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The expiration date is really a sell-by date. It's usually good for at least two or three weeks after that. Even then, it usually doesn't go "bad". .
Top questions and answers about Expired-Eggs. Find 22 questions and answers about Expired-Eggs at Ask.com Read more.
Science question: What will happen if you eat expired eggs? Probably nothing will happen. Expired does not mean that illness is assured.
We have the information you need about Eating Expired Eggs. Learn more.
21 posts - 19 authors - Last post: Apr 18, 2009expired eggs? Great Food. . My eggs expired while I was on vacation, 18 of them, expired on 3rd January. can I still use them, if yes, .
Nov 6, 2005 . The Staniscis' expired eggs, on the other hand, were fine. Doyle said that commercially-sold eggs are treated with a disinfectant that keeps .
Do eggs expire | chacha Answers / Raw eggs maintain their freshness for 4-5 weeks after purchase if k. . MORE. click for more.
What happens if you eat expired eggs? / Nothing may happen because the eggs .
Nov 11, 2009. a lawsuit with New York's attorney general for $875000 over the sale of expired eggs, milk, baby formula, and over-the-counter drugs.
Storage of Meats Poultry and Seafood question: How long can you keep expired .
52 posts - 22 authors - Last post: Jun 13, 2005Eggs, pfft, I won't TOUCH the eggs if they're expired. Frozen foods I usually throw out because of freezer burn rather than fear, though. .
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/erikaramberg/3026452144/" title="Kelli with Expired Eggs by e r i k a, on Flickr"><img .
You can see if your eggs are bad by placing them in water. Fresh eggs will .
How to tell if your eggs are fresh and safe to eat without even cracking them open! . Follow these tips and keep your family safe from expired food! .
Apr 5, 2008 . Expired Eggs. I'm hungry. I decided to cook Lucky Me Chicken Noodle. Come to think of it, its been a while since I ate one. .
Sep 28, 2010 . The Buy One Dozen Eggs, Get One Free coupon is back — and it likely won't last long so I'd recommend printing it right away.
10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: May 29, 2009Join the conversation in Expired eggs - p1. Food.com - Talk with your mouth full .
47 posts - 31 authorsI have the secret address of the world famous Official Expired Eggs Recycling Institute (OEERI). It is located in Paris, France. .
Expired eggs?: I have some eggs that expired yesterday. Will one day make a difference? How do you know if an egg has gone bad?
Sep 1, 2010 . Expiration dates on refrigerated food aren't gospel -- they're conservative estimates by food manufacturers to ensure you don't get sick .
Feb 8, 2007 . For best quality, use eggs within 3 to 5 weeks of the date you purchase them. The "sell-by" date will usually expire during that length of .
Can I think myself to having healthy eggs? Did all those years of running away from pregnancy affect my hormones to the degree that the health of my eggs .
12 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Sep 5, 2008so I have eggs that expired about a month and a couple of days ago.. and.. I wanna boil them. I'm starving and have no car with which to get .
Oct 5, 2009 . Did you know that expired eggs float, rather than sink? Grab a bowl filled with cold water and let a few eggs soak in the bowl for two .
Sep 9, 2009 . Can you eat expired eggs The KGB Agent answer: The sell by date is no more than 30 days after the package date. Eggs are good for 4-5 weeks .
Jul 23, 2008 . I usually eat eggs after the stamped expiration date, but when is it . Eggs can be the source of some superb meals, but they can also be the .
May 22, 2009 . May 22, 2009 WIC gives me so many eggs and I keep asking myself, What am I going to do with all these eggs? I cant stop laughing, .
3 posts - 1 author - Last post: Oct 14, 2005Eating expired eggs & drinking old milk. advice? . I'm about to bite into some scrambled eggs that expired almost a month ago. .
I want to make some eggs for the family (nobody is awake yet except for the baby and he can't answer my question ) for breakfast but they say they.
Jul 23, 2009 . In my conversation this week with my friends, one of them actually thought that eggs NEVER expired. When I heard this I found myself for the .
What about the egg in the carton with an expired date? Eggs are one of the hardest things to tell if they are still good. You could.
I had a phone call from my granddaughter a few minutes ago and she was at a friend house. She wanted to know if eggs would be good to eat if the.
Jul 15, 2009 . expired eggs. They expired in May. Truthfully I didn't even know eggs had an expiration date. I mean I guess it makes since that they do, .
Dec 2, 2009 . CVS in court (again) for (even more) expired drugs, milk, eggs, and formula . CVS's sale of expired merchandise isn't a local problem; .
18 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Jun 19, 2007Is it alright to eat expired organic eggs? TiA Kap.
Top questions and answers about Expired-Eggs-Okay-to-Eat. Find 3 questions .
Jan 16, 2008 . Is it dangerous to consume dairy products after their expiration date?
Me and my friend ate half a carton of 4 month expired eggs. will it make us .
6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Apr 10, 2006I have a carton of expired eggs and I wanna fry up some egg whites. Is there any danger in doing so? Thanks for repliesssssssssss .
Me and my friend ate half a carton of 4 month expired eggs. will it make us sick ? we didnt realize that we had ate them untill after we started making . .
Dec 8, 2010 . I learned from a friend (who has had professional culinary training) that as long as eggs are refrigerated, they will last long beyond their .
The date on the eggs is actually the 'sell by' date. Eggs are generally good .
"Expired eggs: I've heard you can eat them beyond their expiration date. Any .
Jan 5, 2010 . I know they have an expiration date but I cant wrap my head .
Cesare vs. Disorder - Expired Eggs EP. Label: Mean. Catalog#: MEAN 003. Format: Vinyl, 12", EP. Country: UK. Released: Mar 2007. Genre: Electronic. Style: .
Mar 11, 2008 . Check out our simple way of testing if your expired eggs should already be thrown.
Sep 29, 2010 . May I tip my hat to former Marietta City Schools warehouse manager Howard Clotfelter who took his complaints about the schools there serving .
What happens if you eat expired eggs? / Nothing may happen because the eggs .
Nov 12, 2008 . I know that each carton has a sell by date on it, but I wonder how long they would still be eatible after that date?
Jun 22, 2007 . i know it sounds gross - but can you use expired eggs .