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11 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Sep 24, 2008Topic : iPhone 3G stuck on T-Mobile Network and no service! . It's still pulling T-Mobile and no other network comes on the network list though so I'm stuck at . . Macbook pro 17 & iPhone 3G Mac OS X (10.5.4) .
Jun 23, 2009 . There was networlk for a couple of seconds then no service. . I didn't disable 3G since it was mentioned for t-mobile us customers (I'm in France. . hbk123 says: July 4, 2009 at 5:08 pm. i unlocked my iphone 3G with .
30 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Dec 1, 2010Discussion iPhone 4,iPhone 3GS, iPhone Jailbreak,iPhone Hack and Unclock .
22 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Nov 10, 2010[Archive] Unlocked iPhone 4 reads tmobile sim for 1 min then says no .
Mar 30, 2011 . ultrasn0w tmobile no service ultrasnow free download for iphone 4.1 unlock iphone 4 using ultrasnow how to use ultrasnow? iphone 4g os 4.2.1 .
9 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Mar 19insanelyi: 3G tMobile - No Service - insanelyi. Jump to content . . Location Portland, OR; iDevice:iPhone 4; iOS:4.2.1 . hey no iphone is fine mine did this to after time things just go crazy my friend u are right back .
4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Nov 10, 2009Every 3 minutes or so, it shows no service, which is getting really annoying. . I've already reset the network settings like 3 times, .
Jan 21, 2010 . 2) resetted network setting but still no service 3)turned off and on 3G and the phone would . . iPhone 4 locked to T-Mobile. 4.1 Limera1n'd .
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Feb 21No Service for T-Mobile on 3GS w/ 4.1 iPhone Tips, . But, here's the .
Apr 27, 2007 . When the iPhone was announced earlier this year, . . I have had little to no service from T-Mobile in four months and they refuse to fix the . . It is 4 mos and still no signal and T-mobile just doesn't give a damn! .
Jun 28, 2009 . Having trouble with internet service on iphone. . . The latest version if OS for the Iphone 2G with no installed cydia app for unlocking t-mobile. . Posted by How to Unlock Iphone 3Gs 4.1 | March 13, 2011, 4:58 pm .
Aug 12, 2007 . Hi all, i am planning to buy a iphone but i still have 4 month left . If i get an unlocked iphone 8gb for tmobile would my service provider. . i unlocked my iphone and put my tmobile sim card but i says no service? .
i have a 3g and it was unlocked so i have tmobile, but my iphone was updated on itunes and now i have no service. how can i unlock it? There are no "unlock .
Aug 5, 2010 . T-Mobile service plans are fairly priced (no data caps), . How do I purchase an iphone 4 without being tied to an att contract. you .
16 posts - 3 authorsno service on iphone 4 - please help. Posted: 49 days ago .
Nov 4, 2007 . Anonymous (4/12): I love my iphone on my t-mobile service! . .. now that the iphone 4 is jailbroken an unlocked all get that for tmobile no .
Jan 2, 2009 . Doesn't say Tmobile or no service. just one bar of service which are . . review of the iFuzen HP-1 for iPhone 4, a battery pack with a .
Jun 9, 2010 . iPhone 4 Case Reviews · iPhone 3G/3GS Case Reviews . card (iPhone 4 requires a mini-sim). Check to make sure T-Mobile has service in your area here. . No need to jailbreak the iPhone or use it on a different network. .
Jan 1, 2009 . 4. Turn off the iPhone and install your third party SIM. . . No you can not run window programs but you can use other service provider like . . Trading 3G for 2G at T-mobile. Better off buying a 2G iPhone off eBay. .
Nov 7, 2009 . iPhone 4 32GB (4.2.1, Redsn0w JB-monte) oldest SHSH 4.1 .
Aug 11, 2009 . Tags: iphone, jailbreak, prepaid, service, t-mobile . . I really see no reason to upgrade unless they pull this on my plan as well. . Rob said 4:36PM on 8-12 -2009. This is clearly related to the recent release of .
Feb 26, 2011 . @MuscleNerd do we have a solution for iphone 4 no service after trying to . Iphone 4 'No Sim Installed' Resolve For T-mobile 4.1 four.2 .
