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Feb 23, 2011 . keywords: their upload photos phone spacific album facebook. I can upload them to an album called "Mobile Uploads" but not any others. .
Feb 24, 2011 . Upload your pictures from your computer easily with its drag and drop feature. Move photos from one Facebook album to another. .
Frequently asked questions about Mobile: Facebook Mobile Uploads (uploading .
May 24, 2006 . and i can't rotate the photos in my mobile uploads album .
FLICKR, FACEBOOK, PICASA & TWITTER UPLOADTo upload your photos to Flickr, . You can choose the target album for Picasa photos. For Twitter uploads, you'll .
Mar 24, 2011 . How to put a mobile uploaded pic to a new album on facebook? . facebook from my phone they would go to the mobile uploads album and I could simply “edit picture” and it would let me move it to whatever album I wanted. .
Aug 4, 2008 . Facebook has a great photo album feature that lets you upload photos into as . . How to move items around in WP-Ecommerce product display .
Aug 11, 2007 . Just google “how to upload from mobile to facebook” or .
Jul 24, 2009 . In a new move, you can now upload your photos and videos to your Facebook account just by . The photos you send via email will go to the "Mobile Upload" photo album by default and follow that album's privacy settings. .
May 25, 2010 . NOW i am unable to move my pics manualy from my mobile uploads to a new album. . Just go to your mobile uploads album on facebook on a computer) and EDIT .
Oct 20, 2008 . How can I upload a photo from my cell phone to change my Facebook profile picture? I know how to upload to the Mobile Uploads album, .
Feb 8, 2009 . Upload Photos from a Mobile Phone to your Facebook Album . want to move pictures from the phone to Facebook, you can use picture messaging .
Jan 19, 2009 . You can upload 100 photos into the Mobile Uploads album. If you add more than 100, a second album is automatically created." – Facebook' .
Jan 19, 2011 . And these photos will get saved in the “Mobile Uploads” photo album of your Facebook account visible to all your Facebook contacts. .
Oct 25, 2009 . Now Facebook allows you to upload photos by email using a email address . it is posted on Facebook, and pictures will go into a "Mobile Uploads" album. Once the photos are on Facebook, you can move them to a new album, .
Oct 13, 2009 . Now if you are not carrying a smartphone but still want to move . the "Mobile Uploads" photo album of your Facebook account visible to all .
We used to be able to easily move pictures from the Mobile Uploads folder .
2 posts - 1 authorYou can upload 100 photos into the Mobile Uploads album. . Please create a new album for more photos, or move photos in the current album to another to .
Oct 11, 2010 . Help Center | Facebook . your mobile phone. The uploaded content will then appear in your Mobile Uploads album. .
When you upload photos to Facebook you can either create and upload an entire album at once . creates albums for your profile pictures and mobile uploads. . A new page opens with the thumbnails of all the photos in your album. . Underneath those options is the option to move your photos to different albums. .
Aug 23, 2010 . When the edit page opens, you can select the “move to” drop down menu — which . Upload Photos from a Mobile Phone to your Facebook Album .
It's easy. just follow these steps and you'll be a mobile uploading pro in no time. . added to a 'Mobile Uploads' album on your Facebook 'Photos' tab. . Now you can upload mobile photos to Facebook, no matter where you are, .
Jul 21, 2009 . Im trying to move 3 photos from one album into my iPhone mobile upload album using facebook (full web, no app) but when i click move next to .
To upload notes to Facebook, you send the message to notes. How do I move pictures from Mobile Uploads to another Facebook album?. Facebook Mobile Picture .
10 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jun 6, 2010For example I have a mobile upload folder, where I send pix from my . Regarding your problem, the 'move picture to another album' seems to .
To upload a picture that you have saved on your computer, move your mouse over your profile . . You can upload 100 photos into the Mobile Uploads album. .
Social Network Websites question: How do you move a photo from one album to another in facebook? Click on your album (i.e. Mobile Uploads) Then click on .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: May 3, 2010A lot of our users simply rename it to 'mobile uploads', 'mobile . Re: Facebook album name. One thing you can do is manually move and .
Aug 10, 2009 . And these photos will get saved in the “Mobile Uploads” photo album of your Facebook account visible to all your Facebook contacts. .
It also creates a new Mobile Uploads album whenever I try to upload any. Can admin please move this thread back to general where other facebook questions .
How do I move pictures from Mobile Uploads to another Facebook album?
Jun 30, 2009 . I know how to move photos between other albums on Facebook, . That album is just for pictures that were uploaded from a mobile device. .
9 posts - 9 authorsNow if you are not carrying a smartphone but still want to move pictures from . And these photos will get saved in the "Mobile Uploads" photo album of your . u ppl can simply use mobile site of facebook m.facebook.com and upload ur .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Apr 1, 2008Having just moved servers I have had to move gigs of uploaded content (hours of fun smile ). . Windows 7 Mobile App Builder . using the facebook photo album for the static jpegs (not gifs) on your canvas pages is a .
Staying in touch with your Facebook friends on the move has never been easier! . A mobile uploads album will automatically be created in your Mobile .
How come my animated GIF profile pic in my Hotmail account wouldn't move? . How do I get my mobile uploads photo album to show up on my facebook profile .
Dec 25, 2009 . How Do You Upload Pictures To Facebook From Your Mobile Phone? . You can create an album and move them out, or add them to an existing .
Mar 25, 2011 . move facebook fan photos to albums how upload Photos facepad . . Mobile facebook photo downloader facebook see hidden album .
How to Move Photos from One Album to Another on Facebook. .
Visit Facebook Mobile to find your unique upload email address. .
May 30, 2010 . This saves you several steps because if you upload to the Facebook Mobile Uploads album you then have to rename the album, then move all the .
1 postMobile Uploads to facebook. Post by Flash3 on Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:55 pm . I can move it afterwards to the old album, but is there a way to set the default .
Mar 16, 2011 . In the past when I uploaded pictures to facebook from. . pictures to facebook from my phone they would go to the mobile uploads album and I . edit picture features but didn't allow me to move it to a different album. .
Go to your profile and move your mouse over your profile picture. Clic. .
12 posts - 2 authors - Last post: May 25, 2010I upload a lot of photos via my iphone, and would - until recently - move them into a different album later on. This is no longer an option.
Sign UpMove photos from one album to others again is on FacebookSign up .
Nov 3, 2009 . and how do i make wall photos as the default album so .
Jan 20, 2011 . A lot of us who use Facebook upload pictures to the Photos application for . using our mobile devices, we end up creating a “Mobile Uploads” album . to make the image your album cover as well as the “Move to” option. .
you can move your mobile uploads to an album. Go to your mobile uploads via . i suddenly am unable to upload photos from my iphone4 to facebook?! it was .
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Dec 6, 2010Once my pics are uploaded to my Mobile Uploads album, I usually 'move' them to another album straight away. Sometimes I wait a few days, .