interface and instructions of the three dictionaries above are only in Estonian, although the Slang dictionary has preface also in English . Online Italian-English-Italian Dictionary .
What's the meaning of big Italian salami? Find the definition of the slang word here.
Feb 14, 2007 – Online Slang Dictionaries . The Online Dictionary of Playground Slang [ok 14.2. 2007 . Italian. The Alternative Italian Dictionary - Italian Slang .
Search foreign language dictionaries and multilingual translation dictionaries. . translation from Spanish to English, French to English, Italian to English and vice versa. . Online dictionary of slang, jargon, and rare or unusual words from .
Dictionary of Drug Slang and colloquialisms including cocaine slang. Learn the meaning of slang and informal expressions currently in use.
Feb 2, 2007 – The Alternative Italian Dictionary – Italian Slang Dictionary . by Giovanna Vaccaro, presenter of our beginners' online course Italian Steps. .
New 60's Slang Dictionary . The Correctional Officers Guide to Prison Slang. Roget's II . English-Italian-Russian-French on-line dictionary on oil and gas .
Jun 12, 2011 – Being able to Learn Italian online has never been easier ! . with audio and mp3 downloads, try Italianissimo and access Cool Italian, an audio guide to Italian slang, with mp3 downloads. . Italian-English On-line Dictionary .
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Oct 9, 2000 – SlangSite.com is a dictionary of slang, webspeak, made up words, and colloquialisms. . Example: Madi's inability to online was so gabberduke it was . . gattese, chatois, gatés, koshk: The Italian, French, Spanish, .
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Links to online monolingual, bilingual and multilingual dictionaries for many languages. . Cockney Rhyming Slang dictionaries .
Dictionary of UK Slang. This is the place to find the meaning of all the British slang that you hear on PBS and BBC America. This site contains mostly off color .
Mar 21, 2006 – Italian Slang Dictionary: intro A B C D E F G I L M N O P Q R S T U V X Z Introduction to Italian Slang If you're planning to live or travel in Italy, .
Free dictionary online: translation in English, Spanish, French, Italian, . in the Collaborative Dictionary you will discover slang terms, technical translations, .
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Presented here is a collection of pages with links to online slang dictionaries in . slang by Giovanna Vaccaro, presenter of our beginners' online course Italian .
"The Indiana Prevention Resource Center on-line dictionary contains more than 3800 street drug slang terms from the Indiana Prevention Resource Center files, .
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The most vile racial slur that can be used against an Italian-American .
A comprehensive online Dictionary of Italian Property Terms by Lingua21. Italian to English. Italian Slang >> An authoritative audio guide to Italian slang by .
Find words with this meaning on The Online Slang Dictionary's slang thesaurus ( urban . You'd better watch out, I'm gonna whip out my big Italian salami! .
Italian slang gives you an insight of the indigenous Italian roots of the . Online Italian Translation . Italian slang is the earthy expression of the Italian culture. . FortuneCity: This site offers a dictionary of criminal slang where Italian slang are .
Industry Specific Dictionary Index. . (South Carolina, USA) · On-line Dictionary of Street Drug Slang · The Wicked Good Guide to Boston English; See also Slang .
Sep 18, 2008 – Question Tagged: English Translation Italian Italian Slang, Replies: 2.
Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary. 3210514041 visitors . also Da·go (d g ). n. pl. da·gos also Da·gos or da·goes also Da·goes Offensive Slang. Used as a disparaging term for an Italian, Spaniard, or Portuguese. .
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This comprehensive Italian Dictionary Lookup, English to Italian and Italian to English, is an extensive language resource, comprised of general, encyclopedic, slang . You can also visit our free online translation website for Italian Translation .
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Jan 26, 2011 – This page contains a large number of free online dictionaries, . AllWords.com, Specify a word in English, Dutch, French, Italian or Spanish, and . puzzles, writing tools ,thesauri, slang, quotations, translation services, etc. .
English-Italian Slang Dictionary Index. Online Translation > English Translation > English-Italian Slang Dictionary Index · new. Babylon 9. The most popular .
There were free dictionaries with definitions, some lists of slang words and their . Nouns and adjectives in French, Spanish, and Italian, languages from which .