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by Whitson Gordon
Editable Codex is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge!
Aug 26, 2011 – In this post I'll show an example of using content editable on the website.
fnGetNodes()).editable( '../examples_support/editable_ajax.php', { "callback": function( sValue, y ) { var aPos = oTable.fnGetPosition( this ); oTable.fnUpdate( .
. var elCell = oArgs.target; if(YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(elCell, "yui-dt-editable")) { this.highlightCell(elCell); } }; myDataTable.subscribe("cellMouseoverEvent", .
editable. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to: navigation, search . editable. capable of being edited. This page is editable by anyone. .
EditableGrid is an open source Javascript library aimed at turning HTML tables into advanced editable components. It focuses on simplicity: only a few lines of .
Jun 21, 2011 – These guidelines are intended to serve as a foundation for best practices when creating editable content areas on custom email templates via .
Jan 17, 2010 – I have on my project routes in Global Resource file, so they are editable after deployment and are localizable (one language per web instance). .
Editable DataGrid. Extension » Editable DataGrid . Make it editable. $('#tt'). edatagrid({ url: 'datagrid_data.json', saveUrl: . , updateUrl: . , destroyUrl: . }); .
Creating editable documents from paper copies. It is possible to create electronic versions of paper documents by using the scanner to scan text and convert it to .
Editable Photos . New to Editable Photos? Join today! . About Editable · What is Editable? Media/Press Center · Get Answers · Site Map .
COMBOBOX in HTML: Editable Dropdown using Javascript. One select option is Editable (like a textbox) and the rest are readonly (like a normal .
Editable is an interface for text editing widgets, such as gtk.Entry . The editable class contains methods for generically manipulating an editable widget, a large .
A demo of an editable select list, plugin for jQuery. Read more at http:// coffeescripter.com/2009/07/an-editable-select-list-plugin-for-jquery/ | More code at .
Submitted by SAnandNarayan on June 5, 2011 - 9:15am. This plugin makes an element(input) editable and provides a callback after the user has entered data. .
Apr 4, 2011 – In HTML5 any element can be editable. This feature was introduced a long time ago, but has now been standardized by WHATWG (html current .
Thanks for looking at my jQuery plugin "editable". However, I think you should use jEditable by Mika Tuupola instead. jEditable is a vast improvement on my .
I.e.: A combination of text- and selectbox. You can type in a value or choose from the list. The only thing you have to do to make this work is to add an attribute .
Ajax editable data grid - DHTML grid control with flexibility and user API. Developer can integrate this grid with any server side technology,such as jsp, asp, .
This is the interface for text whose content and markup can be changed (as opposed to immutable text like Strings). If you make a DynamicLayout of an Editable, .
Add features to your map by creating editable layers.
Main Entry: editable. Part of Speech: adj. Definition: capable of being edited; able to be adapted or altered for publication or speech .
There are many cases you need to copy or modify text content in a PDF file. At this time, with a PDF converter, you can make PDF editable with converting PDF .
Aug 6, 2007 – For Drupal 6, you may now use the normal mechanisms in both content type fields and view fields to select that a field should be 'editable'. .
Editable #1: Double-click anywhere in this paragraph to edit its content. . If you press TAB while editing the first editable paragraph on the left, then you end up .
olwidget is a javascript library that makes it easy to add editable maps to forms. It operates by replacing a textarea with an editable map, and writes WKT data .
Editable USA, State, County, World and Globe Maps for PowerPoint Presentations, Web Development, Desktop Publishing, Illustrator, Download to Your .
Commercial ASP component that gives an ASP application a data-bound grid control while keeping the browser ActiveX- and Java-free. By Persits Software, Inc.
bludomain.com/ - CachedMaking Scanned Documents Searchable and Editable - For DummiesYou +1'd this publicly. UndoWhen you scan a document directly into a PDF file, Acrobat captures all the text and graphics on each page as though they were all just one big graphic image.
Jan 13, 2011 – That's right, instantly convert your DVD (VOB) files to editable mpegs! SEN. Note: I do not endorse un-authorized capturing or duplication of .
I am based on Dylan Verheul's editable. For those in hurry . Code above does several things: Elements with class edit become editable. Editing starts with .
Interactive map software for creating clickable, flash interactive maps easily. Use interactive map template or any map image to create interactive world map, .
3D Editable Examples: In this forum you can find and place editable 3D examples. All examples must feature the 3D features of GameMaker. Executables are .
The true state indicates that the element is editable. The inherit state indicates that the element is editable if its parent is. The false state indicates that the .
The Editable regions define which parts of the page content will become editable. There is no option currently to block a page region from editing. To do this, you .
Note: If you are adding an InContext Editing editable region to a page that's based on a Dreamweaver template, the new InContext Editing editable region must .
A Wiki-Editable Resource for Using & Customizing The Thematic Theme Framework. Skip to content. Home · Theme Hooks · Theme Filters · CSS · FAQ · Blog .
MojoMotor Regions. Simply put, a region is an editable area of your Layout. They are identified by adding special CSS classes into your markup. .
Determine which of your application's models should be editable in the admin interface. For each of those models, optionally create a ModelAdmin class that .
JQuery plugin that adds editable functionalities to the data table . JQuery DataTables Editable plugin enhances standard HTML table by adding the following .
Edible Arrangements® delicious fresh fruit baskets and Fruit Bouquets made with chocolate covered strawberries are delightful tasty gifts. Chocolate Dipped .
Mar 6, 2011 – This article shows how a datatable with standard CRUD functionalites (select/ delete data, update single cell, and add new record) can be .
Previous Swing Connection articles have featured the custom component, JTreeTable. This article also demonstrates an enhanced editable JTreeTable.
Convert scanned paper documents to editable files with Smart OCR Software.
Ajax-enabled JavaScript grid component for creating editable DHTML tables with full feature set and server-side integration.
ContentEditable. Any elements with the contenteditable attribute set will have a grey outline as you hover over. Feel free to edit and change their contents. .
10+ items – Free yourself from all paper documents. Readiris 12 – OCR .