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  • May 12, 2011 – register for a D.B.A. (Doing Business As)/Assumed Name and what fees . The locations are: 200 Taylor Street, 3rd Floor, Fort Worth, TX 6551 .
  • Register DBA Texas Online. Learn how to register a DBA in TX online. Registering a Texas DBA online is quick and easy. Here you can find Texas DBA forms to .
  • From the County Clerk DBA (Doing Business As) System . e-Filing. From the District Clerk's Office . Harris County's Check Register by Month. Harris County .
  • Need help with a Texas (TX) DBA name registration? If you are a sole proprietor and your business is under a name other than your own, you need to register .
  • In Texas, insurance companies are prohibited from filing a DBA. If one does not file, others can sue you but you cannot sue them until you comply, and the other .
  • 2 answers - May 16, 2006Can someone give me as much information as possible regarding obtaining a DBA in Texas? I'm interested in price, where to file, liabilities, .
  • You may also research through our website at to view .
  • Assumed Names (DBA) . collected or maintained by Harris County is subject .
  • A company doing business in Texas must file an Assumed Name Certificate ( d.b.a. 'Doing Business As') with the county clerk of each county in which the .
  • . then an assumed name certificate (commonly referred to as a DBA ) should be . Corporation: A Texas corporation is created by filing a certificate of formation .
  • Texas DBA Form. Our Texas DBA Application Form is easy to use when .
  • Below you can calculate the total fees for filing a Texas DBA application. All Texas DBA fees include all state and/or county filing fees. Choose which of our .
  • A Texas DBA declares that an individual, company or organization is operating a business under a name other than his/her birth name. Learn more about filing a .
  • A fictitious name (or assumed name, trade name or DBA name, which is short for . . All businesses in Texas operating under an assumed name must file an .
  • The Texas Business and Commerce Code require businesses to file assumed . an assumed name certificate (D.B.A.) will need to be filed with each county in .
  • If you'd like to file a Texas DBA, can help. We can file your DBA in Texas whether you're filing as a sole proprietor, partnership, LLC, .
  • McKinney, Texas 75071 . All other individuals, partnerships or corporations are required to register their . For the correct filing fee, call 972-548-4185. Links & .
  • Jul 8, 2011 – An Assumed Name / DBA (Doing Business as) should be filed with the . about assumed names from the Texas Business and Commerce Code. . For instructions and fees regarding filing Assumed Name Forms, please see .
  • File an Assumed Name (D.B.A.) Certificate with the County Clerk in the county(s) . Worker's Compensation Information--contact Texas Worker's Compensation .
  • Filing a dba in Texas is as easy as filling out a form and going to your county clerk's office and paying a small fee. I recommend you cons . view more.
  • 1450 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76209-4524 * Phone (940)349-2012 * Fax ( 940)349-2013, Map . Assumed Names (DBAs) . district attorney's office, even a judge on the bench in trial), all without each person requiring the actual court file. .
  • 5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jul 2, 2006Some time ago, there was a thread that had great instructions on filing a DBA in Texas, along with some other recommended procedures.
  • Aug 11, 2010 – Welcome to Travis County Clerks Assumed Names (DBAs), Texas. . How to file an Assumed Name (DBA) in Travis County: Complete the .
  • Assumed Name Record (DBA). Assumed Name Record (DBA). In the state of Texas you are required to file a DBA also known as an assumed name in every .
  • The online home for Williamson County, Texas. . Assumed Name DBA Filing Instructions . Filing for an Occupational Driver's License in Williamson County .
  • Getting a DBA means you need to get the requirements / legalities and the correct Texas Business Name Certificate form to file your DBA. Note that if you will .
  • DBA, Business Name, File your DBA, DBA filing, in California, New York, Texas, Illinois, Florida, Pensylvania, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, .
  • How to File for a DBA in Texas. Filing for a DBA, which stands for "doing business as," allows a sole proprietor, a partnership, a nonprofit entity or a corporation .
  • 1450 E. McKinney St., Denton, TX 76209-4524 * Phone (940)349-2012 * Fax . Conducting the search online and mailing the filing request with fees could result .
  • Please note: All DBA forms are formatted to print on legal size paper. Forms that . Assumed Name DBA Filing Instructions . Georgetown, TX 78626-4901 .
  • Incorporate in Texas or setup an LLC in Texas or any other State with
  • 8 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jan 28Hello SBF, I am starting a mostly online t-shirts business that will also sell the tee's at local small shows. Before I get to the selling though I.
  • To start a business in the State of Texas, one needs to get an ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATE, commonly known as “doing business as or dba”. . Filing an Assumed Name Certificate does not prevent another party from using the same name. .
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  • You can contact the Secretary of State at (512) 463-5578 or visit their web site at Upon filing in Austin, the D.B.A. is then filed with the .
  • Travis County Clerk Home Page, Texas. . This division also issues marriage .
  • A company doing business in Texas must file an Assumed Name Certificate ( d.b.a. 'Doing Business As') with the county clerk of each county in which the .
  • Dallas County Clerk, Texas. . Historical Commission · Historical List of Elected Officials; National Register of Historic Places . Home; Assumed Names/DBA .
  • 30+ items – Assumed Names (DBA) · JIMS System · Law Library Search .
  • A Texas DBA filing may be necessary for your business to open a bank account or conduct business under a name that is different from your own. DBA is simply .
  • File a Texas DBA or Doing Business As Texas Online. Use our Texas DBA application to file for your Texas Fictitious Business Name. It is easy to file for a DBA .
  • 1. How do I register my business name or get a DBA? . Texas State Comptroller offices are located in San Antonio or contacted at .
  • Register your DBA (Doing Business As), fictitious business name, trade name, assumed name at Fast. Inexpensive. Professional.
  • Some government offices refer to a DBA as a "trade name," "assumed name," or " fictitious name". In Texas, LLCs register DBAs with the Texas Secretary of State .
  • In Texas, If you use a name other than your own personal name to operate a business, you are legally required to file a DBA Certificate , also known as a dba .
  • If you need to file an Assumed Name Certificate, also known as a d.b.a., the . Who Needs to File a DBA? . .
  • 20+ items – Official site of the City of Houston, Texas municipal government.
  • The Texas Legal Entities Lawyers at Slater & Kennon explain how to file a DBA.
  • Filing a DBA in Texas. Any company that wishes to do business in Texas under a name other than its registered company name must register a so-called .

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