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Apr 20, 2011 . The history of Earth Day and the modern environmental movement. Website of Gaylord Nelson, founder of Earth Day. Events for Earth Day 2010.
The complete guide to Earth Day 2011 events throughout the world.
What day does Earth Day fall on in 2011? When is Earth Day 2011? When does Canada and the USA celebrate Earth Day? When does Australia and New Zealand .
Earth Day Crafts for kids. Kindergarten, preschool, and elementary school crafts . Make wonderful, simple crafts with things found around the house.
Apr 17, 2008 . Earth Day turns 38 on Tuesday. That's right. The grass-roots celebration that late Wisconsin Sen. Gaylord Nelson launched in 1970 is very .
An educational, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that promotes environmental awareness and solutions through programs and events.
Earth Day was first observed on April 22, 1970, when an estimated 20 million people nationwide attended the inaugural event. Senator Gaylord Nelson promoted .
Earth Day is the largest, most widely celebrated international environmental event. Earth Day helps celebrate Earth's unique place in the universe. .
Earth Day Los Angeles earthday Santa Monica Venice Beach LA Orange County San Bernardino Riverside Ventura Events activities calendar earthdayla.org .
Welcome to the Earth Day Network Footprint Calculator! Take an important .
Lists how to get involved, news items, upcoming events, and their core issues.
Earth Day is a day that is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural environment. Earth Day was founded by United States .
Share. Mayor's Office of Special Events. Photo Galleries. Earth Day. click photos below for full-sized versions .
www.earthdaytv.net/ - Cached - SimilarEarth Day Canada: -Earth Day Canada is a national environmental communications organization mandated to improve the state of the environment by empowering Canadians to achieve .
An organization dedicated to environmental education and information.
Describes environmental awareness project in which students decorate paper grocery bags with environmental messages for Earth Day.
Ticklish pandas, frolicking penguins, a growling lion, a cascading waterfall, waterfall climbing fish, a fish devouring bear, birds, butterflies, .
DEVELOP student presentations are featured on Earthzine.org in honor of Earth Day. 04.22.11. NASA interns are walking the "go green" walk this Earth Day as .
www.starfall.com/n/holiday/earthday/load.htm?f&n=main - SimilarEarth Day 2011 // Join The Nature Conservancy's Picnic for the . This Earth Day, celebrate the planet we live on with good food and great people. Choose a favorite outdoor location, round up some friends and take the .
Includes history of the celebration, listing of EPA-sponsored events, and other resources.
Apr 23, 2011 . City Repair is an organized group action that educates and inspires communities and individuals to creatively transform the places where .
Earth Day theme printables, worksheets, activities, word puzzles & more to supplement lessons and thematic units.
Be part of the biggest Earth Day yet this April 22. Join us here and on our website, www.earthday.net.
Earth Day 2011 is April 22, and in addition to spending time outdoors, spreading awareness and saving the environment, there's no better way to celebrate .
April 22nd marked Earth Day 2011. This year, we saw an enormous outpouring .
Houston Zoo - Waste Management Earth Day - April 16 and 17 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. It's a Party for the Planet and you're invited! Celebrate Mother Earth and .
Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970, a result of the efforts of Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.), a passionate advocate of protecting the environment and .
Find out what Earth Day is all about, when it is, and how it started.
Celebrate Earth Day 2011 | Environmentalists everywhere will recycle and conserve energy this earth day. Free Guide on recycling.
I was unsure what to expect on the first day of my internship at the Earth Hour office in Sydney. Being an American student studying abroad, I didn't know .
Learn about Earth Day with fun recycling crafts, kids' activities, environmental projects, and planet coloring pages. Great ideas for parents or school .
Apr 22, 2011 . NEW YORK (Reuters) - A virtual forest sprouting on Times Square's renowned billboards, 1000 free rain barrels for gritty city backyards and .
Choose an Act of Green, Ask clergy to deliver an Earth Day sermon. Continue .
on April 22, 1970, Earth Day was held, one of the most . By Senator Gaylord Nelson, Founder of Earth Day What was the purpose of Earth Day? .
Mar 2, 2011 . When is Earth Day 2011? Since 1970, Earth Day has been held on April 22, which this year falls conveniently on a Friday on the fourth .
Earth Day is a Birthday!! Just like a birthday is a special day to celebrate .
Celebrate Earth Day with free online games for kids, Earth Day puzzles .
Click here for the Earth Day Entertainment Schedule. In order for us to offer food, the City requires that dogs not be allowed at this event. .
Today is Earth Day, my favorite holiday. Sure, the spring hunt for organic soy orbs is fun — some call it "Easter" — and I like Jesus' .
Earth Day began on April 22, 1970 and has been an important day ever since. It's a day to reflect on our planet, our environment and what we can do to help .
Earth Day 2009 is on Tuesday, April 22nd. Go green and celebrate the planet .
Air Alliance Houston's Earth Day Houston 2011 was a huge success this year. More than 15000 patrons attended the city of Houston's largest celebration of .
Each year, Earth Day -- April 22 -- marks the anniversary of what many .
Purly Gates' repertoire as a singer/songwriter/educator is as diverse as her experience: from an Earth Day concert at Disney World or a Residency in .
A holiday special, complete with interviews, games, tips for green living, and classroom resources from Time for Kids.
Earth Day presents a huge range of green options, actions, and opinions. It's been happening every April 22 for 41 years now - an impressive record, .
Includes a history of the observance, environmental timeline, a virtual tour of an arctic wildlife sanctuary, and resources for teachers.
environment, nature, economy, peace, people, society, culture, education, entertainment, music, spirituality, lifestyle,