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3; EO 13514 framework • Executive Order 13514 establishes numerous goals for Federal agencies. • EO 13514 represents a transformative shift in the way the .
Oct 5, 2009 – Executive Order 13514 (PDF 186 KB) expands the energy reduction and environmental requirements of Executive Order 13423 by making .
Aug 16, 2010 – In October, 2009, President Obama issued an Executive Order (EO 13514) that set federal energy efficiency standards. EO 13514 superceeds .
Mar 29, 2010 – The final examination and certificate of completion for the FEMP Introduction to Executive Order (E.O.) 13514 training is now available. .
Oct 5, 2009 – WASHINGTON, DC – Demonstrating a commitment to lead by example, President Obama signed an Executive Order (attached) today that sets .
Mar 1, 2011 – Executive Order (EO) 13423, “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management,” was . Executive Order 13514 .
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Executive Order 13514 "Federal Leadership in Environmental Energy and Economic Performance”
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Executive Order (EO) 13514, “Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance,” · Exit EPA Disclaimer was signed on October 5, 2009. .
Aug 21, 2011 – Executive Order 13514 Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy . fulfilling the Section 12 requirement of Executive Order (E.O.) 13514 for .
Learn how to implement and execute Executive Order 13514 and LEED with a training course or consulting services visit from Everblue Training Institute.
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Executive Order 13514. Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and .
Executive Order 13514 specifies that every federal organization and agency must produce a plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, to be implemented in .
Executive Order 13514 Executive Order (E.O.) 13514; Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance; was signed on October 5, .
On October 5, 2009, President Obama issued Executive Order (EO) 13514 – called Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance .
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Executive Order 13514 continues to keep things interesting in the green building community. With stricter guidelines and regulations EO 13514 is really pushing .
Aug 9, 2011 – Executive Order (EO) 13514, “Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance,” was signed by President Obama on .
Jan 25, 2011 – The Introduction to Executive Order (E.O.) 13514 training provides an overview of definitions, baseline measurements, and other requirements .
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Aug 17, 2010 – Joe Polastre writes: In October, 2009, President Obama issued an Executive Order (EO 13514) that set federal energy efficiency standards. .
60+ items – Executive Order 13514 required Federal agencies to designate .
Released on October 5, 2009, President Obama's Executive Order (EO) 13514 for Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance .
Federal Register Disposition 2009 Executive Orders Signed by President Barack . Signed: January 21, 2009; Federal Register page and date: 74 FR 4669, January 26, 2009; Revokes: EO 13233, November 1, 2001 . . Executive Order 13514 .
The President's Executive Order 13514 mandates that Federal Agencies . 3 calculations for Federal Agencies in compliance with both E.O. 13514 and the new .
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Executive Order (EO) 13514 entitled “Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance” went into effect on October 5, 2009. EO 13514 .
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Executive Order (EO) 13514, "Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance," was signed by President Obama on 5 October 2009. .
Sep 9, 2010 – Executive Order (E.O.) 13514; Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance; was signed on October 5, 2009. .
On October 5, 2009, President Obama signed Executive Order (EO) 13514, to “ establish an integrated strategy towards sustainability in the Federal Government .
Demonstrating a commitment to lead by example, on October 5, 2009, President Obama signed Executive Order 13514, that set sustainability goals for Federal .
1933 - E.O. 6071 - E.O. 6545 (573 Executive orders signed) . .. 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, 2009-10-05 .
Mar 28, 2011 – But tucked into EO 13514 is a provision that requires all Federal Agencies to . The mainstream media hasn't given this executive order much .
May 24, 2011 – Executive Order 13514. Executive Order (EO) 13514, "Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance," was signed .
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Jump to Executive Order 13514: Executive Order (EO) 13514 reiterates the requirement of EO 13423 that federal agencies implement the Guiding .
Executive Order 13514 (EO 13514) requires federal agencies to set GHG .
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Executive Order (EO) 13514; Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 ( EISA 2007); EO 13423; Federal Leadership in High Performance and sustainable .
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Executive Order (E.O.) 13514, "Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance," was signed by President Obama on October 5, 2009 .
The interim rule on green procurement it is a follow-up to President Obama's 2009 executive Order EO 13514 which requires agencies to meet a number of .
Apr 18, 2011 – The American Lung Association has released a new bipartisan survey examining public views of EPA's updating and enforcing clean air .
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Mar 24, 2010 – Executive Order 13514: Environmental Game-changer for Federal . supply base , and Executive Order (EO) 13514's long-term success. .
On October 5, 2009, President Obama signed Executive Order (EO) 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance. This EO .