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Main Entry: ecolabel. Part of Speech: n. Definition: a label used to mark a
Mar 10, 2011 . It's 33 years since eco-labels appeared, and although they raise awareness and
Jul 1, 2010 . All ecolabels in Ecolabel Index, the independent global directory of ecolabels
The Nordic Ecolabel is the official Ecolabel of the Nordic countries and was
Feb 28, 2011 . BASF's SELECT Eco-Label Manager provides a one-stop place to compare eco-
Whether you are looking for a fair hotel munich (Messehotel München) or Sydney
The European Eco-label also known as “the Flower” due to its flower logo . The
Implemented by the European Union Eco-Labeling Board with representatives
Enabling developing countries to seize eco-label opportunities. Capacity building
Dec 2, 2011 . A recent study done by Deloitte examines the current ecolabeling sector and
This report summarizes the findings of the Global Ecolabel Monitor, a
Learn what environmental labels HP products have qualified or registered for,
E-Learning: How to get the EU Ecolabel for tourism: Campsites and Hotels.
ll width="100%" height="37" border="0" bordercolor="#FFFF99" align="center"
May 25, 2011 . Earlier this month, Sustainable Industries hosted a webinar focusing on what's in
Ecolabels and Green Stickers are labelling systems for food and consumer
The EU Ecolabel is the premier European award for products and services which
minimum substantive requirements of the FAO guidelines for ecolabelling of
The Nordic Ecolabel is the official Ecolabel for the Nordic countries and the EU
Ecolabelling Denmark is situated in the Copenhagen area at Danish Standards
ecolabel is awarded by an impartial third party to products that meet .
Your Eurofins laboratory can advise you which tests are required for the different
Energy Label, Taiwan, ROC profile in Ecolabel Index, the independent global
Fact 1: The Green Key is an ecolabel awarded to tourism and leisure
The European Eco-label distinguishes products that meet high standards of both
Aug 1, 2010 . Eco-friendly fundraising ideas with Green products for schools and non-profit
The purpose of the official Nordic Ecolabel is to have a voluntary common
The Nordic Ecolabel is the official Ecolabel of the Nordic countries and was
Industry and Technology. Ecolabel. About Ecolabel. What is the Ecolabel? Who
determine what the effects of ecolabels are on the environment, trade flows or
The EcoLogo Program is a Type I eco-label, as defined by the International
Jul 16, 2009 . The MSC is delighted to announce the first outcome of our partner support
A large number of BYK additives already meet the requirements of the European
Jul 16, 2008 . The European Ecolabel is a voluntary scheme, established in 1992 to encourage
Here you will find a list of companies awarded the EU Ecolabel for their products
Did you know? The "free-range" label doesn't necessarily mean the animals went
Ecolabel Index is the independent global directory of ecolabels and
Ecolabel UK (Ecolabel) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow Ecolabel UK (
to the EU12 Ecolabel Workshops Project. This web platform is part of the EU-12
Boston-Power is the first and only provider of rechargeable lithium-ion battery
Dec 13, 2007 . An “eco-label” identifies a product that meets specified . labels, including a
META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="At the heart of the EU Ecolabel is the
Ecolabel Conference. Informing Green Markets: The Roles of Industry, NGOs and
'development of an african Ecolabelling scheme'. this is one of the activities . .
Dec 2, 2009 . EUROPA - Summaries of EU legislation - The eco-label aims to promote products
The Blue Flag is a voluntary eco-label awarded to approximately 3650 beaches
Lists, describes, and evaluates environmental-friendliness labels commonly
ICMA's Green Task Force developed the EcoLabel Standard Program through an
Jul 2, 2010 . The sheer proliferation of eco-labeling, certification and recognition programs,
The Nordic Eco-label's goal is a sustainable society through sustainable