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KS2 / 3. Scottish levels D / E. The series looks at the situations of 16 children with . Eighteen years later he plans to go inter-railing with six able-bodied mates for . . the everyday lives of people coping with the effects of alcohol and illicit drugs. .
A 12-ounce can of beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, and 1.5 ounces of hard liquor all contain the same amount of alcohol and have the same effects on the body .
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Jun 23, 2010 – KS2 PSHE - Sex, drugs and alcohol Educational Resources for . (Sc2 2g) The effects on the human body of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, .
50+ items – PEC's Lesson Idea Quick Search. Search by Keyword: Keyword .
g. about the effects on the human body of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs .
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Eat a balanced diet that is low in fatty foods Don't smoke (smoking can damage the arteries) Avoid too much alcohol. The effects of exercise on the body .
Alcohol Concern is the national agency supporting alcohol misuse. . . videos, CDs, etc. for foundation stage, KS2, KS3, and KS4 in PSHE, . allows people to calculate how much they are drinking, and learn about how alcohol affects the body. .
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Information for children about drugs and alcohol, subtance abuse and addiction.
Apr 28, 2011 – Alcohol is a drug (a chemical that has an effect on the body, and is not . A young person's body cannot cope with the effects of alcohol and this .
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about the effects on the human body of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, and how these relate to their personal health; about the importance of exercise for .
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Truth: Mixing alcohol can result in side effects, such as upset stomach. . However, the alcohol that goes into your body will come out in some form or another. .
Human Body Elementary. - Human Body Sets . Deadly Highs- Describe the effects of drugs on the human body, both short-and long-term consequences. . Drugs & Alcohol · People We Trust- This lesson plan helps students to identify the .
Alcohol is seen by many as a more socially acceptable drug, but that's not to say it's . bodies contain less water and they also tend to have a different metabolism. . The effects of alcohol on a person can vary, depending on the strength of the .
KS2. Inner Body. Goes through each system of the body. KS2. Alcohol Effects. Animations and lots of text about the effects of alcohol upon the body. KS2 .
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Heroin Effects is here to help save lives. . and heroin effects can be extremely detrimental to a person's mind and body. . Intervention Partners: Coast to Coast Interventions | Drug Alcohol Interventions | 411 Intervention | Drug Intervention .
Lessons on Identifying and dealing with Alcohol Abuse. . Alcohol and Advertising- Students will identify the reasons alcohol is harmful to your body. Alcohol . how drinking alcoholic beverages affects the blood alcohol concentration (BAC). .
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How alcohol affects the body long term - YouTube Apr 17, 2009 - 3 min - Uploaded by BupaHealth
Know the name of the main organs in the human body, what they are for and .
The liver also breaks down unwanted chemicals, such as any alcohol consumed, which is detoxified and passed from the body as waste. More » .
These effects can range from cell damage and enlargement of the kidneys to . Alcohol creates an ionic imbalance in the body that can negatively affect many .
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8. Bonko's Body Quiz. Fun quiz on the effects of Tobacco and alcohol on the body . Unit 9B: Fit and healthy. Lesson objective: Fun .
The facts of addiction to and effects from smoking are detailed here. . and lungs allows students to explore the parts of the body that are threatened by smoking. . Get the facts about drugs and alcohol with these lessons, printables, reference .
To read more about whether the type of alcohol consumed has any effect on . from getting extra folate, since alcohol moderately depletes our body's stores. .
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Do you have all the facts about Alcohol? Theres a lot of confusing info out there! Heres what you need to know about how alcohol affects the body, dealing with .
Feb 17, 2006 – Some of the most serious effects on the body of drinking alcoholic drinks are caused by damage done to the liver by alcohol. If alcohol is .
Fact: a glass of beer, a glass of wine or a mixed drink each have about the same amount of alcohol and the same effect. It takes the body about one hour to .
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Health effects of smoking. Smoking and the body. Cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemicals which react with your body like medicines, only in reverse. .
The Effects of Alcohol Abuse; Talking to Kids About Alcohol; Teaching Kids to Say . maintaining good health and avoiding substances that might harm the body. .
Dr. George H. Tichenor who experimented with the use of alcohol on wounds ca. . this method was inaccurate, and today an antiseptic is judged by its effect on pure . . The body produces its own antiseptics, which are a part of the chemical .
Some of the long-term effects of depressants on the body include damage to .
Aug 17, 2010 – Exercise is beneficial, but what about the effects of tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, . KS2 / International Primary Curriculum (IPC) themes / Different .
KS2 Bitesize banner . Blood helps oxygen get around your body. . Avoiding cigarettes and alcohol, eating right and exercising help your health and fitness. .
Sep 16, 2008 – Effects of alcohol. From the second you take your first sip, alcohol starts affecting your body and mind. After one or two drinks you may start .
Dec 3, 2010 – In whatever form you drink it, alcohol has a similar effect on your body. Those who think they will be all right if they stick to beer or cider and .
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It is easily available, most people never think of it as a drug and if it is consumed to excess it can have a very damaging effect on the human body. Alcohol is not .
. and prescribed medicines, the contents of cigarettes, the effects of smoking on the body, the effects of alcohol on the body and the risks of drinking alcohol.