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Jul 3, 2008 . Someone died in the quarter mile track so now we're going to use a 1000 feet one , they just need a foot to die so that's not the solution. .
Online conversion between feet and mile. . The mile is one of the most common measurements of distance. It originates from the Latin word for 1000, .
Using the definition of a nautical mile for distance at sea, the challenge . The length was based on converting [1 nautical mile per hour] to [feet per .
Oct 28, 2010 . Distance Conversion Calculator (Enter number on the left side; . (mi, U.S.), There are 5280 feet in a mile, also called a statute, survey, .
Mar 9, 1990 . Each pace consisted of five Roman feet, giving us a mile of 5000 feet. . the distance a horse could pull a plow before having to rest. .
1 answer - Jan 95280 FT. :) .
Online Calculator for Converting Miles to Feet. . Index of Conversion Calculators. Distance Conversion Calculators .
The measurement known as a mile is a vestige of the Holy Roman Empire's rule over . they used the distance a horse could pull a plow, in a linear fashion, .
What is a nautical mile, and how does it differ from a normal mile and a kilometer? . A kilometer is also defined using the planet Earth as a standard of distance. . A nautical mile is 1852 meters, or 1.852 kilometers. .
Feb 2, 2009 . The walking distance increases slightly, to 1320-1758 feet (1/4 to 1/3 of a mile ), for rail station access." (Chapter 3). .
A measure of distance equal to one minute of arc on the Earth's surface. The .
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Distance and Length Unit Converter . Units Of Length and Distance . Foot to Meter; Nautical Mile to Feet; Inches to Centimeter; Yard to Feet; Mile to .
SOLUTION: 1-mile=5280 feet W=weight c= constant r= distance from core 1. solve the equation w=Cr^-2 for r 2. suppose that an object is 100 pounds when it is .
A statute mile is 5280 feet in length. A nautical mile is 6076.11549. feet . Be sure you know what distance measurement is being used on the charts you .
1320 feet is the official NHRA 1/4 mile distance (402.33m) which has now been shortened to 1000 (304.8m) feet for the top fuel and funny car classes after .
People still say "about a hundred yards" to mean a short walking distance. Note that 'm' is the abbreviation for both a mile and a metre! .
How Many Feet in a Mile? Answer. Here is the calculation and the fomula so bookmark this page and you'll always have the calculated distance instantly!
Perform distance conversions among units of mil, inch, foot, yard, mile, centimeters, millimeters, meters, and kilometers. Convert to mil, in, ft, yd, mi , .
2. mile - a unit of length used in navigation; exactly 1852 meters; historically based on the distance spanned by one minute of arc in latitude .
The term metric mile is used in sports such as track and field athletics and speed skating to denote a distance of 1500 metres (about 4921 ft). .
Because of the difference in the way the two are measured, an air mile is established as a distance of 6080 feet while a land mile distance is 5280 feet. .
Miles to Feet Converter. . Distance and Length Conversion Table. ←. Mile Conversion . please try our universal Distance and Length Unit Converter. .
So on average it takes between 1760 and 2640 steps to complete one mile. To measure your stride mark a distance of 50 feet. Now walk this distance and count .
Any of various units of distance, including the statute mile of 5280 ft (1.61 km ). It originated from the Roman mille passus, or "thousand paces," which .
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The sea mile has also been defined as 6000 feet or 1000 fathoms, for example in Dresner's Units . This is the distance one might walk in an hour (Stunde). .
Convert mile to yard, yards in a mile conversion. How many yards are in a mile . Yard and mile are imperial length units. There are 1760 yards in a mile. .
Sep 23, 2010 . (50 mph)(5280 feet/ mph)=264000 feet. Now, divide that distance by the number of feet in a nautical mile (6076). .
Quickly convert miles into feet (1 mile to feet) using the online . A mile is any of several units of distance, or, in physics terminology, of length. .
feet Choose the Distance that's Right for You feet . 1/4 mile = 400 meters ( 400m) or 1 lap of a standard track 1/2 mile = 800 meters (800m) or 2 laps of a .
Convert mile to feet (ft, foot), feet in a mile conversion. How many feet are in . Foot and mile are imperial length units. There are 5280 feet in a mile. .
Distance and Length conversion online. Instant online units and . angstrom, British (Imperial) And U.S. System: league, mile, furlong, chain, rod, perch, .
Mile definition, a unit of distance on land in English-speaking countries equal to 5280 feet, or 1760 yards (1.609 kilometers). See more.
One mile oval with a one mile chute; Homestretch: 80 feet wide; Backstretch: 80 feet wide; 4% banking on turns; Distance from six-furlong start to first .
A furlong is a measure of distance in imperial units and U.S. customary units equal to one-eighth of a mile, equivalent to 220 yards, 660 feet, 40 rods, .
A metric mile is a distance of 1500 meters. This distance is used when it is desirable to approximate the statute mile, yet also desirable to use a .
NOT 1250 feet in a mile. NOT 9354 feet in a mile. NOR is it 772 feet in a mile. . In fact, the origin of the mile is the distance a legion of soldiers .
4 answersIn international competition the closest race to the mile distance is the 1500 meter run. There are also events at 800 and 400 meters which are .
Miles to Feet conversion calculator for Length conversions with additional tables and formulas.
Common Length and Distance Conversions. . centimeter, feet, inch, kilometer, league, league [nautical], meter, microinch, mile, millimeter, yard. To: .
Jul 6, 2010 . Each of these minutes of arc is then 1/21600th of the distance around the earth. Thus, a nautical mile is 6076 feet. .
A measure of length or distance, containing eight furlongs, 320 rods, poles or perches, 1760 yards, 5280 feet, or 80 chains. The Roman mile was a thousand .
A nautical mile is a distance on the earth's surface of 6080 feet, which is equal to one . A distance equal to 6082.2 feet. A land mile is 5280 feet. .