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Demonstration of how to use the Draggable Views module to arrange content in an.
Oct 29, 2010 – The DraggableViews and Nodequeue modules both allow you to arbitrarily/manually order your nodes but with a few slight differences in design .
Nov 15, 2010 – If you support draggable annotation views in iOS 4.0 and later, your subclass is responsible for changing the value in the dragState .
DraggableViews. Johan Falk tors, 2011-05-12 01:02. Learn Drupal: . Modules for sustainable website building: 8 Views modules .
Sep 12, 2010 – DraggableViews is a handy way of managing manual sorting in Views lists. By enabling the CCK features in the module you can also use it to .
draggableviews-view-draggabletable-form.tpl.php, 19-Aug-2009 13:28, 292. [ ], draggableviews-view-draggabletable.tpl.php, 27-Aug-2010 15:08, 1.9K .
Jan 2, 2011 – This is a placeholder for a quick demo screencast showing how book structures could be managed with DraggableViews. .
Re: This "draggableviews" module. #1 Submitted on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 19:27 Top. remaye · remaye's picture. Joined: 01/08/2010. Juice: 46 .
Jan 17, 2011 – In the work that I describe here, I actually have the views moving. The key was to have a custom ViewGroup to coordinate drag and drop .
Jan 6, 2011 – The DraggableViews module can be used to organize simple .
Dec 16, 2010 – Support for draggable map annotations is very useful in a location aware application. You will not always have the network connectivity you .
Jul 3, 2011 – For more information about this repository, visit the .
Draggable Views Caching Drama. March 14, 2011 by Kevin Cook in . Just wanted to give you a little heads up on an issue I ran into with draggable views. .
drag(string $id, array $options) Makes a Draggable element out of the DOM element specified by $id. For more information on the parameters accep.
Jul 15, 2008 – DraggableViews makes rows of a view "draggable" which means that they can be rearranged by Drag'n'Drop. This module makes it possible to .
Aug 8, 2009 – Drupal's Draggable Views module makes it possible to create tables with Ajax- style drag and drop rows. Each row has a "handle" that makes it .
Map pin drag and drop. hi all i am using android How to make pin of map annotation drag and drop? is there any code or module for this ? 113 views .
DraggableViews, you are a beautiful thing after a steeeeep learning curve. # drupal #rewardwithbeer http://drupal.org/node/283498.
I have a Draggable View which uses an Argument to get the node ID from the .
2 answers - Jan 17I want to have a view in which there are vehicles driving around that the user can also drag and drop. What do you think is the best .
This is a placeholder for a quick demo screencast showing how book .
Draggable Views, a UI sanity saver! Submitted by CrashTest_ on Sat, 12/26/2009 - 21:11. In many instances, I have seen drag and drop (dnd) ordering, .
<?php // $Id: draggableviews.install,v 2010/01/11 10:36:31 sevi Exp $ / ** * @file * Draggableviews defines a new database schema * for saving the .
Jul 25, 2009 – DraggableViews gives you the ability to create a table view and order the rows by dragging them to your desired order. The module is in .
[TXT], draggableviews-view-draggabletable-form.tpl.php, 14-Apr-2011 03:05, 292. [TXT], draggableviews-view-draggabletable.tpl.php, 14-Apr-2011 03:05, 1.9K .
Feb 11, 2010 – Draggableviews module provides a style plugin for views. * With this plugin rows become draggable and can be organized in complex structures .
Draggableviews processing functions. Rough summary of what functions in this .
Jun 5, 2009 – Add a reference to the DragDropManager assembly in your Shell project, and to the modules that will enable draggable views. .
<?php // $Id: draggableviews.inc,v 2009/08/21 14:47:09 sevi Exp . .. FALSE) { drupal_set_message(t("Draggableviews: A cycle was found. .
Sep 12, 2010 – DraggableViews is a handy way of managing manual sorting in Views lists. By enabling the CCK features in the module you can also use it to .
Draggableviews module provides a style plugin for views. With this plugin rows become draggable and can be organized in complex structures. .
May 2, 2011 – Subscribe to RSS - drupal draggable views. drupal draggable .
DraggableViews gives you the ability to create a table view and order the rows by dragging them to your desired order. The module is in heavy development .
DraggableViews Drupal module. DraggableViews makes rows of a view draggable which means that they can be rearranged by Drag'n'Drop. This module.
Jul 21, 2010 – iOS4 Map Kit – Draggable Annotation Views. Main Screenshot. Finished Product.. The new iOS4 update included many updates to the frameworks .
Feb 2, 2011 – Why draggable view ? The draggable view module is great. It allow to reorder elements in a specific way which is not logical but is .
Apr 22, 2010 – Fix for Not Working: Draggable Views as a MENU_LOCAL_TASK . draggable admin view path == ourteam/config. // I want a MENU_LOCAL_TASK that .
May 2, 2011 – Sure enough, I found what I was looking for: the Draggable Views module. A user interface element created with Draggable Views. .
Jul 15, 2008 – DraggableViews makes rows of a view "draggable" which means that they can be rearranged by Drag'n'Drop. This module makes it possible to .
4 package = Views\r. 5 core = 7.x\r. 6 \r. 7 files[] = draggableviews-view- draggabletable-form.tpl.php\r . 15 files[] = views/draggableviews.views.inc\r .
I'm using Drupal 7 and have started using Draggabl…
Sep 24, 2010 – With DraggableViews you only need 2 page loads (2 clicks). Another nested book page · 1. child page · 3. child page · 2. child page .
Jul 15, 2008 – DraggableViews makes rows of a view "draggable" which means that they can be rearranged by Drag'n'Drop. This module makes it possible to .
Oct 7, 2010 – Is there an advantage to doing this over Views + Draggable Views (http://drupal. org/project/draggableviews)? This is a good tutorial for .
Mar 25, 2011 – Draggable views D7 demo. ygerasimov 4 videos. Subscribe Alert icon Subscribed. Sign In or Sign Up now! Loading. Alert icon .
First Add to Cart Views Field Doesn't Function with DraggableViews, active .
A quick overview on how to use Flag, Flag Weights and DraggableViews.
Grouping DraggableViews, needs work, normal, feature requests, 7.x-1.x-dev .
<?php // $Id: draggableviews.module,v 2010/10/19 21:10:03 dixon Exp $ / ** * @file * Draggableviews module provides a style plugin for views. .
Aug 28, 2010 – DraggableViews works in a similar way, providing a numeric field that can be used as the sort criteria, and a draggable table view that can .