Jun 11, 2008 . Clay: Hardware wise there is no difference just the price .
Jun 21, 2010 . Your iPhone has iOS 4 on it and you are ready to get started with the new . .. Inserted t-mobile sim signal and it says no-service or it is .
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Apr 12, 2009I have a 3G iPhone, 2.2 firm-228 BaseBand (T-Mobile).I have jail broken ( Quickpwn) and unlocked (yellow snow)the phone with no problem.
Dec 13, 2010 . iPhone 4 users on T-Mobile may have noticed the loss of service / sim errors when rebooting the phone.
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Dec 16, 2010hey :confused: , so i recently had this iphone unlocked and . cydia. my carrier is tmobile and i do not currently have internet service on .
Nov 21, 2008 . Using Edge with T-mobile service. Do I need to call T-mobile and them . . No, it's completely fine even with case; I don't have iPhone 4 .
6 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Dec 13, 2010T-Mobile on iPhone 4 No Service/Invalid SIM/One Bar [FIX] iPhone. . iPhone 4 users on T-Mobile may have noticed the loss of service / sim .
5 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Mar 13I just got an unlocked/jailbroken 3G 8GB iPhone off Ebay. I put in my T-mobile sim card & it connects but a few minutes later it would go to .
At our new home there is no T-Mobile service whatsoever. . . Is this true ? or Can any of you tell me how to get the iphone 4 for $199 and not pay the .
20 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Jul 22, 2010But the end result is no service any one have soultion? . .. no SERIVCE FOR TMOBILE. on my iphone 3g ios 4, used red snow to jb. wtf is the .
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 12Question Posted by : Martin After unlocking my iphone 4 version 4.1 with limera1n, I inserted my t-mobile sim card in.
6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Sep 5, 2008MacBook Pro17 Mac OS X (10.5.4) . lots of other Macs. iPhone 3G stuck on T- Mobile Network and no service Reply .
2 posts - 1 authorIphone 4 - NO signal = no service constantly - iphone4 signal sucks on t .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Jan 26, 2010Woke up this morning and found iPhone 4 with "No Service". I've had the phone since 24th June without a service problem. .
May 7, 2009 . This is good customer service by T-Mobile. On one hand it's .
4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jan 1Unlocked iPhone 4 on T-Mobile, Occasional No Service iPhone Hacks. . Hello, I have a successfully unlocked iPhone 4 for T-Mobile. .
Jul 28, 2010 . Related posts: Unlock iPhone 4: Ultrasn0w 1.0-1 iPhone 4 Unlock . Well you can , but the only service you can use it on is T-Mobile. .
Mar 23, 2011 . So, as quoted message above, no T-Mobile iPhone 4 while the acquisition is . There is no change in your service and we remain committed to .
Aug 4, 2010 . is there no way to cut the old tmobile sim. Joel says: . I just purchased an iphone 4 (without AT&T service) and I jailbroke and installed .
This entry was posted on Sunday, August 10th, 2008 at 4:21 pm and is tagged . had a month free of the unlimited web service and it expired on the 25, . . I can ftp onto the new 3g iphone, no problem and locate the files you refer to. .
Oct 7, 2008 . 4. Locate Firmware. Now we have to click the browse button .
30 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Dec 1, 2010iphone 4.2.1 tmobile no service. . Iphone4 NO service. Mine lost signal .
30 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Dec 1, 2010restore iphone 4.3 tmobile no service. . Iphone4 NO service. Mine lost signal also after 4.2 update. Any way of downgrading to 4.1 without .
Sep 22, 2007 . and to add on to my iphone problems, i installed that “service” app so i . Yes you can use the $5.99 plan although I think T Mobile no .
8 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Oct 13, 2010I have an unlocked iphone 4 running on T-mobile. . turn my iPhone on and instead of having T-Mobile signal, I either get "No Service", .
3 answers - Apr 12, 2010Unlocked iphone says no service with my t-mobile sim? i unlocked my iphone . Member since: April 14, 2009; Total points: 2705 (Level 4) .