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Check out these popular emails to discover whether they are true -- or just urban
Information on email chain letters and virus hoaxes, provided by independent
Apr 25, 2006 . From the Loch Ness Monster photo to the Alien Autopsy footage.www.2spare.com/item_52492.aspx - Cached - SimilarCurrent Internet Hoaxes, Email Rumors & Urban LegendsHoax List from About.com: Current Internet hoaxes, email rumors and urban
www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/hoaxes/hoax.aspCategory:Hoaxes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHoaxes are attempts to make people believe unlikely things. Unlike confidence
May 10, 2012 . Cryptomundo » Hoaxes Category Archive Page: An informative long main
The definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors
Mar 22, 2012 . How a Bad Chinese Translation Program Caused a Fake Racism Scandal for
James Randi, professional magician and skeptic, has put together an
[Download Internet Hoaxes White Paper Link Compilation] . Handling Internet
Uncovering hoaxes that usually arrive in the form of an email, or promotions that
Classic cases of archaeological hoaxes, fakes, and strange sites, plus fake
Jan 22, 2012 . Discussion of 22 hoaxes, including Cardiff Giant, crop circles, and the
This page is considered the industry standard information source for new virus
Discusses a number of scientific and medical hoaxes, including Mary Toft and the
Offers six articles on hoaxes, including petrification hoaxes and the day they
Aug 30, 2007 . Top 10 Lists: Throughout the years many people have perpetrated hoaxes - often
something intended to deceive or defraud: The Piltdown man was a scientific
For the space program, see Teacher in Space Project. Google has a tradition of
A list of all known internet hoaxes - urban myths, giveaways, warnings, sympathy
See the latest information on computer virus attacks and their removal. McAfee is
Apr 1, 2012 . Since society has had several thousand years of practice at recognizing con
TEACHING WEB PAGE EVALUATION USING HOAX . www.shsu.edu/~lis_mah/documents/TCEA/hoaxtable.html - Cached - SimilarThe UnMuseum - UFO HoaxesIn 1897 Alexander Hamilton, of Yates Center, Kansas, came out of his house to
Synonyms for hoax at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and
Joke virus alerts (not considered hoaxes) · Misconceptions about genuine threats
'Virus or Hoax' provides you with everything you always wanted to know about
Bibliography of books about hoaxes. Abel, Alan. _The Confessions of a Hoaxer_
The Bunk Stops Here. Hoax, Fraud, Scam, Phishing and Misinformation
O No. After inviting Holocaust survivor Herman Rosenblat on her show not once,
Hoax Busters has been debunking hoaxes, scams and urban legends since
Stay informed about the latest email hoaxes and scams by subscribing to the
Apr 1, 2003 . At first glance, the headlines sound plausible: Shark leaps from ocean to attack a
Chain letters are familiar to anyone with an email account, whether they are sent
Get the truth about rumors, inspirational stories, virus warnings, hoaxes, scams,
10 hours ago . A reference guide to hoaxes, pranks, practical jokes, frauds, tricks, and other
Mar 28, 2012 . It seemed too delicious. Too exciting. Too good to be true. And that's because it
An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural
Jul 15, 2009 . For hundreds of years, humans have been playing elaborate tricks on each other,
Categorizes problematic sites and gives many examples of each type. Ends with
Debunking hoaxes as well as urban legends that spread on the internet.www.nonprofit.net/hoax/ - Cached - SimilarNews for hoaxesHoax Hunters: Character Origins - 12 hours agoThe Greatest Comic Book Website featuring comic book news, reviews, previews, interviews, feature articles, blogs, and the greatest comics . The OuthouseInternet Hoax Leaves Robin Williams Dead - Gather Celebs News Channel - 10 related articles »Videos for hoaxes10 Infamous Hoaxes - YouTubeMar 30, 2012youtube.comsnopes.com: Apollo 11 Moon . Jul 19, 2009snopes.comTLDR: Hoaxes, Polylinguals . May 10, 2012blip.tvEmail Hoaxes | Sophos Threat Center | SophosLabs10 hours ago . SophosLabs Analysis for Email Hoaxes. The Leader in Antivirus, Spam, Malware
Virus hoaxes and myths waste time and money, and make the sender look
A hoax is a deliberately fabricated falsehood made to masquerade as truth. It is
Nov 7, 2011 . A hoax has been circulating about a cashiers check being held by the New York
Assorted collection of hoaxes, including sports hoaxes and art forgeries.www.infoplease.com/spot/hoax1.html - Cached - SimilarCliff Pickover's Internet Encyclopedia of HoaxesCan you guess what the image above shows? Hoaxes perpetuated in the name