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Motorcycle Riding Laws by State. . Helmet Laws by State . State, Helmet required, Daytime Headlights, Eye Protection, Radar / Kids / Earphones, Yearly .
Jun 15, 2011 – Backer of effort to allow riders to go without helmets says there are enough votes in both chambers to make the change.
The states and localities below began adopting laws in 1987, mostly limited to children under 18. More info on helmet laws follows the list. .
Jan 28, 2000 – Why do some cyclists and physicians advocate mandatory helmet laws (MHL's)? Why have many non-cyclists become convinced that bicycling is a .
This article suggests that accepting that it is the duty of government to involve itself in our private choices will lead to a nation of nattering .
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Nov 16, 2010 – The National Transportation Safety Board, the independent federal agency charged with determining the probable cause of transportation .
MOTORCYCLE HELMET LAW A motorcyclist in Michigan is required to wear a DOT- approved motorcycle helmet on his or her head when operating a motorcycle or when .
This area consists of helmet laws that require the wearing of approved helmets for horseback riding. There were only two such laws in the United States at .
Apr 14, 2011 – CARSON CITY -- With Democrat John Lee breaking party ranks, a bill to repeal Nevada's 39-year-old helmet law won approval on a 4-3 vote .
NC Bicycle Helmet Law Summary of law updated 07-17-06. Governor Michael Easley signed the "Child Bicycle Safety Act" into law on July 5, 2001. .
Jul 3, 2011 – NY motorcyclist dies protesting helmet laws. ONONDAGA, N.
Jul 3, 2011 – Philip A. Contos of Parish, N.Y., died in a motorcycle crash on Saturday after losing control of his bike and going head-first over the .
May 30, 2011 – "Many studies have shown that motorcycle helmets save lives, helmet laws save lives and helmet law repeals lead to increased head injury and .
There are few issues that evoke as much passion in the motorcycling community nationwide as helmets and lane splitting. Here is a primer on helmet and lane .
Some countries and lower jurisdictions have passed laws which make riding illegal without a helmet. They are controversial. The details of such laws vary. .
May 15, 2011 – The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has updated the motorcycle helmet law in an attempt to stop people from wearing .
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The chart below lists all current state helmet laws, for both motorcycle riders and bicyclists.
Motorcycle Bikers' Rights Helmet Laws Helmets & Freedom Fighter Issues.
Jul 3, 2011 – N.Y. police say 55-year-old demonstrating against helmets was killed after flipping over Harley Davidson's handlebars.
Opponents of helmet laws argue that the regulations are paternalistic; that by requiring helmet laws, the federal government is attempting to regulate an .
Jun 6, 2011 – Combining warm weather and high gas prices means that motorcyclists are hitting the roads in droves. But before you head out on the highway .
The District of Columbia has bicycle helmet laws to protect cyclists, under the age of 16, who enjoy the many streets and trails in and around the Nation's .
Legislators in some states later reinstated helmet laws so that all but 3 states now require some . (Colorado, Illinois, and Iowa don't have helmet laws. .
May 29, 2011 – We have a number of mandatory helmet laws from states and localities in the U.S. on our site, but are replacing them with direct links when .
Jul 3, 2011 – Troopers say Philip A. Contos would have likely survived if he had been wearing a helmet.
Jul 3, 2011 – ONONDAGA, N.Y. -- Police say a motorcyclist participating in a protest ride against helmet laws in upstate New York died after he flipped .
Jul 3, 2011 – Read 'NY motorcyclist dies on ride protesting helmet law' on Yahoo! News. Police say a motorcyclist participating in a protest ride against .
19 States have helmet laws that exempt adult riders, riders over the age of majority -- 18 years old and over. Those states are: .
Currently, there is no state law requiring helmet use. However, some cities and counties do require helmet use with bicycles. Here is a list of those .
Jul 2, 2011 – The victim lost control of his Harley Davidson and went over the handlebars this afternoon on state Route 11, Onondaga, state police say.
Jul 3, 2011 – A biker in upstate New York who was participating in a ride to protest helmet laws died after he crashed his motorcycle and hit his head, .
Jul 3, 2011 – ONONDAGA, N.Y. — Police say a motorcyclist who was participating in a protest ride against helmet laws in upstate New York has died after he .
Jun 16, 2011 – Tom's Corner: Michigan's motorcycle helmet law | michigan, motorcycle, newschannel, corner, helmet, law.
Helmet Laws - 50 State Review. Welcome to the 50 State Helmet Law Review. Here you will find a page on each state with whatever information we have on hand. .
helmet, helmets, motorcycle, motorcycles, helmet_laws, 50_states, laws, safety.
The history of motorcycle helmet laws in the United States is characterized by change. In 1967, to increase motorcycle helmet use, the federal government .
State Motorcycle Helmet Laws of the United States. "The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration does not maintain a list of helmets that are .
Motorcycle Helmet Exemptions. On June 19, 2009, Governor Rick Perry signed into law. Senate Bill 1967 of the 81st Regular Legislative Session. .
Jul 3, 2011 – Police say a motorcyclist participating in a protest ride against helmet laws in upstate New York died after he flipped over the bike's .
Apr 14, 2011 – A motorcycle accident lawyer explains why proposed bills that would let bikers go helmet-less are a terrible idea, especially after two .
Jul 3, 2011 – A 55-year-old biker protesting New York State's law requiring helmet use died at a hospital Saturday after striking his head in an accident. .
Florida Helmet Law FAQ. What do I need to do to be able to legally ride a motorcycle without a helmet in the state of Florida? You need to be at least 21 .
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Nov 8, 2010 – On August 1, 1998 this helmet law was extended to include roller and inline skates and skateboards. Roller skates means a pair of devices .
Legislators in some states later reinstated helmet laws so that all but 4 states now require some or all motorcyclists to wear helmets. .
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Q&A: Motorcycle helmet use laws. May 2011. Compared with cars, motorcycles .
(b) Any helmet sold or offered for sale for use by operators and . other provision of law, the fines collected for a violation of this section shall be .