May 25, 11
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  • Is there a budget surplus? You can find out for yourself. If the National Debt is increasing, then the Treasury Department is borrowing, and there must be a .
  • May 23, 2011 . For many years, the federal government has erroneously cut .
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  • Strange Bedfellows -- Politics News - News about Seattle City Hall, Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, Washington Governor Christine Gregoire, Seattle and King .
  • Apr 8, 2011 . WASHINGTON – A last-minute budget deal forged amid bluster and tough bargaining averted an embarrassing federal shutdown, cut billions in .
  • The Effects of Automatic Stabilizers on the Federal Budget April 21, 2011. An Analysis of the President's Budgetary Proposals for Fiscal Year 2012 .
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  • The federal budget process is similar to the regular legislative process, but it is also . What is the status of the federal budget for the upcoming year? .
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  • Federal Revenue and Spending Chart Book shows trends and growth of government spending, tax and government revenue, debts and deficits, and entitlements .
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  • Apr 8, 2011 . When it comes to women's reproductive health and the federal budget showdown/ shutdown of 2011, there are two issues I think about: fight and .
  • Welcome to the Transparent Federal Budget project! Our goal is to make the political process more transparent, in order to increase public visibility and .
  • CRFB is a bipartisan organization, made up of some of the nation's leading budget experts, committed to educating the public about issues that have .
  • The Center informs the debate over federal budget priorities by analyzing the President's budget and major congressional proposals throughout the annual .
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  • Mar 29, 2011 . Tuesday, March 29, 2011 | 2:58 p.m. - WASHINGTON - The not-so-fruitful negotiations over how to scale down the federal budget have thus far .
  • Apr 8, 2011 . Senator John Kerry today lamented the inability of Washington politicians to reach a compromise on the federal budget and avert a shutdown, .
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  • Federal data since 1962 comes from the president's budget. . On February 12, 2011 we added Federal Budget Analyst to usgovernmentspending.com. .
  • Apr 7, 2011 . As partisan rancor intensified on the edge of a threatened government shutdown, President Obama summoned congressional leaders back to the .
  • May 23, 2011 . Stay up-to-date with late breaking federal budget news and reports.
  • Mar 14, 2011 . Three Florida republican freshmen are among a group of conservatives who oppose further short term budget fixes.
  • Apr 5, 2011 . A federal government shutdown came closer to reality Tuesday, as a White House meeting with leaders in Congress didn't get a compromise .
  • Explore the entire US Federal Budget quickly and easily. Balance the budget to reduce the National Debt. Learn how your Federal taxes are spent.
  • US Federal Budget
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  • "Federal Budget 101" is designed to give you a guided tour of the budget. We outline how the federal government raises revenues and spends money, .
  • A closer look: Last-minute budget deal prevents shutdown of federal government. Published: Saturday, April 09, 2011, 5:20 AM Updated: Saturday, April 09, .
  • Apr 8, 2011 . The federal budget shutdown may actually happen for the first time since 1996.
  • The Next 10 | Concord Coalition Federal Budget Challenge is loading. survey . How did you find out about the Federal Budget Challenge? (Optional) .
  • Michael Linden examines the latest salvo in conservative efforts to balance the federal budget in ways only the wealthy will applaud. By Michael Linden .
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  • Mar 8, 2011 . House majority whip Kevin McCarthy says that Congress will likely need to pass another temporary spending measure by March 18 to avoid a .
  • Mar 17, 2011 . The Senate will vote today to approve a three week budget plan which saves $6 billion, setting the state for what could be a bloody .
  • Feb 24, 2011 . Mr Obama, who proposed a mere freeze on non-security discretionary spending in his budget earlier this month, had threatened a veto of the .
  • Apr 7, 2011 . If Congress can't agree on a budget deal by midnight tomorrow, the government shuts the door on all non-essential services.
  • House Republicans unveil federal budget with aggressive cuts. By Derek Wallbank | Published Tue, Apr 5 2011 4:57 pm. WASHINGTON — House Republicans today .
  • The U.S. federal government budget includes over $3.5 trillion across a range of mandatory and discretionary programs, while the accumulated national debt .
  • "Death and Taxes" is a large representational graph and poster of the federal budget. It contains over 500 programs and departments and almost every program .
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  • Welcome to ibert.org. Your account has been created. You can access your Web site right away using d85856.u21.servmatix.com. Over the next few days, .
  • Apr 8, 2011 . MANCHESTER, N.H. -- Efforts to come up with a spending plan to keep the federal government running are coming down to the wire.
  • Congressional leaders and President Obama headed off a shutdown of the government with less than two hours to spare under a tentative budget deal that would .
  • Mar 24, 2011 . Blame aging Baby Boomers and personal debt for the looming disaster.
  • Mar 2, 2011 . Right now, everything is coming up roses for the Republican Party: It's won the first round of the budget battle, and if the GOP%u2019s .
  • WASHINGTON -- Democrats and Republicans in congress have been able to reach a deal that would allow government workers to still get paid.
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  • The debate over the federal budget and how much to cut has pitted the Republicans and the Democrats against each other.
  • Federal Budget.
  • The Federal Budget. Having emerged from the worst recession in generations, the President has put forward a plan to rebuild our economy and win the future .
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  • Apr 6, 2011 . Those who are trying to convince us that our government is broke and cannot afford to borrow more are, consciously or unwittingly, .
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  • Apr 4, 2011 . On Capitol Hill this week, the fight over the federal budget is being delayed by chimps.
  • Feb 10, 2011 . Purchase print copy of the FY12 Budget from the U.S. Government Online Bookstore . Buy a copy. Find the Federal budget (including issues .
  • What you pay (or don't pay) by April 15, 2008, goes to the federal funds portion of the budget. The government practice of combining trust and federal funds .
  • This does not mean that the federal budget process is unimportant, it is quite important. The rules imposed by the process can help deficit hawks fight the .
  • John Boehner and Harry Reid talk some more budget in the White House. Progress reported. But no final agreement yet.
  • Apr 14, 2011 . The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a spending bill to fund the federal government through September.
  • Budget Results Fiscal Year 2010. Current Issue: April 2011; Next Issue: May 2011 . The release of the MTS is at 2:00 PM on the 8th business day of each month .
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  • Apr 9, 2011 . President Obama is praising lawmakers for reaching a budget agreement . "They can keep their word and consider cutting the federal deficit .
  • The Budget of the United States Government is the President's proposal to the U.S. Congress which recommends funding levels for the next fiscal year, .

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