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Gerontology (from the Greek γέρων, geron, "old man" and -λογία, -logy, "study of";
Multidisciplinary society for professionals in the field of aging. Focuses on
This site provides a comprehensive directory of research and education .
Nov 26, 2007 . The honor is given by the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) .
As the Director of the Gerontology Institute at Georgia State University, I am
Appalachian State University - Aging and Gerontology.
Careers in gerontology are among the next big things in the 21st century
Experimental Gerontology is a multidisciplinary journal for the publication of work
iTunes The Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program is adding podcasts to their site
Gerontology is the study of aging - a very complex and fascinating process which
Focuses on the health and social service needs of persons with chronic illnesses,
Non-profit research, training and social policy organization dedicated to
As the US population rapidly grows older, and the number of older adults in our
Gerontology professionals of the NAPG are committed to promoting and
Offering a variety of services to help older adults remain safe, active and
'Gerontology' responds to this need by drawing topical contributions from . The
National Gerontological Nursing Association Our Core Purpose: To improve the
Oct 3, 2011 . The department, of the Virginia Commonwealth University, offering an M.S. in
Sep 14, 2011 . with the highest quality transdisciplinary education in gerontology and performs
Scripps Gerontology Center. Students walk uptown on Slant Walk. MGS
Aug 24, 2011 . The Georgia Gerontology Society has been a tradition for professionals in aging
Our primary mission is excellence in applied aging research and education. We
Its mission is to engage in research, education, and service in the field of aging.
We conduct basic and applied social and economic research on income security,
Information useful to those interested in geriatrics, the process of aging and
Gerontologist. Gerontologists are health care professionals who specialize in
Woolf Gerontology Page. . This site provides links to almost every gerontology
The California Council on Gerontology and Geriatrics (CCGG) is a statewide
Geriatrics and Gerontology International: journal information, contents lists and
It is the meaning that men attribute to their life, it is their entire system of values
The objectives are to foster research, instructional, and service programs to
Oct 26, 2011 . Holds regular seminars on possible clinical interventions against the aging
The online version of Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics on ScienceDirect,
The Gerontology Research Group (GRG) was started in 1990, and is a global .
Abstracts in Social Gerontology includes bibliographic records covering essential
Our mission is to convene forums for current research and provide tangible tools
With life expectancy limits continuing to increase, there will be an increased need
Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to Social Science >
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics- if2011_1438.jpg Archives of .
the comprehensive study of aging and the problems of the aged — compare
Apr 11, 2006 . The Association for. Gerontology in. Higher Education Brings You . CAREERS
USC Gerontology Center - The worldwide leader in the study of aging. Online
IAGG - International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics promotes the
Our master program is recognized as one of the best in the nation, while a minor
May 6, 2011 . Gerontological Nursing Review Seminar – Fairfax, VA. Start: 6/15/2011 End: 6/16
The Gerontologist, published since 1961, is a bimonthly journal (first issue in
This well-respected journal offers up-to-date original research in the fields of
The Southern Gerontological Society is a network of the South's most respected
The Department of Gerontology at SDSU has been at the national forefront in
We pride houston office space ourselves on our quick response to inquiries and
Gerontology, Aging, Elderly, PhD, Doctoral, Research, Program, Studies,