Other articles:
getValue(item, "url"), target: "_blank" }, mapCell ); dojo.create("img", { src: store.
Here is what I have now: var src = new dojo.dnd.Source(titleBar, {creator: function
dojo.query(dojo.create("img", { src: img }, dojo.body())) .onload(fn).onerror(fn) ?
var r1d1r1 = dojo.create("tr", {}, r1d1); //create a row in the column var r1d1r2 =
Aug 17, 2010 . Create a Simple Dojo Accordion. Let's be honest: even .
Jun 22, 2011 . You need to create an HTML file and collect the Dojo Toolkit to be placed . .. to
Jun 25, 2011 . getElementsByTagName('img');//Get images contained var current = 0; //Create
I made this: c1= new dojo.dnd.Source("target"); d=dojo.create("div"); e=dojo .
Feb 3, 2010 . forEach(photoData, function(photo){ dojo.place(dojo.create("img", {src: "http://
Aug 27, 2010 . Image gallery in 4 lines of code with MooTools and Dojo . Recently I wrote
Aug 25, 2011 . alt: "img", style: { width: '35px', height: '35px' } }, r1d1r1); dojo.create("a"
Aug 12, 2009 . In this article I am going to discuss how to create an image element using dojo
getValue(item, "unescapedUrl"), target: "_blank" }, imgCell); dojo.create("img", {
Aug 11, 2009 . Dojo: Creating image using dojo script. Dojo provides numerous functionality like
The following code fragment is from Dojo nightly archive and shows how dojox.
Dojo makes it easy to create your own reusable controls programmatically,
selectedItem = item; var tempHTML = dojo.create("div"); tempHTML.innerHTML =
Feb 3, 2010 . dojo.forEach(photoData, function(photo){ dojo.place(dojo .
Jul 13, 2011 . <script type="text/javascript"> dojo.addOnLoad( function() { dojo.query("[aria-
Testing Ajax requests. Echo apis are created to simulate Ajax calls: /echo/json/
Aug 23, 2010 . Dojo Flickr. The Dojo Toolkit is a treasure chest of great JavaScript classes. You
Mar 9, 2011 . David Walsh Blog wrote a note titled Create a Dojo Lightbox with dojox.image.
var r1d1r1 = dojo.create("tr", {}, r1d1); //create a row in the column var
Feb 24, 2011 . The following code uses dojo.forEach to craft a function called beersToDOM
Create an image element just to find out the image // dimension before adding it
Creating ver simple draggable and collapsible panels using Dojo. . Web 2.0
return dojo.create("img", { load: onload, src: url }); onload(); } bodyImg = create(
Mar 9, 2011 . Lightbox , a great solution if you're looking to create a reliable, elegant Lightbox
writeIncludes(); </script> </head> <body> <button dojoType="Button" onclick='
getValue(item, "url"), target: "_blank" }, urlCell); var thumbnail = dojo.create("img",
Nov 6, 2010 . var td = dojo.create('td', {'class': 'on'}, tr);. if ((x + y) % 2 == 1) {. dojo.
addClass('okButton') .connect('onclick',appendDeleteGood); var minus_img =
appendChild(dojo.create('div', {innerHTML:"This Uploader does not work in . {
registerWidget('admin_group', function (params) { var rEl = dojo.create('div .
Aug 25, 2011 . alt: "img", style: { width: '35px', height: '35px .
Jul 8, 2011 . To simply display an image, there's no need to use a particular Dojo component.
Oct 21, 2011 . thumbnailUrl, - onerror: "this.src='" + folderUrl + "';", width: '100%'},
Jul 13, 2011 . getMetaData("com.ibm.portal.PageIcon"); var focusNode .
Aug 25, 2011 . The solution is to use the RemoteTestRunner nunit class and .
_getContent(_19)},li); dojo.create("span",{"class":_15,innerHTML:"<img src .
Oct 18, 2011 . dojo.create("div",{id:'bigtext',align:'left',innerHTML:"<a href='http://www.
insertNodes(false, [{icon:dojo.create("img", {src:"action.png"})}]); new .
The changes we make will be very similar to the ones we . var imgAttachment =
Form"); dojo.require("dojo.io.iframe"); dojo.require("dojo.data. . .. innerHTML: '<
Choose add Browse the resource folder for new added image. 2. Now. DOJO+
Dec 19, 2009 . var imgArrow = dojo.create("img", { src: "_images/arrow.png", title: "my arrow!" },
We can create our own widget by following a simple series of steps. Create some
Feb 10, 2010 . Lightbox uses this technique dojo.create("img", { id: "myimage", src: "/path/to/my/