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Jump to Statistics: The youthful driver (under 25 years of age) accounted for 25% of drivers in all crashes in 2009 and 23% of drivers in fatal crashes .
How many people drink and drive every year in the US? Find out with the guide on the latest government DUI statistics at Total DUI.
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2 History of drunk driving laws; 3 Statistics; 4 Typical DUI .
Penalties for drunk driving (DUI) in Florida. . drunk driving florida image . 2006 DUI Statistics. According to Florida DMV records there were 34638 DUI convictions . the penalties in the state of Florida for a first offense DUI, .
Texas drunk driving statistics. Number of drunk driving deaths, accidents .
May 20, 2011 . Key Data & Statistics · Worldwide Injuries & Violence . . From 2000 to 2009, while the number of vehicle miles traveled on . We focus on improving car and booster seat and seat belt use and reducing impaired driving, .
National DUI Statistics | Drunk Driving Laws by State. Drunk Driving Statistics by State. Select a State, Alabama DUI Statistics, Alaska DUI Statistics .
Mar 21, 2011 . Forms, guides, laws, and other information for drunk driving. . Directories include county, state, and national agencies and other non-governmental agencies . Includes statistics, research and promotional materials. .
Jump to Rating the States 2000 - Composite State Grades: The effort to stop drunk driving has never been more successful than it is today . .
Alcohol Stats.com is a website that highlights research on drunk driving, . This section provides state data related to alcohol issues research. .
Looking for your State's Drunk Driving Statistics? Come on in and find your state on the chart.
A DUI defense lawyer will represent your interests and may be able to get your charges dismissed or help you obtain a lighter sentence.
Charts showing Washington drunk driving statistics starting in 1982. . (2) National Conference of State Legislatures, 2004. National drunk driving .
Nov 20, 2008 . In Pictures: How Dangerous Is Your State For Drunken Driving? . Released in August by the National Center for Statistics and Analysis, .
Read State Estimates of Drunk and Drugged Driving, available from SAMHSA's Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. .
View drunk driving statistics and reports, including charts on national trends. View alcohol-related facts broken down by each state and more.
Jan 11, 2011 . Drunk driving related deaths are so often that in US each day someone is . Drunk Driving Statistics : Looking Back as 2009 Comes To an End .
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Florida drunk driving statistics. Number of drunk driving deaths, .
Drunk driving accident statistics from 2009, 2008, 2007, and 2006 for each state in the United States and more stats for auto collisions in Pennsylvania.
by AC Look - Related articles
A page dedicatd entirely to driving statistics. . there are statistics on anything and everything from drinking and driving statistics, automobile accident statistics, auto theft statistics, state driving statistics, and more. .
Find DUI DWI Drunk Driving Arrest statistics here. . The Impaired Driving State Cost Fact Sheets were developed by Dexter Taylor, Ph.D., Ted R. Miller, .
Charts showing New York drunk driving statistics starting in 1982. . which was the highest percentage for this state since recording began. .
Aug 28, 2009 . A collection of interesting drunk driving facts, including statistics, history, and legal enforcement.
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State releases St Patrick's Day DUI figures. March 21, 2008 . You are currently browsing the archives for the DUI Statistics category. .
For more state-by-state information on DUI laws and statistics, check out our interactive map above. Sources: http://www.iihs.org/laws/DUI.aspx#3 .
Michigan State Police - Michigan Drunk Driving Audit for 2008 is now available. . Publications,Forms & Statistics. > Publications .
Statistics. This year, 10839 people will die in drunk-driving crashes - one every 50 minutes. (NHTSA, 2009) Full cite: National Highway Traffic Safety .
Jump to Impaired & Distracted Driving: In 2008, 11773 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one .
Apr 8, 2009 . Washington State DUI statistics for 2008, which includes cases in Seattle and Bellevue.
Drunk driving research and facts, including national statistics on .
Apr 24, 2008 . The report was based on state level information on DUI and DWI incidents and pervasiveness, as well as data from the National Surveys on .
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State-by-state statistics on drunk driving and underage drinking, including .
Dec 30, 2010 . Iowa Drunk Driving Stats. Let's look at the State of Iowa for example, 22 percent of traffic fatalities in 2008 were alcohol related and .
Alcohol Stats.com is a website that highlights research on drunk driving, underage drinking, . State Information. Click On A State To View State Charts .
Colorado Law has compiled 2009 DUI car accident statistics for Colorado. Read the report to see trends for alcohol-related traffic deaths in each county.
Jump to Statistics: Statistics ▲. CDC: National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month . All 50 states: NHTSA: State Traffic Safety Information .
Did you know that hundreds of people die each year in Washington State drunk driving accidents? Or that more than one out of three fatal traffic accidents .
Most recent drunk driving statistics compiled from various sources. . Drinking and driving fatalities by state in 2008 (ranked by highest number of .
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is a non-profit organization in the United . Dole, every state and the District of Columbia capitulated by 1988 (but not the . . According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety .
Alcohol-related fatalities in Oklahoma have increased since 2005. See McIntyre Law's compiled county-specific drunk driving accident data.
DUI Statistics in each State. The DUI statistics tell the story - 32% of all traffic fatalities in the United States are caused by drunk drivers. .
California DUI Statistics. Each year in California there are approximately 200000 . Penalty: 1st Offense - 90 days to 1 year county jail, or state prison , .
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Drunk driving statistics can be a real eye opener, considering the impact of drinking and driving upon everyone on the road. Compelling state wide DUI .