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Apr 13, 2009 . The word hepatitis comes from the Ancient Greek word hepar (root word hepat) meaning 'liver', and the Latin itis meaning inflammation.
Hepatitis A signs and symptoms typically don't appear until you've had the virus . Signs and symptoms of hepatitis A usually last less than two months, .
10%–15% of persons have prolonged or relapsing signs and symptoms from hepatitis A for up to 6 months; however, for most people, the illness does not .
Symptoms of acute viral hepatitis are general and varied. Some people will .
Mar 19, 2010 . Hepatitis B does not always cause obvious symptoms .
Mar 22, 2011 . What are symptoms of hepatitis C? Most people with acute or chronic HCV have no symptoms. When symptoms occur, they may include tiredness, .
Learn about hepatitis C symptoms. Some people experience only mild hepatitis C symptoms such as tiredness. Only 1 in 10 patients with acute Hepatitis has .
May 15, 2009 . This video gives information on the symptoms of Hepatitis c. These include fatigue, fluid retention, skin itching, and bleeding vericies.
May 4, 2011 . Read more about the symptoms of hepatitis C infection » . What symptoms did you experience with hepatitis C? .
In its early stages, hepatitis may cause flu-like symptoms. . The symptoms of the hepatitis C virus can be very similar to those of the hepatitis A and B .
Most patients with mild to severe hepatitis C begin to feel better in two to three weeks and recover completely from their symptoms within four to eight .
Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C: Symptoms, treatment and prevention including hepatitis tests, diagnosis and immunisations.
Jul 23, 2010 . Some early symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis include muscle .
The symptoms of hepatitis A may range from mild to severe and can include an abrupt onset of fever, fatigue, poor appetite, nausea, stomach pain, .
Feb 9, 2010 . HepatitisInfo.org Provides Unbiased, Research-Based Information on Hepatitis B Including Causes, Symptoms, Treatments and Coping Strategies.
Jump to What are the symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis?: Fatigue is probably the most common symptom of autoimmune hepatitis. Other symptoms .
Hepatitis A infection (HAV) is characterized by weakness, fever, muscle aches, and jaundice. Hepatitis A can cause liver failure and it is important to seek .
Many patients infected with hepatitis A, B, and C have few or no symptoms of illness. Clinical features of toxic and drug-induced hepatitis vary with the .
Feb 21, 2009 . Many people with hepatitis B or C do not have symptoms when first infected and can still develop liver failure later. .
Jump to Signs and symptoms: Early symptoms of hepatitis A infection can be mistaken for influenza, but some sufferers, especially children, .
Learn about hepatitis A, inflammation of the liver caused by an infection from exposure to medications, alcohol, chemicals, poisons, or immune system .
Hepatitis B: Risk Factors & Symptoms - Hepatitis Program.
In summary, the symptoms of Hepatitis C infection are different in different stages of the disease. Overall, the common symptoms are: .
Apr 1, 2009 . The hepatitis symptoms visible in a person vary depending upon the stage and the kind of viral hepatitis the person is affected with.
Jun 29, 2009 . Wondering if that ache or pain could mean hepatitis? Symptoms vary depending on the type of hepatitis, so it's hard to know if you have .
Hepatitis A, B, and C are viral infections that together affect an estimated 5% to 6% of Americans. Get in-depth hepatitis information here about hepatitis .
Hepatitis A virus symptoms are easily detectable with the right information. Discover useful facts about Hepatitis A treatments, transmission and .
Oct 21, 2009 . Hepatitis B is called a silent infection because most people do not have noticeable symptoms when they are first infected.
Learn about hepatitis A, inflammation of the liver caused by an infection from exposure to medications, alcohol, chemicals, poisons, or immune system .
Hepatitis C infection usually produces no signs or symptoms during its .
Chronic hepatitis C can further lead to cirrhosis, severe liver disease and even liver cancer. People with the disease experience the symptoms of hepatitis .
Aug 28, 2008 . For people with hepatitis C, symptoms may include fatigue, fever, nausea, and abdominal pain. This eMedTV article discusses these and other .
Hepatitis C Symptoms, Treatment. Prevent Hepatitis C symptoms caused by drug abuse. Hepatitis C symptoms and Hepatitis C treatment info.
by J Seekers - Related articles
Sep 9, 2008 . Symptoms usually appear 15 to 50 days (2 to 7 weeks) after .
Hepatitis C Symptoms : Learn more about what to look for and educate yourself on the symptoms of Hepatitis C If you are having symptoms, we suggest you get .
Apr 25, 2010 . Hepatitis B Symptoms In Women. Symptoms for the contagious liver disease Hepatitis B appear in about 70 percent of adults according to the .
Sep 29, 2008 . Hepatitis is characterized by the destruction of a number of liver cells and the presence of inflammatory cells in the liver tissue caused .
Hepatitis C may develop without symptoms; if symptoms are present they may resemble flu like symptoms or pain in the upper abdomen.
Hepatitis C symptoms may not appear for over 15 years. Hep C symptoms include weakness, vomiting of blood, bleeding per rectum, etc.
Soon after you first become infected with the hepatitis C virus, you may have flu-like symptoms or even jaundice (abnormally yellow skin or eyes) during the .
Oct 11, 2010 . Information about Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis D. Hepatitis diagnosis and treatment.
Welcome to thehepatitiscepidemic.com - Here you will find extensive information on hepatitis C (HCV), hepatitis C treatment options, articles, newsletters, .
Most people with Acute Hepatitis C have no symptoms. When Hepatitis C symptoms develop, it can feel like the flu. You may feel tired, not feel very hungry, .
You'll find links to a comprehensive symptoms list, as well as various studies and discussions about Hepatitis C symptoms. .
Nov 18, 2010 . About of the people who are infected with the virus of the so-called Hepatitis B do not have any symptoms at all.
May 4, 2011 . Viral hepatitis refers to hepatitis caused by a few specific viruses that primarily attack the liver. Hepatitis symptoms include loss of .
Learn about symptoms that may be related to chronic hepatitis c.
Although hepatitis C damages the liver, 80% of people with the disease do .
Jul 18, 2005 . Symptoms of hepatitis vary depending on the cause of the illness. Symptoms of acute viral hepatitis may begin suddenly or develop gradually.