Jul 12, 11
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  • The Earth is warming and human activity is a primary cause. To appreciate the urgency of this problem, it's important to understand the ways global warming .
  • Global warming is the most profound environmental challenge of our time – and it is accelerating at an alarming rate.
  • Fact sheets and news items on global warming, its consequences, and measures to reduce its impacts.
  • NRDC's global warming site provides information on the causes and effects of global climate change, and offers solutions to the problem.
  • Jun 14, 2007 – Global warming, or climate change, is a subject that shows .
  • A very informative documentary about the real cause of global warming. It clearly discuss about the fact that CO2 is not cause of global warming. .
  • Learn about Global Warming at National Geographic. Get facts, news, wallpapers, watch videos, and learn about solutions.
  • While some would call global warming a theory, others would call it a proven set of facts. Opinions differ vehemently. Let us consider global warming to be .
  • Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is .
  • Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to . Is global warming, caused by human activity, even remotely plausible? .
  • Global warming knows no boundaries and affects all of us. . We all contribute to global warming every day. The carbon dioxide you produce by driving your .
  • Jul 12, 2011 – Dave Harbour, Master Resource, 11 July 2011. Global Warming: A Primer John Hinderaker, Power Line, 10 July 2011 .
  • The EPA Climate Change site provides comprehensive information on the issue of climate change and global warming in a way that is accessible and meaningful .
  • The term Global Warming refers to the observation that the atmosphere near the Earth's surface is warming. This warming is one of many kinds of climate .
  • Experts and Global Warming
  • By Online --Global Warming - Climategate Growing Public Opposition Thwarts Green Energy Drive Panetta's Iraq visit reveals his lack of knowledge .
  • Global warming is a hot topic (no pun intended). The Earth is warming up. While that may be hard to believe in the middle of a Wisconsin winter, .
  • Global warming could do more than just melt polar ice. It could change our .
  • Jun 3, 2010 – Global warming is happening now, and scientists are confident that greenhouse gases are responsible. To understand what this means for .
  • Aug 20, 2008 – World's largest archive of climate data provides answers to frequently asked questions about climate change.
  • Global warming is the now-discredited theory that the world is becoming dangerously warmer, and that government needs to assert more controls over energy .
  • The history of research on climate change from the 19th century to the present, told in a set of hyperlinked essays.
  • Explore the Climate Hot Map to see evidence of climate change including heat waves, sea-level rise, flooding, melting glaciers, earlier spring arrival, .
  • Global Warming Classroom Project. Presented by ePals and National Geographic . How can we help to save our planet from global warming? In this project .
  • The average surface temperature of earth has increased more than 1 degree Fahrenheit since 1900 and the rate of warming has been nearly three times the .
  • Pew's climate change campaigns raise public awareness and build support for policies that reduce global warming pollution and enhance the nation's energy .
  • Focuses on science and impacts of global warming or climate change, and on actions that help address global warming. Features games, events, and links to .
  • Global warming is the current rise in the average temperature of Earth's oceans and atmosphere and its projected continuation. The scientific consensus is .
  • What is the connection between rising levels of carbon dioxide and global warming? And what will be the real impact of global warming in the future?.
  • The politics of global warming have changed dramatically since the court agreed last year to hear its first global warming case. Business leaders are saying .
  • Pollution, especially from cars and from making electricity, is a major cause of global warming. Find out how you can make a difference. .
  • Discovery Channel visits global warming tipping points across the planet, talks to the world’s leading experts, and examines the latest evidence about .
  • This activity illustrates principles of Global Warming and Climate Change due to natural and human caused factors. Click on images for a larger view. .
  • Find the latest Global Warming articles, news, and information from the climate experts at Scientific American.
  • Find out about the impacts of climate change through interactive science activities and museum exhibits. Learn facts about global warming and discover some .
  • Global warming is when the earth heats up (the temperature rises). It happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, .
  • Jun 29, 2010 – Global warming is the scientific evidence that temperatures of the near surface Earth atmosphere are rising, and that "higher temperatures .
  • A collective working to encourage governments, corporations, and politicians take the steps necessary to stop global warming.
  • Global Warming Hoax - News and Information Source regarding the myth of Global Warming. Concentrating on the insignificance of man in the warming equation.
  • Jul 12, 2011 – Global Warming Research. Learn about the causes and effects of global warming. Consider possible global warming solutions.
  • How Global Warming is impacting Polar Bears Banner Button · What is Global Warming? . Speak Up to Protect Wildlife from Global Warming .
  • Ageing pipes are responsible for leaks of natural gas all over the US and elsewhere which can contribute to global warming .
  • Global warming is becoming an increasingly important issue. Find out what causes global warming and learn how we can decrease the effects of global warming.
  • May 18, 2007 – Global warming could do more than just melt polar ice. It could change our maps, and displace people from cities and tropical islands.
  • Kids Portal Website Great links for kids on global warming, climate change and what . Global Warming for Young Minds Lovely book for 6 to 10 year olds. .
  • Global warming photography - photographs of global climate change in the Arctic, Antarctica, glaciers, temperate climate zones, rising seas.
  • Does the Sun cause global warming or climate change?
  • Jun 12, 2011 – Global warming and climate change issues are perhaps the greatest threat to this planet. This section from looks into .
  •'s global climate change center offers a daily blog of news related to the topic of global climate change. An unbiased look at myths, .
  • Greenpeace engages to fight global warming climate change by reducing carbon emissions, and promoting alternative energy sources.

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