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1001 Errors exposes the textual manipulations, mistranslations and fiction of the Christian Bible, the New Testament.
Though the Hebrew scribes took tremendous care when copying the Scriptures, some mistakes should be expected due to human error. Many languages of .
Jan 14, 2008 – This is the third and final article in this short series dealing with inerrancy and with the Bible's supposed errors and contradictions. In the last .
Miscellaneous Errors in the Perfect Word of a Perfect God. Errors in the .
Mar 13, 2010 – A correspondent claims there are errors in the Bible, but all of the alleged.
Feb 4, 2009 – The claim of 'errors in translation' has been refuted here ( the site also has a small list of contradictions and errors in the Bible). If one is .
Bible History and Bible errors The Bible tells of very much frustration. First, the Bible says the Creator made a couple and promised that an apple-eater would be .
Aug 12, 2011 – Scholars seek to correct 'mistakes' in Bible. Experts say they're looking to publish the authoritative edition of the Old Testament .
Sep 24, 2007 – The claim that the Bible has errors is frequently just an excuse for not believing. Few who make the claim have read the Bible and actually .
What is WRONG with modern Bibles? Why are there ERRORS in the KJV Bible? Which words have been incorrectly ADDED, mistakenly left OUT and .
Using a circular argument, they say that because the Bible is without error or inconsistency, it must be the work of God, and because it is the work of God, it must .
23 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Mar 8Bibliolaters claim that the Bible is inerrant in every detail, in matters of history, science, geography, chronology, etc., as well as faith and practice .
Bible Translation Errors. by Mary Pearson. This is the original longer version. If you wish to read the shorter version which is suitable for publication and is .
Wallack counts this as "error" in the Bible, but the works of Josephus have also been chopped into chapters that Josephus never imagined. Is that an error? .
Answers to charges of Errors and Contradictions in Sacred Scripture, Old Testament and New. Methods of interpretation and common sense.
Errors in the Bible. Here are a few examples (by no means all, but perhaps most) of what Christian Pharisees demand that we believe as “inerrant” fact: .
Dec 26, 2010 – 19% believe that the Bible consists of ancient fables, history, legends recorded by man. Margin of error was ±3 percentage points. 1 .
Feb 15, 2011 – Does the Bible contain errors? Often the answer depends on the eye of the beholder.
BIBLE MANUSCRIPT ERRORS? For discussion of this subject please join us in the forum by clicking here. Here is a link to the Chapter on the Textual History of .
Zaitzeff reviews Archer's attempt to harmonize contradictions in the Biblical account concerning Asa.
I will first address simple bible mistakes and errors. It's best to get these out of the way before tackling the more difficult sections. A simple mistake would be .
Jul 21, 2011 – But are there errors in the Bible? No. The historic position of the Christian Church , and the position of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church today, .
Did you know that the Hebrew text has many spelling errors that are cleaned up in translations? Here is an example, the first in the Bible: Genesis 8:17- uvekhol .
. is itself an error. Bible error #1: The Earth was formed out of water and by water . . Not only are there errors in the Bible, there are also severe contradictions. .
Internal and External errors in the Bible. An excellent web site by . . Lists of Serious Errors and Contradictions in today's CORRUPTED bible! Did Jesus Appoint .
Therefore there cannot be any errors in the Holy Bible, and it is perfect historically , geographically, scientifically, grammatically and numerically, and "every word .
Jan 27, 2011 – I came across the following chart on page 136 in the new book A Handbook of New Testament Exegesis by Craig L. Blomberg. Heeding .
Oct 22, 2005 – Contradictions within the Gospels, the problem with Assyria and Ninevah, contradictions in the books of Hosea and II Kings, and early views on .
May 27, 2009 – In the Northwest Arkansas Times on Tuesday, a letter to the editor stated: There are no serious contradictions and errors in the Bible.
Are there errors in the Bible? This is a big question that's very difficult answer completely without offending somebody or sounding like I am avoiding the .
Bible Errors and Contradictions - P. Wesley Edwards. (updated 1-Sept-2004). Bible debates, perhaps more than any other debate topic, can become lost in .
Answer: 1 Kings is correct. He had forty thousand stalls. However. In the king james bible, there was a copiest error which said that the king only had 4000 stalls. .
Believers who claim that the Bible has no contradictions or inconsistencies are wrong. The Bible is full of contradictions and inconsistencies, just as we would .
Errors and Contradictions in the Bible? Many Muslims say: The Bible is full of errors and contradictions. My first question would be: Could you please give me an .
Aug 5, 2011 – 15 Responses to Are There Errors in the Bible? G. Kyle Essary August 5, 2011 at 10:54 am #. “who call themselves evangelical”. That made me .
Jun 24, 2005 – And as such, is absolutely free of errors or contradictions. Further, the discovery of errors in the Bible would seem to cast doubt upon the whole .
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Feb 9, 2008 – Dr.Zakir Naik points out the errors in the Bible in public meeting in USA.
She is the one who claims the Bible is inerrant, thus she should demonstrate this. But how? How does one demonstrate a document is without error? At this point .
Does the Bible contain errors, contradictions, or discrepancies? Can we trust that the Bible is 100% accurate in everything it teaches?
Most of the people who contact me for the purpose of arguing for the bible take the position that the bible is without errors of any kind. Not one error, they insist. .
Jun 1, 2011 – "Is this an error -- since insects have six legs, not four, and since "fowl" have two legs, not four? The reference to "fowl" is thought by some .
Jan 12, 2011 – Bible's Scientific Errors. based on a live debate between. Dr. Zakir Naik (a physician & a scholar on Islam). &. Dr. William Campbell (a physician .
Nov 28, 2010 – NIV Bible error - Lucifer AND Jesus are ONE in the NIV. See Isaiah 14:12. . The word "Lucifer" is found one time in the King James Bible. .
Virtually every area of apologetics stands or falls on the Bible. We claim Jesus is the only way because he made that clear in the Bible. We also know that God .
Bible errata. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. Throughout history, printers' errors and peculiar translations have appeared in .
But the difficulties are not due to God's perfect revelation, but to our imperfect understanding of it. The history of Bible criticism reveals that the Bible has no errors .
Errors in the Bible and Christianity. . The Holy Bible · God · Jesus Christ · Essays & Book Reviews · Quotes · Sign Guestbook · View Guestbook · Message Board .
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430+ items – God's killings in the Bible by Steve Wells, the creator of the SAB. .